By Eloise333


“O, tell us a tale of a ghost! Now do! It’s a capital time, for the fire burns blue.”

-ANON, “The Vicarage Ghost”, Tinley’s Magazine, Christmas Number, 1868

Spirits. Demons. Ghosts. Angels. Revenants. Shades.

Good? Bad? Not Sure? Haunted?

Join the Club!

As a human who has been obsessed with all things spooky and “ghostly” since I was 2 years old, I can honestly say 85% of the time I can’t really be sure about the machinations, activity, or intentions of the power players involved in the world of “spirit”, or what I like to refer to as the “Otherworld” *. I have certain ideations and instincts about what’s going on all around us by that which is unseen; but my feelings and understandings will never be verified beyond a shadow of doubt (and may be nodded off as ravings of a lunatic fringe). What I have experienced concerning spirits and the elusive unseen dimensions which intertwine with all of us will never be digitized, quantified, placed on a computer chip, or picked up by an electronic EMF meter. Alas! This is the plight of humanity.

Such as THAT may be, if you stop reading this article right now, go silent, remember to breathe, forget religious notions and begin to contemplate the Otherworld along with its activities on our “dimension”—as well as on your home, the surrounding land and the atmosphere at large— I guarantee you will begin to feel a  deep “knowing” about the spirit world, along with discernment of the powerful activity that never ceases by its inhabitants. This “spirit world” is occurring, vibrating and churning as you breathe. The Otherworld which is interlaced with all other worlds, including the one you inhabit at this light second. But can I prove that theory? Not really.

Welcome to the awesome caprice of the World of Spirit. It’s all around and within everything; this clandestine world of things felt, experienced, remembered-but not always seen-was there before you came “here”, will be there when you stop breathing, and even now continues its cycles with the other elements of air, earth, fire, and water. All of this will be proven, or unproven, after your flesh fulfills its obligations. But do you have a soul? If so, does IT go beyond flesh and death? Does it become ghost? Does it join this Spirit world I refer to? Does it remember its human life? Can our current so called sophisticated sciences, electronic devices and smart gadgets perhaps quantify survival of spirit or give veracity to such activities?

In an article written by Jennings Brown and published in 2016*by Popular Mechanics magazine, a very successful creator of electronic spirit detection devices is quoted, referring to electronic devices and spirit detection gadgets, that despite “—meticulously constructed gadgets, there is no scientific evidence that it works, any of it.” Perhaps the world of ghosts or what we call The Dead must adhere to certain laws (sort of like our current physics’ laws that hold this Earth in place among the stars) for the greater good of all. Can you imagine existing in a world where everyone “knows” the ultimate truth about and the activity of spirits, powerful and low, bright and dark? Can you imagine a world where you may interact with and cling to deceased loved ones?? Can you imagine a world where you can work along with a powerful spirit for a much yearned for yet personal gain? I can imagine all that, but I can see the chaos which would ensue with that sort of reality. Fate would all be null and void quickly. I know it’s best that we do not fully comprehend all the secrets of the Universe (at least not while as mortal). With what little spirit “knowledge” this current society realizes or doesn’t, please observe how the nature of this dimension is proceeding. Look at our current trajectory, our current priorities, our current obliteration, greed and destruction. AH! Perhaps some things should be kept a mystery*…


But you’re looking for verifiable answers to the things that go bump in the night, not new age, skeptic, religious, or any one’s theorized opinion. You are searching for hard proof concerning that ghost, haunting, or knocking on the wall, right? Did your deceased beloved’s energy survive death? In our current grand scheme of scientific, highly convoluted, modern advances, might we turn to these sophisticated, intelligent electronical contraptions for evidence? Most of us have all seen or heard about the wildly popular spirit hunting groups or media productions that detail the activity of “ghost hunters”. The prevailing armor of the hunter is virtually an arsenal of electronic phenomena: gadgetry in the forms of meters, scanners, cameras, motion sensors, oscillators, tweaked computers, and stuffed toys— among other things. The list of expanding electronic spirit detectors has currently becomes an “electronic phenomena” in the ever-elusive chase of the ghost.

Harry Price, a much hailed, admired, as well as despised ghost researcher of the 1930’s in England was a true pioneer in the hunt of spirits and their hauntings. Price debunked and exposed many frauds at that time, but he also realized that in all the paranormal trickery of the day something very real was also occurring. Price was perhaps the first true ghost hunter of his era, utilizing his own kit of ghost equipment which comprised-among other things- infrared camera, film, recorders, powders, and even soft shoes to minimize noise in the deep quiet of the night when spirits were more aptly to be heard and seen. He alone was a pioneer in the current practice of “lockdown” into the haunted locations he sought to observe.

