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Agares is a fascinating figure within demonology, particularly in the context of the Goetia, a section of the “Lesser Key of Solomon,” a 17th-century grimoire that details various demons and their characteristics.

Overview of Agares

Title and Rank: Agares is often depicted as a Duke of Hell and is said to command thirty-one legions of demons. His rank and power suggest significant authority within the infernal hierarchy.

Appearance: Traditionally, Agares is described as an old man riding a crocodile and carrying a goad or staff. His appearance signifies wisdom and mastery over language and communication.

Key Attributes

  1. Wisdom and Knowledge: Agares is renowned for imparting knowledge, particularly in the realm of languages. He is believed to teach people how to speak and understand different tongues, making him a guide for scholars and linguists.

  2. Communication: As a spirit of communication, he assists in resolving misunderstandings and fostering clearer interactions among people. He can be invoked to help in negotiations or when clarity is needed in discussions.

  3. Power Over Time: In some interpretations, Agares has control over the passage of time, allowing him to assist those seeking to retrieve lost time or opportunities.

  4. Teaching and Education: He is often associated with providing teachings that are not just linguistic but also philosophical, helping individuals gain a deeper understanding of various subjects.

  5. Protection: He can provide protection against enemies and malicious actions, as well as help recover lost items or communicate with those who may be a threat.His protective abilities extend to both physical and spiritual realms, creating a shield against harmful influences.

Historical Context and Origin

Agares is rooted in medieval demonology and has ties to earlier mythological figures. His name may derive from the Latin word “agere,” meaning “to act,” suggesting a role in facilitating action and communication. In various texts, he appears alongside other demonic figures and is often included in the broader context of the occult practices of the time.

How Agares Helps Humans

  1. Teaching Languages: One of the most prominent examples of Agares’s assistance is his ability to teach languages. Historical accounts and practitioners report that invoking him has led to increased fluency in foreign languages or enhanced communication skills.

  2. Conflict Resolution: People have sought Agares’s help in mediating disputes. By calling upon him, individuals have reported more successful negotiations and resolutions to conflicts, whether in personal relationships or business dealings.

  3. Academic Guidance: Scholars and students may invoke Agares for inspiration and clarity in their studies. His influence is believed to enhance one’s ability to learn and comprehend complex subjects.

  4. Creative Endeavors: Artists, writers, and musicians have also sought the aid of Agares to foster creativity and communication in their works, leading to more profound artistic expression.

Examples of Invocation

While specific historical examples of Agares’s direct intervention are scarce, practitioners of ceremonial magic have documented their experiences with him. Many have shared anecdotes of significant improvements in language skills after dedicated rituals or meditations focused on him. Others have noted that invoking Agares before important discussions or negotiations resulted in smoother communication and successful outcomes.

Grimoire History in Detail

Agares stands out as a multifaceted figure within demonology, embodying the attributes of wisdom, communication, and knowledge. His historical roots and the examples of his influence reflect a rich tradition of seeking assistance from spiritual entities for guidance and clarity. Whether viewed as a mythological character or a powerful archetype, Agares remains a compelling symbol of the quest for understanding and effective communication.

According to the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Agares is one of the 72 demons that were bound to a brass vessel by the Judeo-Christian king Solomon. The Lesser Key of Solomon also cites Agares as being one of the bound demonds. Agares is able to teach languages in addition to retrieving those who run away and causing earthquakes. He is also able to grant noble titles if one so wishes.

Agares oversees the eastern part of hell being only second in command to Oriens. The Dictionnaire Infernal cites Agares as one of the Great Dukes of hell with dominion over 31 legions of lesser demons. He is able to overthrow all manner of dignities temporal or supernatural as well as reversing all manner of situations.

The Ars Goetia places Agares as belonging to the Order of Virtues as an angel initially. He is in essence the second demon mentioned of the 72 demons contained within the Ars Goetia. The Grand Grimorie places him as a subordinate of the archdemon Lucifuge Rofocale.

Agares is a day demon who is strongest between March 25th to March 29th. The grimorie of Pope Honorius cites that he is a subordinate spirit although this is debatable. Agares is also associated with the Qabbalistic Sephirah of Binah – it is worth noting that Binah is thought to be the embodiment of nurturing as the Great Mother Figure.

Agares was derived from the Greek god Argus and serves as his allegory to the present day. The Greek god Argus was described as an all-seeing male with an estimated 100 eyes. Furthermore, Argus was an obscene giant which is directly at odds with the perception of Agares as a comely female with angelic features and flowing blonde hair.

Key correspondences

Agares from Collin de Plancy «Dictionnaire Infernal», Paris, 1863.

Rank: Great Duke / Duchess of Hell

Mineral: CopperCan you corresponden

Planet: Mars / Mercury

Element: Air / Fire

Direction: East

Zodiac: 5 – 9 degrees of Aries

Tarot: 2 of Rods / 3 of Wands

Plant: Carnation

Animal: Tiger

Color: Red


Agares manifests as a comely old man riding atop a crocodile whilst holding a hawk in his hand. He is bearded and has a relatively small frame causing some to describe him as decrepit. There as also reports of him appearing as the man solely without the crocodile or hawk in tow.

