It is to expose liars and phonies that I did more than a decade ago. It originally comes from Power Spells by Lexa Rosean It’s called the poser exposure spell. I modified it slightly to call upon local spirits which I sometimes work with.
The poser exposure spell
- one onion
- a small offering of coins or juice or a little wine or something for the local spirits.
You carve the name on an onion.
I added a step where I asked in the name of the gods and my will this onion be my lying thieving ex friend.
Then you cut the onion and rip away the layers (you can wear sunglasses to prevent crying). As you are doing so you will that you are tearing away the energetic fronts that they put up in order to deceive people until the core truth is exposed.
It’s kind of like dispelling a glamour.
Then you take the pieces and throw them in a natural spot.; As the onion rot so does the deception.
I took it a step further and asked the nature spirits living in the park to assist me and I left an offering.
The ex friend I did this to, lost all of her friends (because they found out she was deceiving them too) and she was kicked out of her house. She had to move back in with her mother. Previously this friend was very very good at playing the victim and getting people to help her.

when is the best time and day to do this spell , thanks
I performed this spell earlier this week to expose the lies and manipulation of a woman who’s constantly meddling in my love life. I was not gentle peeling apart the layers and infused my anger with her creating quite a mess of the onion. I buried it in the woods and offered coins, small cup of vodka, and 3 rose petals (felt like right thing to do) to nature spirits as Jason suggested. Next day rabbits and squirrels entered my mediation and couple days later a large grey wolf entered as well. I’m confident that means I was heard. Thank you for the post!
Thank you for sharing your experience with this spell. I hope you will tell us about your end result soon. BWS xox