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Author Archives: BWS

November 27th, 2023 Full Moon Event Feedback

We are sharing the full moon feedback this month with everybody. As you probably know, [...]

Pazuzu: Beyond Good and Evil

Scene from the 1973 film The Exorcist An early scene from The Exorcist shows a human-size Pazuzu [...]


Ritual to Break Away from a Negative Past & Start a New Beginning

Letting go of the past is not always an easy thing to do and even [...]

Demonic Seraphim

The Seraphim, sometimes referred to as the “angels of fire,” are, in many ways, more [...]

Full Moon Ritual Feedback from the July 3rd, 2023

VIDEO: Savannah’s feedback to the July 3rd, 2023 Full Moon Ritual The demons we honored [...]

Ask a question about Protection Magic

Greetings, To understand protection magic, you need to know what you are being protected from [...]


Full Moon Report for June 2023

LINKS  Flereous JOIN US for the July Full Moon Event 


Using Hot Foot Powder for Banishing

Do you have someone bothering your life? It could be a partner, sibling, neighbor, colleague, [...]

Hoodoo Style Court Work

Hoodoo candle magic can be a very easy and effective way to handle some challenging [...]

Affordable Spells Using 7-Day Jar Candles

Greetings, It’s quite exciting to look back at the last five years at HOW Open [...]

March 2023 Update: Winning, Gambling, & Betting Spells

This month we are changing how we present our newsletter content and getting back to [...]


How to Cast Easy Hoodoo Love Spells

If you’re looking for a way to attract more love into your life, then casting [...]

How to Summon Spirits & Raise the Dead

Necromancy Incense As it is the season for talking to the dead or even raising [...]


What should I do with my unwanted witchcraft tools?

Ask Savannah Question: “Hello Savannah! I am in the process of packing to move to [...]

Ask Savannah July 2022


ASK SAVANNAH: Q & A Session for June 2022



What Happens When You Die Part 6: Psychopomps

Have you ever wondered if there is somebody or something ready to collect your soul [...]


Seeing the results of your Demonic Pact

Ask BWC: A question to Lily the Psychic Medium about the potential results of a [...]


Why does the full moon play with your emotions?

The Full Moon is intimately tied to a person’s emotions – and may have more [...]


March 2022: Witchcraft & Occult Q & A Session

Perhaps I should turn my Ask Savannah videos into podcasts. Would you believe that by [...]

What happens when you die? Part 4: Communication with the Dead

In ancient Greece, a temple known as the “Oracle of the Dead” was built on [...]


The Mirror of Lilith or “Lylet”

For this coming full moon, we are focused on honouring Lilith. Queen of the witches. [...]

What happens when you die? Part 3: The Time of Death

So what happens when you actually close your eyes for the final time? Is that [...]

Ask Savannah: January 2022

Welcome to the New Year: as ghastly as the old one. 2020, 2021 and perhaps [...]

What happens when you die? Part Two: Your Death Wishes

I don’t give any guarantees when it comes to magickal outcomes or the actions of [...]

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