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Ahriman: The Spirit of Darkness


In ZOROASTRIANISM, Ahriman is a demon of all demons and a representation of evil. He was originally a primordial desert spirit who later became a personification of evil. This demon isn’t immortal and it is said that his reign of terror will one day be conquered by the forces of good.


There are different versions of the origin of this demon. According to legends, Ahura Mazda, (good god) created the universe and twins named Angra Mainyu (the spirit of Darkness, Deceit and Death) and Spenta Mainyu, (the spirit of Light, Truth, and Life). These twins are said to be in a constant war for supremacy and the earth serves as their battleground.  Over time, Spenta Mainyu became absorbed into Ahura Mazda while Angra Mainyu became Ahriman.

 It is said that the battle between these forces will continue and last for thousands of years, which is divided into eras. At the end of the fourth era, there will be an appearance of three saviors who will destroy Ahriman and all his evil forces. In another variation of this legend, it is said that Ahura Mazda had created Angra Mainyu during a moment of doubt while he was creating the universe.

Another Legend mentioned a creator deity called Zuvan. This deity had twins named Ahriman and Ormazd and he had declared that the first born would be the supreme ruler. In a bid to become the first born, Ahriman ripped himself out of the womb. Zuvan who was bound by his promise had no option but to accept him as a ruler but he limited the time that Ahriman can rule.  He stated that at the end of Ahriman’s reign, Ormazd shall take over and reign in goodness and light.

Going further, another legend stated that Ahriman had a son named Zohak. He trained his son to be very evil and he told him to kill his own father.  However, Ahriman disguised himself and that made Zohak to kill someone else he thought was his father. Ahriman still disguised himself as a palace chef and when Zohak discovered his tricks, he was impressed and decided to reward him. At that time, Ahriman asked that he only kissed his shoulders which he did and with each kiss, serpents sprang from the spots. However, when Zohak tried to cut them off, they grew back.

In another disguise, Ahriman turned into a doctor and told Zohak that he had to feed the serpents with human brains on a daily basis. He obeyed and this made him Ahriman’s pride. He was allowed to rule for a thousand years after which he was finally destroyed.


Ahriman manifests in the darkness in the form of a Lizard or Vazagh, or a toad or a black dragon. His abode is Filth which is Kalch.


In the Pahlavi texts of the 9th- 12th century, the word Ahriman is written upside down as “hl(y)mn. This is as a sign of contempt and disgust for this spirit.

The Book of Arda Viraf 5.10 narrates how Sarosh took Viraf and Adar to see the reality God and archangels and the non reality of Ahriman and his demons. According to the Denkard, a 9th century text, the non reality of Ahriman was explained. As mentioned in it “ Ahriman has never been and never will be”.

In Chapter 100 of the Book of the Arda Viraf, the narrator sees the “evil spirit whose religion is evil and whoever ridiculed and mocked the wicked in hell”.

In Bundahishn 1.16, Ahriman was said to have no such omniscience, but in contrast, in the Manichaean scripture, Mani had ascribed foresight to Ahriman.

In the Islamic mythology, Ahriman is identified with the devil,  Iblis. In some works,  He is depicted as an old man offering Adam and Eve the forbidden fruit. An early Persian sculpture portrays Ahura Mazda riding on a horseback and trampling on Ahriman’s head that is covered with snakes.

The earth is currently undergoing the reign of Ahriman, that is why we go through different bad times like famine, war, disasters, ills, etc.  It was said that Ahriman had created six archdemons, called Evil Mind, Tyranny, Enmity, Violence, Wrath, and Falsehood to aid him during his reign. He also created 99,999 diseases, a female demon named AZ and a dragon. These six archdemons are in a constant struggle against the six archangel amarahspands, or “Bounteous Immortals.” To add to this, Ahriman had tried severally to maim the prophet Zarathustra but he failed woefully.

“With the disappearance of evil from the universe, good will prevail everywhere and for all time; and the accursed name of Angra Mainya will be forgotten. Ahura Mazda will be forever, even as he has been from all eternity” (Yasht xix.11,12).

According to RUDOLF STEINER, the founder of anthroposophy, the Ahrimanic forces are very intelligent, clever spirits that constantly seek to keep people mired in materialism.

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•             Hyatt, Victoria, and Joseph W. Charles. The Book of Demons. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974.

•             Luciferian Witchcraft – Book of the Serpent – Micheal Ford


•             The Beginning of Luciferian Magic By Micheal W. Ford

•             The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley -a leading expert on the paranormal – Copyright © 2009 by Visionary Living, Inc.

http:// occult- /ahriman/

•             Mack, Carol K., and Dinah Mack. A Field Guide to Demons: Fairies, Fallen Angels, and Other Subversive Spirits. New York: Owl Books/Henry Holt, 1998.

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