But history knows, as well as archeologists, that belief in an unseen world of spirit was matter of fact for ancient societies. Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Egyptians, Vikings, Gaelics and Druids, Traditional Witches, the Oracles at Delphi, the Witch of Endor, Athenodorus, the Basque peoples, the Chinese, the Pagans of European descent (of course there are MORE) all realized life and death as we know it is a “mortal” illusion. What’s even more intriguing is that ancient cultures saw no division between what today we call life and death; All was connected. Through all ran a Red thread of Reality. *


Brilliant, no nonsense and highly successful ghost hunter Dr Hans Holzer began the quest of spirit survival back in the 1930’s. His search for the truth was relentless and continued to the end of his days. The reader here is encouraged to seek out his remarkable books rife with stunning insights and well documented casework*. Among Holzer’s logical approach to ghost investigations and many mysteries of hauntings, he is quoted as saying, “…do not get into arguments about the existence or nonexistence of ghosts…Everyone must find their own explanations for what THEY experience…BELIEF has nothing to do with it.” Go ghost hunters!!!

As a child in the 1970’s who was eerily obsessed with ghosts and hauntings I would spend hours in my local California libraries searching for information. I resided in many haunted homes, seeing doors open slowly by themselves, hearing footsteps echo on shag carpets, feeling cold spots, hearing voices in the dead of night. I never feared but wondered. I even created a small “lab” in my parents’ garage riddled with books, test tubes, jars of phosphorus, recipes to conjure the dead or monsters all in hopes of getting to the truth. As I grew in age my studies became more sophisticated but sadly were usurped during adolescence due to my family’s new-found Christianity along with my fruitless chase of the perfect boyfriend and parties. In college I pushed my witchy proclivities into the far recesses of my being even though paranormal occurrences continued incessantly in my family home. I was told I needed to pray harder to a Christian god since these ghostly things were happening due to my evil nature.

Fortunately, the Spirits were not so quick to dismiss me.

This is when I found Tarot and Cartomancy. The cards were a disguised, acceptable way to tap into spirit world without religious condemnation. I was enthralled and studied diligently.

The Otherworld kept knocking; I experienced dreams that manifested as reality. I had “déjà vu” every month. I began to wake at 3:33 am and see that number everywhere. I then gave serious thought to a 1999 Fox Productions X- Files episode titled “Monday”* created by Chris Carter, written by Gilligan and Shiban that detailed multiple dimensions, parallel worlds, and the circle of “Fate”.

After television production pioneers such as Holzer with “In search of…”, and Chris Carter with “X-Files”, the public at large was intrigued. In 2007 out popped a group of college kids from Pennsylvania State University with a reality type show based on their ghost hunting activities. Paranormal State*, as it was dubbed, took off as wildfire. The spirit hunting group used scientific data, electronic meters, as well as cameras and computers to document the ghosts they were chasing. Occasionally the crew would utilize a “psychic” or medium. But controversy ensued and claims of staged production antics tore down public trust, eventually causing the termination of the show “Paranormal State”. But that didn’t stop public interest in search of spiritual truth. This was the beginning of newer and brighter darlings of the ghost host bunch in the media. The creation of electronic devices now dominated such shows and their hunts. Long gone were the simple spirit boards, seances, lit candles in spirit circles and simple Q & A sessions on voice recorders. Along with sophisticated spirit hunters with thermal cameras and oscillators came brilliant engineers with their electronic and laser devices. Although these newer ghost hunting groups capture amazing phenomena which is hard to explain away, you must ask yourself just what it is they are “capturing”, since the world of spirits and gods unseen have a Fated track and course they are on, and under all are also spirits once human who were hideous when alive and remain so after their last breath and their flesh grows stiff and cold. And NO not every growl you may hear on an electronic device is a “demon”. Although low spirit forms that were never human (spiritual ‘grunts’ so to speak) enjoy a little fun at your expense, it’s ludicrous to blame every bad communication through spirit devices on demons. Most demons have better things to do.

The spirit world is vast. And that’s an understatement by far. There are things in heaven and earth we will NEVER comprehend, not even after we long shed this clay stuff we are encased within. Using electronic meters, infrared cameras, EVP recordings, spirit boxes is all great fun; but it’s just that: FUN. It’s an added delicious chill and thrill of the relentless search for life after death.

