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Anael, Spirit of Powers

Anael is an angel mentioned within the Grimorium Verum. This angel is notable within demonology due to the several mentions and listings within major works such as the Book of Oberon, the Heptameron, the Secrets of Solomon, the Key of Solomon, the Magus, the Magical Calendar, the Discoverie of Witchcraft, the Grimorie of Arthur Gauntlet, et cetera. There are accounts that posit that Anael is one of the “seven phantoms of flame” tracing their roots to olden Chaldean magic. Here, the demon is described as being very potent and capable of affecting the economy and provoking earthquakes.

Anael is also referred to as Haniel, Hanael, or Aniel. The name Anael loosely translates to the “Grace of God”. This spirit is said to be leader of the Sephirah Netzach being one of the seraphim. He is associated with the planet Venus and the day Friday and belongs to the angelic order “Angel”. There is however a lot of uncertainty and conjecture regarding this entity given the vast differences which are evident throughout all his listings.

Still, there are other accounts that categorize Anael as a demon instead of the traditionally accepted angel. For instance, the Mathers’ translation of the Grimorie of Armadel posits that Anael is capable of unraveling all the mysteries of the past, present, and future. Additionally, Anael is also said to be able to teach the science of merchants to the conjuror upon request. The Ars Theurgia cites Anael as being a lesser demon under the servitude of the demon Gediel – here, he is referred to as a “spirit of power”. He is said to have power over twenty ministering demons and is associated with the hours of the night.

The accounts that cite Anael as having demonic qualities also state that he is a rebellious spirit and one of the chosen Seven Planetary Princes of hell. Anael is described as being in constant war with the seven planetary gods who govern the universe. The ritual for Solomon’s Mirror evokes this angel to the behest of the conjuror – this ritual is provided within the Third Book of the Grimorium Verum.



Planet: Venus

Metal: Copper

Incense: Saffron

Day: Friday



There is nothing monstrous about this spirit. From reports, he is said to look like the archetypal angel with fair features and a white flowing robe. His wings are also said to be white and he is said to have a comely demeanor.



This spirit has been listed within several works of demonology as evidenced above. For this reason, there is a lot of uncertainty regarding the true nature of this entity seeing as some report that he is a demon whilst others posit that he is angelic. Furthermore, there is lack of consensus on the gender of this entity as shown above.

Similar Angels to Anael

  • Samael
  • Sachiel
  • Michael
  • Raphael
  • Gabriel

Attributes of Anael

  • This spirit is listed within several grimories making for uncertainty around his / her true nature. This uncertainty has resulted in some reporting him as a demon whilst others posit that the spirit is of a female gender.
  • Among the abilities which have been attributed to this spirit within his listings are the revelation of all the secrets of the past, present, and future. It is for this reason that this angel is summoned during the making of Solomon’s Mirror or during divination.
  • Other accounts which report a female entity state that the spirit is capable of dealing with all the emotional issues associated with lust, love, or sexual damage from the past.
  • As a demon, he is said to be very potent and capable of affecting the economy as he so wishes. He is also able to create earthquakes at will.

Calling forth Anael

This demon is invoked during the making of the Mirror of Solomon which is used within divination.

Ritual Time: Anael is associated with the day Friday and the planet Venus. He must therefore be called forth at the planetary hour of Venus on this day.

Items Required

  • Thin plate of fine steel which is slightly burnished and curved at the corners
  • Blood of white pigeon
  • Consecrated mirror
  • White cloth
  • Saffron incense


  • Despite the benevolence associated with demons, it is advisable that the proper respect and conjuration procedures are upheld during the ritual. In this way, it is possible to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome while minimizing the chances of punitive malevolence.
  • Great care should also be taken by the conjuror to protect themselves from otherworldly energies prior to the start of the ritual. This is done through mentally envisioning a protection circle and entering it.


  • The conjuror is required to abstain from all forms of sexual contact or engaging in any type of sin throughout the period outlined.
  • The conjuror must also engage in acts of good will and charity in order to raise their piety.
  • The plate of fine steel is to be written upon the following words: “JEHOVA, ELOHYM, METATRON, ADONAY.” These are to be written on the four corners using the blood of the white pigeon.
  • The steel should then be placed on the white cloth.
  • During the new moon, in the first hour after sunset, the conjuror should go to a window and look up to heaven and say the following words: “O Eternal, O King Eternal! God Ineffable! Thou, who hast created all things for the love of men, and by a concealed decision for the wellbeing of man, deign Thou to look on me, (name of the conjuror), who am Thy most unfit and unworthy Servant, and look upon this, which is my intention. Deign to send unto me Thine Angel, Anaelupon this same mirror; he does command and order his companions whom Thou hast formed, O Most Powerful Lord, who hast always been, who art, and who shall ever be, so that in Thy name they may work and act with equity, giving me knowledge in everything that I shall seek to know of them.
  • The saffron incense is then to be offered up through burning in the embers.
  • The conjuror should then proceed to say the following prayer three times: “In this and with this, that I pour forth before Thy face, O God, my God, Thou who art blessed, Three in One, and in the state of exaltation most sublime, who sits above the Cherubim and Seraphim, who will judge the earth by fire, hear me!
  • The conjuror should then breathe on the surface of the mirror three times and say: “Come, Anael, come, and let it be thy agreement to be with me willingly: in the name + of the Father, the Most Puissant, in the name + of the Son, Most Wise, in the name + of the Holy Spirit, the Most Living.




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