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Using Hot Foot Powder for Banishing

Do you have someone bothering your life? It could be a partner, sibling, neighbor, colleague, or anyone. Have you tried to get that individual way from you but failed?

Don’t worry, I have a spell that will banish that individual within a few days (fingers crossed). It’s more likely that you will have to repeat this spell during each waning moon phase for a few months at least. It’s not going to kill them, so you don’t have to worry about that, but it will most probably get them away and hopefully away for good! This type of magic can have a short-term effect, so you may need to repeat it from time to time to keep its effectiveness.

Hot Foot Powder

One of the key ingredients is hot foot powder. Hot foot powder is used in African American hoodoo folk magic to drive unwanted people away. It is a mixture of herbs and minerals, virtually always including chili powder, salt, pepper, and chilli flakes. Other ingredients, such as wasp’s nests, sulfur, and graveyard dirt are sometimes added. Harry M. Hyatt collected several recipes and spells for hot foot powder. Some modes of deploying hot foot collected by him include secreting a small amount into the victim’s shoes or clothing, mixing it with a victim’s foot track, or placing a paper with the victim’s name into a bottle with hot foot powder and disposing of it in a river.

Did you know that hot foot powder is a commercialized version of the traditional walkin foot? Walkin foot is a powder made in traditional African-American hoodoo to confuse a person to walk in all directions in a confused state. The practice was influenced by foot track magic in West Africa, where West African people take a person’s foot tracks and combine them with ingredients to control a person’s movements. It was brought to the United States during the transatlantic slave trade. The practice became African-American when materials such as North American herbs, roots, and animal parts, were to create a powder combined with a person’s foot track and sprinkle on their shoes or in their foot tracks to “hoodoo the person”.

Today, the most common way to use Hot Foot powder is to sprinkle it across the path of your target. The goal is to have the target walk in this powder. This could be at their doorway, where they work, or anywhere that they will step on. Some practitioners like to sprinkle the powder while they are walking backward and setting the instructions for the powder. Other practitioners will only take an odd number of steps, which is common in the practice of Hoodoo to use only odd numbers. And many people will not look back once they have laid a trick. In fact, even, I don’t look back once I have laid a trick because you don’t want any spirits following you home.

I’ll also add that if somebody else walks in the powder it won’t do them harm unless they are allergic to one of the ingredients. But you can’t worry about everything in life, can you?! When you’re using any type of magical powder, you are charging that object with the spell incantation and purpose. So unless you’re saying something like “Hotfoot powder, I need anybody who walks in this powder to not come here anymore….”, anybody else apart from the target will have no effect.

Hot Foot Powder Recipe

The correct recipe to make hotfoot powder doesn’t exist because it is folk magic. It’s like saying who has the correct recipe for apple pie. Everyone has their own family recipe. But here is a basic recipe that you can try and I bet you have most of these ingredients at home in your own pantry.

The Black Witch Coven hot foot powder has other ingredients that are toxic, plus we also add graveyard dirt. I collect the graveyard dirt personally from the cemetery here in New Orleans, but it is illegal to take anything from the cemetery, including its dirt here in New Orleans. I will just leave this up to you to decide on what you want to do to add graveyard, dirt, or not to your Recipe.

In equal parts add:

  • Red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper– To work as an irritant.
  • Black pepper – For banishing and repelling
  • Salt – To purify the person right out of your life.


  • Ground Black Mustard Seed –  may help in situations where the person seems firmly lodged in place, like trying to get rid of a nasty neighbor.
  • Sulfur – Causes jinxes and adds volatility
  • Graveyard dirt – to give them a great curse on the way out

banishing spell

Banishing spells work only when you make your intentions clear.

Like anything in magic, you have to know what you want. You can’t tell the spiritual world to do what it wants to do. It doesn’t care. So you must have a clear intention.

HotFoot Figure Candle Spell

You will need:

  • Petition Paper, (You can use a 3 x 3 piece of brown paper bag cut out with scissors or the target’s photograph).
  • Pen,(black ink is cool)
  • Black Candle (choose a male or female)
    • Male Figure Candle Black
    • Female Figure Candle /Black/
  • Hotfoot Powder
  • Hyssop


  • Hotfoot or banishing oil to dress the candle
  • Hotfoot incense


On a waning moon night (Tuesdays or Saturdays most preferably), Tuesdays are days for dealing with enemies. That’s because Mars is the war planet! In folk magic, you don’t have to consider the planetary correspondences, you just get it done when you need to (timing such as morning or night could be important when it comes to cleansing style work, but don’t stress getting the timing right for your spellcasting in general).


