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Az: The Whorish Demoness


Azi ( other names include: Az, Jeh, Jahi),is a demoness  who was the companion of Ahriman. In Zoroastrianism, she is a demoness of avarice, gluttony, lust and insatiability.

In Zurvanite and Manichean texts she is also associated with Niyaz (want). Azi swallows everything she wants but never gets satisfied. Her standard epithet is “the Whore.”.  Although she isn’t a demoness of death, she brings about death through her corrupt practices thus she is responsible for all the disastrous things that happen to human beings. 

In Manichaeism, Az is the mother of sin and all demons. She imprisoned the soul in the human body and constantly tries to make humanity forget its divine origins. She prevents people from finding their salvation.

In Texts and Scriptures

In the hymn to Haoma, Jeh is referred to when the devotee rejects the temptations of the polluting whore” who sits down to devour the Haoma’s sacrificial offering” (Yasna10.15).

The recitation of the hymn to Asha, the Holy Mantra Spenta serves as an effective remedy against Jeh and other noxious creatures. (Yasht 3:9).  In Vendidad 18.62,  Jeh is said to cause Ahura Mazda “the most grief” and in Vendidad 18.64, “her gaze takes away the colors from a third world”. In Shayest-ne-Shayest 3.29, Jeh’s gaze is considered powerful enough to kill.

According to R.C. Zaehner, Az has a three – fold nature, which consists of eating, sexual desire and yearning for whatever she comes across by her senses. Zaehner further stated that:

“The demon Az is a Buddhist rather than a Zoroastrian ideal there is no trace of it in the Avesta. In Buddhism, on the other hand, the root cause of the chain of conditioned existence is avidya, ignorance’, and its principle manifestation is trshna, ‘thirst’, which means the desire for continued existence.”

Az in Traditions:

In the Bundahishn, a Zoroastrian account of creation completed in the 11th or 12th century CE, stated that Ohrmazd and Ahriman were already co-existing at the beginning of time, however Ahriman wasn’t aware of Ohrmazd.

It was during the first 3000 years (the first cosmic age), that Ahriman espied the light of Ormuzd but “seeing valor and supremacy superior to his own, he fled back to the darkness and fashioned many demons — a creation destructive and ready for battle” (Bundahishn 4.12).

Ohrmazd, being omniscient, knew of Ahriman’s plans to attack so he created fire (Adur) “with his thought”, with which the universe would subsequently be suffused with goodness (life). When attacked, Ohrmazd recited the Ahunawar invocation, thus revealing His ultimate victory to Ahriman. After his defeat, Ahriman fell back confounded for another 3000 years (Bundahishn 1.15).

Between the end of the second 3000 years, Ahriman was aroused from impotency by Jeh’s beguiling devices. She had promised him that together they would fight Ohrmazd and destroy all the creatures.  (Bundahishn 3.1-7). Incited, Ahriman defiles her with a kiss, and from thenceforth Jeh’s got afflicted with menstruation (Bundahishn 3.6-8).

Ahriman appointed Jeh for the defilement of females and it is said that this defilement is the reason why women have their menses till this day (Zadspram 34.31).

As the Devil’s bride, Az inspires and equally commands her presence, manifests her Will and accomplishes that which other demons could not. She represents the ideal and concept of self-deification through a Willed existence. 

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  • Luciferian Witchcraft – Book of the Serpent – Micheal Ford
  • The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology – Written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley -a leading expert on the paranormal – Copyright © 2009 by Visionary Living, Inc.
  • The Beginning of Luciferian Magic By Micheal W. Ford

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