Amduscias: The Musician

occult tarot

Amduscias: The Musician

“…has 29 legions of demons and spirits under his command. He is depicted as a human with claws instead of hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet to symbolize his powerful voice. Amdusias is associated with thunder and it has been said that his voice is heard during storms. In other sources, he is accompanied by the sound of trumpets when he comes and will give concerts if commanded, but while all his types of musical instruments can be heard they cannot be seen. He is regarded as being the demon in charge of the cacophonous music that is played in Hell. He can make trees bend at will.”

Source: Wikipedia


He is depicted as a human with claws instead of hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and a trumpet to symbolize his powerful voice. He is regarded as being the demon in charge of the cacophonous music that is played in Hell.

I have allocated Amduscias the 9 of Pentacles in my personal deck of cards. When path working with this demon, I focus on his office of providing familiars. His other abilities include being able to make all manner of musical instruments to be heard without being seen – in essence he is capable of making all types of music. Additionally, Amduscias is also capable of making trees bend if he wishes and can also accord the mage this power. Familiars are valuable in magic as they can provide various forms of help to the magician be it in divination, necromancy, or other varieties of magic.

The 9 of Pentacles belongs to the Minor Arcana. It is a tarot card associated with the ability to furnish oneself in luxury, financial independence and stability, and being able to be self-reliant. When reversed, the card is interpreted to mean excessive spending, having the ability to buy anything but still feeling inadequate, loneliness in one’s pursuits, and a host of other negative readings. The 9 of Pentacles therefore indicates that the subject may either reach financial security or may have financial misfortunes in the near future.

Musical archetypes are usually associated with a luxurious nature. Music is an important element of the human experience and it is correlated with enjoyment or luxury. Indeed, music has been made and enjoyed by humankind since prehistoric times. The 9 of Pentacles here represents being able to enjoy the luxuries of life. Musical archetypes can therefore prospect that the familiars which Amduscias provides can help to improve their abilities and increase their chances for financial independence through pursuit of their personal interest.

When the 9 of Pentacles appears in a reading, it can indicate that the subject has a bright future in their individual pursuits. For example, a person with artistic interests may be on the verge of experiencing success through doing something that they enjoy at a primal level. A musician may be just about to enjoy a breakthrough which would make them financially successful. When I see this card in a reading, I feel optimistic that my pursuits can yield positive outcomes if I continue in the same vein.


The Demon

Amduscias is a Great Duke of Hell with 29 legions of lesser demons serving under his command. He is the 67th of the 72 spirits that were bound by King Solomon and also one of the fallen angels. He is often portrayed as a humanoid being with the head of a unicorn and claws with tapering nails in place of appendages such as fingers and toes. In most depictions, he is shown together with a trumpet perhaps highlighting his musical abilities. This demon is also capable of abandoning his monstrous appearance and assuming the shape of a human being upon the request of the conjuror. There are no mentions of whether Amduscias is benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent towards human beings.

The origins of Amduscias can be traced to ancient Middle-Eastern mythology. He has multiple variations of his name such as Amdusias, Amdukias, and Ambduscias. He is mentioned in several revered grimories such as the Lemegeton, the Discoverie of Witchcraft, the Ars Goetia, Demonologia, the Dictionnaire Infernal, and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. The symbol of the trumpet is associated with power and military superiority – today, this is manifested in financial muscle or attaining fame in a given sector.



Significant Symbol – Trumpet

Given Amduscias ability to provide the conjuror with excellent familiars, he is a valuable ally for people pursuing personal interests. These familiars are capable of providing assistance that can help one to hone their craft to the point of financial success. For artistic types, this demon can prove very useful as consulting him can help to polish upon any room for improvement. It is his associations with music, financial independence, and personal pursuits that align Amduscias with the 9 of Pentacles.


Note – there are no mentions of whether this demon is indifferent, malevolent, or benign towards human beings


The Message


What am I missing? Is there an opportunity for me to succeed in my personal interests?


If the 9 of Pentacles turns up in a reading, I feel optimistic that my pursuits may bear fruit in the coming future. The idea here is that I can become powerful within my own field of interest or reach financial success. Amduscias is therefore able to help me work on my shortcomings in order to bridge the gap between success and where I am currently. Asking him to provide helpful familiars is therefore the bold step that must first be taken. I believe Amduscias comes to show one the way that they can improve upon the things they are doing to reach the top. The demon helps one to become powerful by ironing out any shortcomings in their craft.

In a few days following the reading, I should be able to notice improved performances or increased attention for my work. This is the cue that continued performances can result in critical acclaim or financial success. Amduscias should respond within a week or two giving cues that can help me identify the hidden opportunity. If I do not get a response from the demon, I will assume the opportunity has passed or will come to pass soon.

These interpretations are subjective and open to your interpretation. Let us know what you think of Amduscias and this tarot reading in the comment section below. We would love to know hear from you!



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