  • Engrave the figure candle with the target name, and any other personal information you have on the target. You could even write one word or two words in the candle about what you need to target to do.
  • On the petition paper, write down the name of the individual nine times using lowercase then cross and cover the name with your command using capital letters.
  • IF YOU CAN – Go to your target’s house or any place where you can obtain their footprint if u can, and collect some of their footprint dirt.
  • Mix the foot track with the Hotfoot Powder then sprinkle this mixture on the petition paper.
  • Now you can dress the candle with the banishing oil.
  • You may wish to put a circle of the hot foot incense around the candle, and light the incense. The hot foot  incense and just adds to the atmosphere when you’re casting this type of spell.
  • Now you can light the candle. While doing that, visualize that your goal has been achieved. For example, if you want the person to leave the town, visualize that he has packed his luggage to leave the town.
  • Fold the paper (with the mixture inside) into a packet.
  • Take it to running water and toss it there then walk away without looking back. If you don’t have running water near you, and you live in an apartment, it’s okay to throw it in the garbage, or just somewhere that the garbage will be removed from your home quickly.
  • When you get home, perform a cleansing wash with Hyssop bath or Holy Water.

3-Day Black Candle to Remove a Person Spell

  • Carve the name of the individual or situation you wish to REMOVE into a black wax candle.
  • Dress the candle with Hot Foot Oil by starting at the top of the candle and pushing the oil down towards its base.
  • Put the candle on a saucer
  • Write your intentions down on a piece of brown paper and then anoint the center of the paper with Hot Foot Powder.
  • Then fold the paper away from yourself and place the paper under a saucer beneath the dressed candle.
  • Light the candle and recite Psalm 35 (or just state your petition, if you don’t read Psalms)

Psalm 35
5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.

  • Call the person’s name and state your petition, repeat this three times then let the candle burn out down to about one third. Snuff out the candle. Do not blow it out.
  • Do this for three days; on the fourth day take the paper and candle wax to where water is running/moving. Like a river, drainage ditch or you can flush it down the toilet. You want the paper/candle wax to move away from you. When you get to the river or a place where water is running, call the person’s name and state your petition three times. Then throw the paper/candle wax in over your left shoulder and don’t look back.
  • When you get home make sure you clean up your workspace and take a cleansing bath with Hyssop

Hotfoot Jar Work

You will need:

  • Hot Foot Powder
  •  Hot Foot Oil
  • (BEST)A dirty unwashed sock from the target
  • (if you can’t get a sock) A photo of the person you are wishing to rid from your life
  • An empty jar or bottle
  • Black candle
  • Black thread
  • Vinegar

Let’s get started:

BEST –  Cleanse yourself before starting the work.

  • Take the picture and roll it up small enough to put inside the bottle.
  • Wrap it in black thread going away from you.
  • Dress the top of the picture with the hot foot oil.
  • Cut up tiny pieces of the target’s dirty, unwashed sock.
  • Focus your intent of ridding the person from your life as you are working.
  • Fill the empty bottle or jar with vinegar and add a few pinches of Hot Foot powder while reciting the following THREE TIMES:

(Name of Person) You are not welcome anymore and it is time for you to leave NOW and not come back ever I shall now banish thee.”

  • Now insert the tied photo of the person into the bottle and pieces of the dirty sock) and recite:

“It won’t be for long, you will be forced to leave and never return, it is time to move on and get out of our lives forever! No one can make you stay and no words can make you stay! Be Gone!”

  • Now close the bottle.
  • Light the black candle and place it on top of the bottle and say 3 times:
    “(Name of target) have damaged me and my family long enough! You have caused enough trouble, strife, turmoil, negative energy, and emotional and physical stress, and you will NO MORE!”
  •  let the candle burn all the way down.
  • Pick up the jar after the candle has burned down and cooled, and swirl it in a counterclockwise motion three times) Then say, “Heed this day (name of target), and walk away, the time has come for you to be gone and to never return! Repeat 3 times.
  • When you are finished you can store this jar or bottle behind your toilet, or under the sink, somewhere where it will not be seen or disturbed.
  • Do this for 3 days stating your petition (3 times) and swirling the bottle in a counterclockwise motion 3 times.
  • On the 4th day throw the bottle in a place where water is running, like a river.
  • Throw the bottle over your left shoulder into the river and say, “(Name of target) you are banished from our lives forever and will NEVER cause me and my family any more harm or trouble.” Repeat this 3 times.
  • When you throw the bottle and say the words, DO NOT LOOK BACK!

Make sure you have a cleansing bath to remove any toxic energy that could be remaining on you from this type of energy. I recommend trying a Hissop bath or shower.

Final thoughts

As I mentioned in the introduction, this type of magic may need to be performed many times before you get the hang of it, but once you do, it’s super simple, and a great tool to have in your magical toolkit. It could also have a short-term effect on the target, so like many types of spells, you need to do it again, either once every month, or once every quarter to be the most effective.

Everything I mentioned in this post is available in our store, so just have a look around or use the search bar at the top of the screen to find anything that you need.

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