This question was asking if I personally work with Angels and Demons. And my simple answer was no I don’t these days. However, we received a wonderful comment from a viewer and I thought I would also share this below as I think it can offer a more objective opinion and help some of you who are truly interested in also working with both angels and demons.
Savannah, I have a lot of respect for you and for the Luciferian path but I would like to add my opinion on something. There was someone who asked a question as to whether or not you could work with both angels and demons and my personal opinion on this is that it is possible to work with both sides. I’m a solitary practitioner and have been for years and I walk a gray path. I work with both angels and demons and this is the only way I’ve been able to find balance in my spiritual life.
For me, I spent years swinging between the dark path and the light path (LHP and RHP) and the only thing that makes sense for me and that works for me, personally, is the middle path. Long ago I told LHP and RHP magicians alike that I intended to walk right down the middle and they both objected, telling me that I needed to choose a side and that it wasn’t possible to walk both paths at once. I tried with all my might to choose a side but in the end it makes the most sense for me to choose both sides and neither side simultaneously, so I tip-toe that delicate space between the two. I need that balance of light and dark in order to flourish. The gray path definitely isn’t for everyone, just as the right hand path isn’t for everyone and the left hand path isn’t for everyone. It is my belief that balance is what’s most important, and no matter what path you walk, as long as it brings you balance, that’s how you’ll know whether or not it’s the path you’re supposed to be on.
As a side note to whoever might need to know: demons get shit done FAST and conduct business in ways that could potentially cause some downsides, or harm, depending on how you look at it. Angels work much slower and will only manifest your desires if they are in accordance with the greater good of you and everyone else involved. It’s tricky to find a balance between the two because they’re such seemingly opposing forces but it can be done. I think it just comes down to knowing who to call and when to call them.Blessings to you and your coven, Savannah. I love your videos!
Australia has followed the USA in limiting freedom of speech-
Savannah - Born & raised in fabulous Sydney, Australia. Currently enjoying the magickal city of New Orleans. My beliefs are more Theistic Luciferianism, and based on dark pagan, left hand path, black magic, and occult traditions. My skills are in witchcraft; Chaos Magic; Sorcery; Hoodoo; and of course, working with the "demons".