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Asbeel: The Spirit Of Sex Magick


Asbeel (Heb. עזב azab “to abandon” + אל el “God”, meaning “God has forsaken” or “deserter from God”) is a fallen angel in Christian mythology that appears in the first book of Enoch, chapter 6, verse 66: “And the second was named Asbeel: he imparted to the holy sons of God evil counsel, and led them astray so that they defiled their bodies with the daughters of men.”

Asbeel was listed as the second of five “satans” who led astray the Grigori by falling in love with humans. There was also Yeqon (or Yaqum, “he shall rise”), Gadreel (“wall of God”), Penemue (“the inside”), and Kasdaye (“Chaldean”, “covered hand”).

Asbeel was mentioned as the second of the five Watchers who led the others astray and made them to lust after humans. The other four Watchers were Yeqon (or Yaqum, “he shall rise”), Penemue (“the inside”), Gadreel(“wall of God”), and Kasdaye (“Chaldean”, “covered hand”). This Watcher was different from other fallen angels who tarnished the name of the creator. He completely abandoned and separated himself from God because he lost all the faith in Him.

After his fall, he wondered why God didn’t want humans to be wise and advance themselves. He also wondered why God didn’t cleanse the evil and malice in their hearts.

Asbeel was somewhat of a maltheist who believed that God is a tyrant.



Asbeel appears in the guise of a beautiful angel who is strong and polished, much like a Roman or Greek Statue. His eyes behold brilliance as well as the fire of lust which is inherited in the Nephilimic Magickian Workings.

How to Summon Demon Asbeel

  • Choose a perfect location that is free from disturbance.
  • Set up your altar and decorate it with items associated with this demon.
  • Draw your magical circles and triangles. You can either place or draw the demon’s sigil.
  • Prepare your mind by engaging in power meditation.

Recite the demon’s prayer

“Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire Asbeel to manifest before me that she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his / her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father“


  • You can give offerings before and after the consultation.
  • At the end of the summoning, dismiss the spirit respectfully before the candles are snuffed out.


During this ritual, you are expected to feel Satan’s energy as he summons the demon you requested. If you don’t experience anything on your first trial then don’t feel bad. Some demons don’t respond as soon as they are called. Also, sometimes, you might need more experience to be able to summon the demon successfully.

Working with Asbeel:

He is usually invoked during sex magick. You can summon him with a chosen mate while working on self-empowerment and love. This Spirit can be evoked to stir and invoke the spirit of self-creation and love without the pangs of guilt in which the society today teaches. Contrary to the Judeo-Christian tradition, sex and love when practiced with balance and honesty, would empower self-love unto both partners. It is not something that one should be ashamed of.

According to the Manichaean lore, Az, the Demoness of Lust is said to reside in the bodies of all humanity. She is like our mother. She had instructed the Watchers to have affairs with the Daughters of Cain.

To perform a simple ritual, light a red candle and recite using the image of your desire. If your partner is with you, then both of you should focus on the words and desire brought forth by each.

The unity of this ritual may be useful in sending curses of destruction against another. In this case, the couple should turn the energy of the ritual towards the image of the intended target.

You can recite:

“Thou art the serpent of the garden,

Who illuminates me to the Blackened Fire of Lust

Awaken us, we pray to love ourselves in strength and power 0H ancient spirit, hear our calls”









  • ADVERSARIAL LIGHT – Magick of the Nephilim: Michael Ford
  • The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology [Rosemary Ellen Guiley

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