
occult tarot


“Belial… is a Hebrew word “used to characterize the wicked or worthless”. The etymology of the word is often understood as “lacking worth”, from two common words: beli and ya’al. Some scholars translate it from Hebrew as “worthless” (Beli yo’il), while others translate it as “yokeless” (Beli ol), “may he have no rising” or “never to rise” (Beli ya’al). Only a few etymologists have believed it to be an invented name from the start… In the Hebrew text, the phrase is either “sons of Belial” or simply “sons of worthlessness”. Phrases beginning with “sons of” are a common Semitic idiom, such as “sons of destruction” or “sons of lawlessness””.

  • Source: Wikipedia


Rite to Belial 

Divination and Summoning of Demons with Tarot Cards


In my own deck of cards, I have given Belial the 10 of Swords because of its association with endings and finishing. However, to stay true to the Occult Tarot deck I will give him the Judgment tarot card from the Major Arcana – this card encapsulates the nature of Belial being a demon who was judged as evil from the first time rebellion broke out in heaven. Like the other posts within this thread, the hope is for me to draw one card daily to provide wisdom while hoping for a response from one of our adored demons.


The Judgment tarot card belongs to the Major Arcana as previously mentioned. As a result, it is not associated with any of the 4 suits found in the Minor Arcana. When it appears upright in a reading, it is usually taken to mean rebirth, judgment, absolution, or even inner calling. When it is reversed however, it is usually interpreted as self-doubt, self-critique, or ignoring the inner calling. Like its name suggests, I usually call this card the “Judgment Card” because of its interpretation and title which is self-explanatory.


This card depicts naked people of all kind women, men, and children who are re-awakening from their graves. Their hands are raised as if in a pleading manner while looking up to the sky. Archangel Gabriel blows a trumpet from the heavens. Therefore, it is this response to the trumpet’s call that compels all human beings to resurrect in preparation for judgment by the divine. The background of the card shows a vast mountain range that perhaps indicates an insurmountable obstacle showing that nobody will escape judgment.


The Demon


Belial is a fallen angel and another of the 72 spirits that were trapped by King Solomon in a brass vessel. He is listed as the 68th demon within the Ars Goetia. According to Johan Weyer, this demon has dominion over eighty legions of demons. Some accounts report that he has an additional fifty legions of spirits also serving under his command. He is ranked as a Great King of Hell and one of the most potent entities within the hellish realm. He is described as a stubborn and demanding demon in the majority of accounts.


Belial is reported as being the demon that was created immediately after Lucifer. His name is derived from the Hebrew term “beli ya’al” that loosely translates to without worth. In fact, his name is sometimes used interchangeably with the antichrist or Satan. Prior to his fall from grace, Belial belonged to the angelic orders of powers and virtue. His origins are evidently Jewish as can be discerned from the etymology of his name here and the lack of information surrounding him in ancient Graeco-Roman mythologies.


Belial appears as a deceptively beautiful being with an appealing voice. He appears as a beautiful angel riding atop a fiery chariot. The chariot is pulled by dragons whose breath is also fiery. The demon’s voice is described as comely. Despite his beautiful appearance however, it is noteworthy that this demon’s office revolves around sowing sin or wickedness in the hearts of men. He lures men to sin using lust, sexual perversions, and fornication. He will also readily deceive the conjurors who are unable to gain his favor.


Note – Belial is a term which appears severally throughout the religious books such as the Testament of Solomon, the Testament of Amran, and others.


The Message


Is there an opportunity for me to move up in life?


I believe that Belial, despite his evident shortcomings, is a valuable ally for any conjuror. You can use his powers that cause one to be liked in order to create something of a competitive advantage especially today. He is also capable of bestowing honor through placement in high offices upon the wishes of the conjuror. Therefore, when working with this demon, I usually just focus on the benefits that he can bring if summoned properly and treated respectfully – he demands sacrifices and offerings in order to curry his favor.


If the Judgment card appears in a tarot reading, my first reaction is usually intrigue. This card is associated with endings and I usually find myself questioning its meaning. However, I try not to panic because endings can range from serious to mundane affairs hence there is not always a cause for worry especially if everything is going on as usual. Its reversed reading however causes genuine concerns because I wonder whether self-doubt is prevented me from achieving something. Nevertheless, I often try to focus on the absolution and rebirth that it portends.


When path working with Belial, I ordinarily focus on his office which is to bestow honor or cause one to become liked by others. These are obviously beneficial today and can help one to get ahead in life through creating opportunities for networking and spreading one’s reach. Furthermore, getting such honors can improve one’s prospects for success in whatever field they are interested in. However, I take great care to ensure that the sacrifices and offerings which Belial demands are provided lest he chooses to deceive me.


The tarot readings and symbolism discussed here are all subjective and open to your own interpretation. We would love to know what you think of the Judgment tarot card and Belial.

Leave us a comment in the section below! We would love to hear from you!




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