Abaddon: The Exterminating Angel

According to the Hebrew tradition, Abaddon means “perish”, “place of destruction” and “destroyer”. In the Apocalypse, the Greek name of the destructive angel Abaddon is “Apollyon” which is none other than the name of the famous sun god Apollo (Apollon, Apollyon).

Also, according to Saint John, Abaddon appears as the Exterminating Angel, the Angel of Death, the King of the locusts and King of the Abyss. In demonology, Abaddon is the King of the demons of the 7th hierarchy so in other words, he is a powerful demon.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls, Abaddon is mentioned in the context of a place called Sheol or Hades where the wicked are kept after their death till the final day of judgment.

Attributes of Abaddon

As an Angel:

In the beginning, Abaddon was the most beautiful archangel, long before he was transformed into a demon. At that time, he was an archangel of divine justice who was responsible for punishing sinners. When he saw that humans were constantly committing sins, he requested for the permission to destroy man but unfortunately, his request wasn’t granted. Due to anger he decided to disobey God and came down to earth and destroyed thousands of humans including the innocent.

When Archangel Michael discovered what was going on, he descended to earth and fought against Abaddon. After the defeat of Abaddon, he was banished and cast into the abyss and would be released on the last day to destroy sinners.

Abaddon 17

In his human form:
Abaddon is tall, agile, precise, fast, discreet, very beautiful, and he has a white skin. He has a human face, with the tail of a scorpion and a horse-shaped body. He is referred to as a strange man who experiences different mood swings; passionate and tender, but at the same time he can be a violent sadist.

The reason for his moody and nostalgic temperament is still unknown. He cannot tolerate ridicule and sarcasm. On many occasions, he behaves in a somber way, as if concealing something from himself or from some other entity.

He is as thirsty for blood as for women. He is attentive to every detail. Abaddon thinks before each action, he prefers coming out at night because the sun disturbs him a little.

In his demonic form:

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Abaddon is extravagant, crazily thirsty for power, blood and very destructive. He is a powerful giant in his demonic form, not very handsome, has four arms, two legs, a pair of wings and a tail.

In this form, he is dressed in a loincloth with a shell in the head of the triceratops. He also has black armor that covers a good part of his body and face. It sticks to the skin, but in addition to being light it is very resistant and made of an unknown material.

When Can You Summon Abaddon?
In witchcraft and magic, Abaddon can be summoned to solve a love conflict. Indeed, the wizards consider that Abaddon can attack a rival and smooth out all the obstacles standing in the way of love. It seems a little whimsical, but if you think that Abaddon is the demon figure of Apollo, it becomes a little less.

Indeed, Apollo was unquestionably the most beautiful of the Greek gods, but despite his great beauty, he never found love. This may explain why Abbadon is called upon in a ritual of love.

Abaddon has an alignment with Saturn/Pluto. You can work with him on Saturdays and at the correct hour. The basic items needed for preparing the altar include; a black candle, symbols of war e.g. sword, the statue of a warrior to represent him, his sigils, and your oration which should be recited in threefold.

When working with him, you must note that due to his Saturnian/ Plutonian influence, he has destructive powers/ skills and he is skilled in karmic endeavors. You can summon Abbadon using his traditional enn chant – “Es na ayer Abbadon avage”.


My black angel, who has fallen from the sky, surrounded by flames, with his glittering sword you have kept me on the hottest fire of the abyss where you trained me against all evils.
May my enemy never afflict me!
Oh, My Creator!
Archangel of the seven wings that came to my aid, consecrate me and eliminate any weakness that I may have before my enemy!
Show no mercy, pity, and compassion before him who rises against me.
Totally annihilate the purest feeling, only leaving my hatred for the utter annihilation of my enemy.
Everyone who tries to stand up against me, when they look at my face, may they tremble and fall before my feet;
Oh! Lord of destruction, Father of all pestilences, listen to the cry of this son and
fulfill my cry for vengeance.
Drag those that I whispered in your ear through the wind, and annihilate them!
Winged Guardian, protect this son and do justice against all my enemies!
So be it!
So be it!


  • https://www.demonicpedia.com/ demons/judeo-christian- demons/abaddon/
  • http://darksiders.wikia.com/wiki/Abaddon
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abaddon

4 thoughts on “Abaddon: The Exterminating Angel

  1. Pinksockamus says:

    Forgive me but I posted my comment before reading his death spell. I am still interested in hearing how easy it is to work with him though. If anyone has, what was the experience like?

  2. Pinksockamus says:

    Hello BWC, would anyone by chance have the sigils for Abaddon & does anyone have experience working with him? What is his temperament? How easy is he to work with?

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