Do African Ancestors Protect The African People from Spells?
I was asked this question by a client this week.
……I learned that most times casting a spell on Africans could be challenging because of the anscestorial backgrounds.
To put the question in context, I was helping “D” with some spell work on her nasty ass ex boyfriend. I was getting ready to cast a whole lot of hate on him for what he has done to her. BUT…… As I have not focused too much on magic in December, due to the death of my own Grandma, the spell I was doing for D fell by the wayside. So fair to say that the spell hasn’t had an effect on her African American boyfriend yet, as I haven’t cast it.
I have heard people talking about having special connection and protection because of their African roots – but only when I am in the USA, and from conjour or hoodoo/voodoo workers (even white conjour workers make these claims). Many hoodoo style workers like to believe only they have the “hoodoo/voodoo” skills, and only they have connection to ancestors. This is not true and quite a racist idea. The absolute truth is, that ALL OF US have connection a links to our ancestors, and every nation has spiritual ancestors of their land that they CAN connect to if they choose.
One of our BWC members in Australia, was born and raised in Ethiopia, and moved to Sydney when she was 19yrs old. She see’s herself as a woman, and a magic practitioner. As she practices in Australia now, she likes to connect with the Aboriginal ancestors (The Australian Aborigines are extremely unique in their practices). However, even as she was BORN in Africa, the only reason she could have protection from negative energy (spellcastings) is because she actively works on spiritual connection with her blood ancestors, ancestors of her “Hoodoo” practices, and with the connection with the “dream time” spirits of the Australian Aborigines.
So, to answer the question of do people with African roots get protection from spellcasting? My simple answer is, no. In fact, as Voodoo is based on creating a psychological fear in the mind of the target so they respond physiologically, those people who know their ancestral roots and folk law are effected much easier. A person who does not believe in folk magic, will not think about the spell they see was cast on them, as they don’t believe in the concept.
Contact with ancestors or other spirits of the dead is an important practice within the conjure tradition, and the recitation of Psalms from the Bible is also considered spiritually influential in hoodoo. Due to hoodoo’s great emphasis on an individual’s spiritual power to effect desired change in the course of events, hoodoo’s principles are believed to be accessible for use by any individual of faith (1)
As we all have ancestral connections, so we are all equally vulnerable to the effect from a magic spell. It really depends on the relationship one has with the spirit world, that would either hurt or harm them. I connect with demons and other spiritual energies – that protect me and shield me – but only because I actively work on this connection.
I hope that sort of makes sense
Have a magical weekend,
Black Witch S
(1) Hoodoo Folk Magic
“In fact, as Voodoo is based on creating a psychological fear in the mind of the target so they respond physiologically’. REALLY? NO! Voodoo, in Haiti Vodou is based in God and a pantheon of Demi-gods called Loa. Please study before lying on someone’s religion and faith.