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Basic Candle Magic

This type of candle magic is very basic, yet quite effective. Too many people try and start out with spellcasting, and they do not have the basics down first. The basics is to be able to visualize! So I will show you how to do a magic spell that helps you both visualize, AND spell cast.

Keep in mind that for any magic it is best (though not necessary) to do calling magic, such as money, love, health, luck or anything that brings something to you, during the waxing moon (first quarter) to the full moon.

Banishing magic, such as bindings, quitting bad habits, curses or anything pushing energy away should be done during the waning moon (last quarter) to the new moon.

[box] These are optimal times, but you cannot always base your magic around the moon.[/box]

Basic candle magic deals only with two colors, white and black. Envision the white candle as the waxing to full moon and the black candle as the waning to new moon. For any calling purposes, use the white candle. For any banishing purposes, use the black candle.

(Note: Always uses candles that are one solid color throughout. Scratch some wax off to test this if you are not certain.)

Hands Holding a Lit Candle

You Will Need

  • *One white or black candle
  • *Candleholder
  • *Matches or lighter
  • *Olive oil (if you have an oil that is suitable for your spells intention, then use that eg Money Oil, for money desires)

Prepare the Candle

  • Rub oil from the tip of the candle towards the base, while humming and visualizing your reason for doing this spell.
  • Continue humming and visualizing for about five minutes.

Continue for either candle:

  • Place the candle into the holder and light it.
  • Chant your chant for as long as you can while visualizing your purpose.
hoodoo love spells
Always put out magickal candles with a candle snuffer

Advice On Chanting

To chant, use a monotone humming voice.

You should create a specific chant for your purpose. It can be as simple as one word or as complex as you wish. (Examples: “Money, money, come to me”, “bring love”, or “Protection surround me, complete serenity”.)

When you cannot chant and visualize any longer, put the candle out and repeat the spell the following night (or day).

After you see the first glimpse of the results of your spell, let the candle burn all the way out. Remember, after the completions of any spell or ritual, always say:

“So mote it be.”

So as you can see, basic candle magick is easy. This can greatly help your own ability to focus and therefore improve your spellcasting skills.

Blessed be,

Lady Hannah




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