There are other accounts which posit that he manifests as a very beautiful young lady. In such an instance, the manifestation is said to be very friendly and angelic. The lady form of Agares has light blonde hair with white angelic wings growing out of her back.

From these deductions, it is plausible that Agares is an androgynous entity and can thus be accorded the ranks duke or duchess according to the manifestation. In the form of the old man he is regarded as a duke while the demon is considered a duchess when the manifestation is female.

The “Demonic Enns” of Agares

Rean ganen ayar da Agares

Using the enn “Rean Ganen Ayar da Agares” provides a direct method to connect with Agares and draw upon his energies for your intentions.

Using the Enn

  1. Preparation: Create a sacred space for your ritual. This can include setting up an altar with items that represent Agares, such as candles, incense (like frankincense), and any symbols or sigils associated with him.

  2. Grounding: Before beginning the ritual, take a few moments to ground yourself. Breathe deeply and focus on your intention for summoning Agares.

  3. Chanting the Enn:

    • Stand or sit comfortably in front of your altar.
    • Begin to chant the enn:
      "Rean Ganen Ayar da Agares."
    • Repeat it several times (generally 3, 7, or 9 times) to build energy and deepen your connection.
  4. Focus on Intent: As you chant, visualize the qualities associated with Agares—such as strength, protection, and the overcoming of obstacles. Concentrate on what you seek from him.

  5. Engagement: Remain open to any insights, messages, or sensations that may arise during your chanting.

  6. Closing the Ritual: After you have finished your invocation, thank Agares for his presence and assistance. Extinguish your candles and offer any final thanks or gestures of respect.

The Sigil of Agares

Attributes of Agares

  • This demon is able to teach all the languages of the earth in addition to imparting various articles of wisdom including offering sound financial advise.
  • Agares is also able to cause earthquakes by “making the spirits of the earth dance”.
  • The demon is also able to surmount all manner of authority be it spiritual or temporal. Conversely, he is also able to bestow noble titles upon the conjuror at their request.
  • Despite the ability to teach all languages on earth, the demon chooses to mostly teach offensive or derogatory language / words.
  • Agares serves as the voice of the common residents of hell – sinners – in a manner akin to an ordinary mayor.

When to summon Agares

Agares is summoned to bestow noble titles upon the conjuror, retrieve lost persons, chase enemies, or cause the downfall of prominent personalities within the society. The demon can also be summoned so as to incite people to flee.

Items Required:

  • The sigil of the demon should be conspicuously displayed.
  • Red candles
  • Incense

Ritual Time: Late March during the daytime


  • Like other demons, invocations of Agares must be done respectfully despite the largely benevolent nature of this demon.
  • Despite the demon’s ability to teach all the languages existent on earth, he opts to only teach the foul parts of languages.


  • Place the blood red candles at each cardinal point – east, west, north, and south. The space in the middle of the candles serves as the altar.
  • After taking some breathing exercises, it is necessary to call upon this earth elemental demon by placing the sigil at the center of the altar.
  • The energies of the other elements of fire, water, and air can be evoked by chanting the enns of respective demons. The south represents fire, west represents water, and the east represents air.
  • Visualization of energy lines while repeatedly chanting the enn of Agares in a respectful manner – the enn can be repeated in triples.
  • After making an offering of incense, the wishes of the conjuror can be said in a respectful manner.
  • Prior to dismissal, the demon must be thanked as well as the relevant earth elemental energies before the candles are extinguished.

Demon Oleum Agares Recipe


  • Carrier oil (e.g., olive oil or jojoba oil)
  • Dried herbs:
    • Sage (for wisdom)
    • Lavender (for clarity and peace)
    • Mint (for communication)
  • A small piece of parchment
  • A candle (black or dark green)
  • Essential oil (optional):
    • Frankincense (for spiritual connection)


  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet area to work. Cleanse the space with sage or incense if desired.

  2. Combine the Oils: In a small glass container, pour about 2 ounces of your chosen carrier oil.

  3. Add the Herbs: Crumble the dried herbs into the oil. As you add each herb, focus on its corresponding attribute (wisdom, clarity, communication).

  4. Optional – Add Essential Oil: If using, add a few drops of frankincense to deepen the spiritual connection.

  5. Seal the Mixture: Close the container tightly and shake it gently. As you do, visualize your intentions for the oil.

  6. Charge the Oil: Place the oil in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours to charge it with energy. You can also hold it in your hands and meditate on your intentions.

  7. Create a Parchment: On a piece of parchment, write down your intention for the oil—what you hope to achieve or learn with Agares’ influence.

  8. Candle Ritual: Light the candle while focusing on your intention. Allow the candle to burn for a short time as you meditate on your goals.

  9. Use the Oil: Once the oil is charged, you can use it in various ways:

    • Anoint candles before rituals
    • Dab a bit on your wrists for personal empowerment
    • Use it in spellwork focused on knowledge or communication
  10. Store Safely: Keep the oil in a cool, dark place when not in use.

More Links:

Agares Oil

Cursing With Agares

Agares – about

RING – we don’t keep jewelry right now, but you can find this on Amazon,

Agares Gold Necklace – Amazon 

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