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Ask Savannah: September 2021


In this video:

Savannah’s Bitch Session

I began the video by complaining about the need to project a false self-image to the world in order to be accepted by society. And it’s definitely a catch 22 situation. In order to engage in the world and find a community, you need to be seen as thinking, feeling, and behaving the same as others within your group, or otherwise face exiled from the group! The issue is that by masking our true selves, we feel lonely and unaccepted. The solution is NOT simple.

Without turning this bitching session into a therapy session, I will just say that we need to be aware that every person has a shadow side, and that we naturally project a more positive persona out to the community. What you watch in the community (TV, Media, Social Platforms) is the best version of somebody or the version that they want you to see. People want to naturally feel important, heard, validated, loved. The shadow side of their personality is not something that you’re going to share with the greater community or you risk ostracisation. People who do not look at their own shadow directly, project that onto others,(the qualities we often cannot stand in others, we have in ourselves, and we do not want to see). This is the one-sided hypocrisy of social media, we were constantly finding fault in others.

Next, I bitch about spiritual people needing to have an instant “label”. I totally understand why people like to give them self credit for what they would like to become –  so they can have some level of status in their social group or to sell themselves/their services to the world, or to have more confidence. But does the label matter if you personally can’t do what you’re stating you’re able to do? I don’t think so.

After watching my video for this month, a client of BWC who happens to be a medical doctor “Dr. F” said, “Thanks for pointing out all the wannabes and those in it for the ‘likes’ and insta-glory. I am pretty sure alot of these folk haven’t summoned forth demons at 3am with purple candles in graveyard dirt they personally collected and offer a ‘blood sacrifice’ to tear down the veil as the spiritual world touches our plane! 😉 I am such a ‘noob’ at this and still learning and still make mistakes. I won’t call myself a ‘magician’ or ‘magi’ or any if that as I still seem myself as green. I am just a regular guy who happens to practice magick…. and if I start to think of myself as anything more the spiritual world will remind me of my folly and be quick to humble me.”

Dr. F also provided an interesting label for this need to be seen as a guru – the “Dunning-Kruger effect”.

“Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general. Because they are unaware of their deficiencies, such people generally assume that they are not deficient.”

There are many courses where “gurus” provide labels and certify them in xyz after a weekend course. It is like a medical student calling themself a DOCTOR or a SURGEON. Sure, they are on the path of becoming a surgeon, but they are not a surgeon. They do not have the skill or ability to operate on a patient and expect the patient will be living at the end of the operation!

On the left-hand path, it is totally okay to submit to the journey. The PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT is a journey, and the reward is the actual benefits gained from the application of your skills and knowledge. Further, when you submit to the left-hand path, with each door you open there will be 12 additional doors of knowledge and wisdom to absorb and process. It’s a hugely humbling experience.



#Question 1 – from M. Brown

Hello, you guys did a break them apart spell for me and apparently it seemed to be working since he texted me asking about moving in with me soon and now after only a few days of asking that he seems to limit or have no contact with me. I have ordered candles to keep that energy of that spell going, but do you think I need to order another break them apart spell or do I just need to leave it alone for now and not worry about the no contact. I do have a lot of faith in your work and feel you know what’s best. I do want to add, that I love watching your videos you apparently have a lot of knowledge in what you do and have much respect, oh and I loved my reading with Ms Gypsy. She was amazing.


#Question 2 – from Lyle

I have a friend who has a complex situation. Basically, she wants to leave her husband but he is afraid of being alone. My friend wants to know if a spell can be done to help him find someone else. Any suggestions?

Metaphysical Wound Energy Healing

A Break Up Spell for your Own Relationship


#Question  3 – from Charles

Hey savanna this is Charles I hope you’re doing well since the last time I spoke to you last year sometime maybe 2019
I want to ask about your Mammon ritual spell for money; is it safe for me to do or should you do it for me?
please let me know ASAP as it should be performed during the waxing moon which is going on currently


Mammon the Queen of Pentacles

Mammon Ritual Kit


#Question  4 – from Samuel 

I need some help with some undesirables in the neighborhood can you recommend a working to eliminate them permanently. Not sure who they are

Traditional Magic Spells for Protection and Healing


Protection & Reversal Magick by Jason Miller


#Question  5 – from Zoe

Hi Savannah,

I want to adopt your three stage system for money magic as shown on Youtube and your BWC website, i.e. money attraction, maintenance and prosperity. But I have a question about a negative side effect that I have experienced as a result of being successful with money spells in the past, I tend to gain weight and also stop taking as much exercise because I am caught up with trying to bring in and maintain my money.

Can you advise me on how to reduce these negative outcomes, magically, without stopping the money magic from working?

As always, thanks a lot for your guidance and products and spells etc..

Blessed be

Money Attraction &; Drawing Oil

Prosperity Oil & Maintenance Oil

Wealth Oil 

Money Attraction Spell

Weight Loss Spell


#Question  6 – from Mark R

I gave my soul to Satan. He is my master. I want to worship him. How do I do it? I will do whatever is asked of me.


Bloodstone Pendulum

Demonic enns


#Question 7 – from Ganikus

Hi. Hope you’re well.

I would like to find out how to remove black magic. My family and I have been suffering for years and have tried every priest there is.

Lately we found a piece of paper with pubic hair, wrapped in plastic near our prayer place. Is there a book or site where I could gain more information on this.


Hex, Curse, Negative Energy Removal Work

Remove Hex or Curse

Home Energy Cleansing


Aura Energy Cleansing


#Question  8 – from Sean K

stupid question. is it possible to sell my soul for something in return? like for money or love or anything that a person could want?

How to Sell your Soul or Make a Pact with a Demon

What to do after the demonic pact is made


#Question 9 – from Conor A

Can I order something from your VIP items if I live in the south island of new Zealand?

VIP Money Magick (3 months)

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