Abaddon is a Hebrew term which implies destruction. Its Greek translation is Apollyon while its Latin counterpart is Exterminas. The term Abaddon is used interchangeably as either an underworld realm where the dead reside or as the title of a prominent fallen angel. The latter is especially true for Christian texts where Abaddon is mentioned extensively – he is rightly associated with destruction and suffering.
Within the New Testament, Abaddon is described explicitly within John’s prophecy of the Seven Trumpets. He states, “they have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abbadon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon” (Revelations 9:11). This is in reference to his leadership of the army of locusts sent forth to ravage humankind. The abyss is said to open after the Fifth Trumpet has blown whereupon hordes of these torturous locusts will be dispersed across the earth.
Abbadon’s army of locusts is meant to torture humans who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They resemble men with the bodies of horses, long flowing hair, iron breastplates, tapered teeth like lions, and tails with scorpion stings at the ends. Their primary item of torture is the scorpion sting which they will use to cause excruciating pain to non-believers or people who were not righteous.
History of Abbadon
Abaddon is one of the demons who was previously an archangel. The name Abaddon is synonymous with destruction hence his manifestation as the King of Locusts – an admittedly destructive force. As previously mentioned, Abaddon is also used to describe a bottomless pit or abyss. The name is also used to mean a part of hell often referred to as “Gehenna” in most Christian texts or an abode of the departed souls.
Abaddon is thought to be the angel of death as he was unleashed upon the earth to torture errant human souls and bring them suffering. He is not permitted to kill expressly, instead causing sinners to suffer for five months. Some texts imply that Abaddon is the actual leader of the fallen angels and not Lucifer. Other texts refer to him as the angel of death albeit marginally. Still, some texts imply that Abaddon and Lucifer are the same being or deity.
Other Christian texts, such as the Jehovah’s Witness scriptures, posit that Abaddon is actually a representative of the Almighty. This is allegedly evidenced by his possession of the key to the bottomless pit or abyss. In fact, these scriptures suggest that Abaddon could actually be the resurrected mythical son of God – commonly referred to as Jesus within the New Testament. His acts of destruction are thus committed at the Almighty’s bidding causing many to posit that Abaddon is actually an angel and not a demon.
Gnostic texts also hold a differing view of Abbadon within the Acts of Thomas. They posit that it is he who gathered the dirt which was used in the creation of the first man – Adam. As consistent with the important role he played in the creation of man, Gnostic texts posit that he is also tasked with the collection of souls and ferrying them to their place of judgment. This commissioning of an angel to torture sinners is noticeably at odds with the perception of God as a merciful and all-loving deity.
Rank: King of the 7th hierarchy of Demons
Planet: Saturn / Pluto
Color: Black
Abbadon has both a demonic form and a human form. As a demon, he appears as a powerful giant with wings and a tail. He is heavily clad in amour and leads a horde of ravenous locusts.
As a humanoid, he is very attractive with fair skin, a tall frame, a scorpion tail, and a horse’s body. He is described as being averse to ridicule and sarcasm due to his poor temperament.
The “demonic enns” of Abbadon
Es na ayer Abbadon avage.
The sigil of Abbadon

Attributes of Abaddon
- Abbadon is usually summoned in order to solve love related problems.
- He is usually tasked with the elimination of obstacles that start in the way of love.
When to summon Abaddon
Abaddon can be summoned on Saturdays during the correct hour. He is summoned in order to smoothen any obstacles that may stand in the way of love.
How to summon Abaddon to solve love issues
Items required:
- Black candle
- Statue of a warrior
- Symbols of war such as weaponry
- Abaddon’s sigils
Ritual time: Saturn’s planetary hour
- His Plutonian and Saturnian influences imply his destructive power and protection is thus important.
- He is a master of karma and this must also be considered.
- This invocation should not be done out of curiosity and one should be sure / experienced to even try evoking Abbadon
- Draw a neat magic triangle.
- visual a protection circle and open it.
- Light the black candle and place it in the center of the triangle.
- Make the following recitation
“My black angel, who has fallen from the sky, surrounded by flames, with his glittering sword you have kept me on the hottest fire of the abyss where you trained me against all evils.
May my enemy never afflict me!
Oh, My Creator!
Archangel of the seven wings that came to my aid, consecrate me and eliminate any weakness that I may have before my enemy!
Show no mercy, pity, and compassion before him who rises against me.
Totally annihilate the purest feeling, only leaving my hatred for the utter annihilation of my enemy.
Everyone who tries to stand up against me, when they look at my face, may they tremble and fall before my feet;
Oh! Lord of destruction, Father of all pestilences, listen to the cry of this son and
fulfill my cry for vengeance.
Drag those that I whispered in your ear through the wind, and annihilate them!
Winged Guardian, protect this son and do justice against all my enemies!
So be it!
So be it!” - Saying his enn three times invokes his appearance.
- After consulting with the demon, it is important to praise the demon before dismissing him.