But let me clue the poseur ghost hunter in on a secret I have learned judiciously about the spirit world: There’s no camera or electric device that can prove anything. These are tools that can only sometimes point to what you, the hunter or seeker of wisdom, are FEELING. Indeed the only real tool needed in any ghost hunt is YOU and a heart of TRUTH. I’m here to tell you that just like all the other physical laws of the Universe, spirits follow a law and a hierarchy. The rulers, or gods, of the Universe are weavers of Fate in the grand scheme of what we know as humanity. They are more powerful and intelligent than you will ever be able to fathom. They do want to teach Wisdom to us that are true seekers. They can discern if your toying with them is out of curiosity, or done out of boredom, or something worst. Casual ghost hunters or dabblers in spiritual hunts will not be tolerated. Thrill seekers and antagonists of the shades and higher powers do not escape unscathed. Stumbling into spirit quest blindly without research, protection and truth will cause possessions, harrowing incidents, terror, spiritual retribution, blockage, illness, trauma, depression and trickery of a nasty sort.

On the opposite side of that coin, true seekers of higher wisdom, spiritualists, witches, mediums, sorceresses, shamans, priests also pay a high price. They are guaranteed to be bugged, tricked, haunted, made ill, and sometimes thrown about a bit as well. Such is the price and test we as seekers in communion with the spirits must endure. It can be daunting more than not. But that’s the true test that all humans will be put through when seeking Wisdom from the Powers of the Universe and beyond.

So spirit boxes, ghost apps, electronic devices, meters, infrared cameras, stuffed toys armed with EMF devices, EVPs are cool and give a chill of a thrill in the search of ghosts. They will never prove what you know and feel. The proof of the existence of a haunting or a spirit can only come from you, your heart, and the truth of your motives.

Recently I had a close relative die abruptly from a mere virus. I used a simple ghost application I downloaded onto my tablet to see if I could catch any activity in my home, since this loved one spent much time in our house. Within the first month of my relatives’ death I sat the tablet in a room that was frequented by him prior to his death. I allowed the ITC app to record over a 72-hour period prior to Halloween, his favorite holiday. I made sure to close the app every 24 hours, and relaunch the app, so I wouldn’t receive any duplicate words. I was absolutely stunned when after the third day I checked the word lists of the ITC* app. Not only did the ghost app record my deceased relative’s first name over 4 times in a series of 3 separate sessions, but it recorded words that were directly linked to him and his former life as a human. I was so shocked that I conducted the experiment again, same app, same tablet (mind you this is a tablet this is never used for anything but e-book reading, has no personal information logged, no messaging, pictures, or email attachments). This time the experiment was conducted a week prior to Yuletide, or Christmas holiday. Sure enough, more words were recorded that only the deceased and I would have spoken to one another.

Ghost? Shade? Spirit? Angel? Demon?

In 2016 revered engineer Bill Chappell who works closely with the now famous “Ghost Adventures” crew has concluded concerning the astounding ghost evidence his electronic devices capture, “It is us, we are the ghosts.” *

Chappell may be right. If you think the moaning in your basement is just the furnace, you’re probably right. If you think the footsteps on the ceiling at midnight are your spirit guide checking up on you, you’re probably right too. If you see your phone slide off the counter and across the room without a scratch and think it’s an earthquake, you’re also right. If you see the Virgin Mary in your latte swirled cream, you’re correct, too! When you awake at 3 am wrapped in a shroud of absolute chills, yes, you are feeling a ghost giving you a big hug, and no electronic device can prove THAT. If you hear your Spirit Box say “I’m Satan and I’m going to kill you” it’s probably very wrong, and you need to get off that drama of a soapbox. Think about it: Satan has better things to be doing than growling through a box at you.

Happy Hauntings!




  1. Artisson, Robin (2005) “The Witching way of the Hollow Hill” Owlblink Bookcrafting Company, ISBN 978-1-4116-8631-1
  2. Brown, Jennings (2016) “Proton Packs and Teddy Bears: the pseudoscientific History of Ghost Hunting Gadgets” Popular Mechanics Magazine
  3. For more information on Spirits and Fate, please see Artisson’s publication
  4. angelsghosts.com/ghost_hunting_equipment. “Ghost Hunting Equipment of Harry Price”
  5. Holzer, Hans (2004) “Ghosts: True Encounters with the World Beyond” Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, ISBN 978-1-57912-401-4
  6. From Wikipedia, “Monday”, the X-Files
  7. From Wikipedia, “Paranormal State”
  8. To learn more about ITC and other devices go to theghosthunterstore.com
  9. From doubtfulnews.com, interview with Bill Chappell


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