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Ask a question about Protection Magic

psychic medium


To understand protection magic, you need to know what you are being protected from in that culture, or in that magical system. For the modern Witch, who is exposed to a world full of cultures and magical traditions, you may need to look at how you are protecting yourself.

My philosophy is never to assume I am 100% protected. This way I stay vigilant and aware that I could be feeling the effects of something negative at any time. While I cannot go into detail about what I specifically do to ensure I am as magically protected as possible, I’m sure you could understand that someone like me, needs to go above and beyond with my magical protection.

Perhaps you’re not sure what a spiritual attack feels like. I have written about what you can experience if you are under some level of attack here

And if you are under attack, here are some tips to remove unwanted entities and energies yourself.

My basic protection strategy looks like this….

  • A major protection ritual each year,
  • Altar/praise work with my protection “spirits” at least weekly
  • Protection talisman – I always have it on my body, either directly on my skin or contained in a Mojo bag of some type
  • Protection, amulets, and stones on my desk, in my workspace, in my sleeping space
  • Chicken feet by the door and windows. i will also use Red Brick Dust from time to time
  • Evil eye talismans
  • Energy work to ensure my body is working to reject any energy that is not serving my highest purpose
  • Bottles on my properties that are refreshed from time to time
  • Protection servitors – some created from sigils – are designed to protect, and some of them designed to protect and attack

I don’t share with you all of this information to intimidate you or to big-note myself. Most do you know that I’ve been doing magic for decades, and now this is is easy for me to do as it is for me to breathe. You will also find protection magic, very simple to perform once you get started. It is not time-consuming (compared to other magical requests). You just have to create the time in your schedule to make it happen.

I will just reiterate hear that don’t strive for perfectionism in your magic. The most important part of beginning magic is just to begin. Take that first step. Even if it’s just dropping some olive oil or appropriate herb into the candle with your petition.

Do you have questions about protection magic or what you should do for your specific situation?

The topic of protection magic is huge and so I will expand on this post by answering your questions. So make sure you click this link and ask your question in the comment section below the article.

Full moon event coming up next week

For the third month in a row, I have truly enjoyed leading the full moon ritual for the Coven. I have been finding some of the messages I’ve received from the spiritual world during these rituals are helping me significantly on my own spiritual journey.

The videos I have been providing to you after these events have been well received by most of you, and honestly I am so humbled and thankful to have such wonderful clients.

I will leave some links below in reference to protection services and products.

And don’t forget if you want to ask me a question, please do so by heading over to the article where I will go into great detail and provide answers to your protection magic questions.

Blessed Beast,

Miss Melinda answers a question about protection, following Savannah’s email (above) 


“What if I can’t afford to buy magical spells and I want to try something very simple to protect myself and remove anything negative?”

Today, I would like to answer this question asked by Megan. Yesterday, Savannah spoke of her protection rituals and asked your questions. I teach Folk Magick Witchcraft on our Hoodoo Witch Website, and thought I would answer Megan with this very simple ritual.

All you need is an egg!

Eggs are used to remove spiritual problems and negativity from the body. Rolling a whole Hen’s egg over or around the body or touching it to the body’s orifices to draw out problems (especially those caused by the evil eye) is common in many cultures.


One method of dealing with the egg after use is to throw it at a tree to break it and thus let the tree absorb the evil energies. In some countries, the egg that is rolled over or waved around the client is later broken open and divined for signs that the evil eye was indeed in effect.

So Megan, and anyone else in Megan’s situation, I hope this suggestion helps you. Let me know how this ritual worked for you.

Have a magical weekend,
Miss Melinda

2 thoughts on “Ask a question about Protection Magic

  1. 666.chris.wren says:

    You can’t expect any ritual to stop such occurrence/s; you need to remember the dark or the dangerous people or those that create dangerous situation/s to others/even dark intentions of the dead all have a purpose. The dark can’t exist in the light and the good wouldn’t exist with the bad people. To have defence from such situations instead of the occurrence you should have a summoning seance with the necromancer Samgina either his angel form or demonic form.

    The dead have been defending me for a while as Samgina is my natural angel defender so I don’t need to summon his demonic form!

    Tasa Samgina on Ca Lirach, this is a personal angel enn due to circumstances with a demonic seal!

    I’ respect the dead regardless of what they did while in physical human form! They aren’t just useful in terms of defence; I enjoy communication with the dead. Thank you Samgina for always being my defender! He is a male in angel form!

    Angels are lenient more so than their demonic halve!

    This is public praise to the angel the opposite side of Samgina however both are known as Samgina.


    This is not the same as advocating one should summon his demonic presence without protection or *knowledge thereof*

  2. PatGOGK says:

    My evil lives next door to me. I have meth dealers that traffic drugs, abuse animals, shoot at me, threaten me, cross my lot line and do damage and get away with it, even after getting local government and the police called many times. The whole neighborhood has issues with them but I get the brunt of it. I’ve done freezing spells, black salt, jars. everything I can think of. Need help. Had to hire a lawyer too and I have a good case.

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