The Niding Pole Ritual for Revenge

Image: Source unknown

See A spectacular way of cursing your enemy with a Niding Pole

A Niding Pole is used for cursing and revenge.

“The pole acts as a magnet for the deadly forces of Hel, which are drawn up through the pole from the subterranean streams and projected to the victim.”

A nithing pole consisted of a long, wooden pole with a recently cut horse head at the end, and at times with the skin of the horse laid over the pole. (1) The nithing pole was directed towards the enemy and target of the curse. Then, the curse could be carved in runes on the pole.

No we are not asking you to cut the head off any horse, but of course, if you own an abattoir (or work at one), then do what comes naturally.

You will actually find people use other types of animal heads on the end of the pole, such as sheep heads, or even dried cod heads. (1) If at all possible, I also recommend that you find a head to stick at the end of your poll but I will not include that in the ritual below. Get creative, and think about what you have available to you.

To substitute the use of an animal head, in this ritual all I ask is for a photo of the target.

Before you ask:

  • If you don’t have a photo of the target and you can’t access a head, then you can’t do the ritual.
  • Also, it is better if the target sees the pole. If this is not possible, you do need to face the photo all the head in the direction that the target is located. If this is not possible, you cannot do this ritual successfully.
  • If you don’t have the power to visualize the grey energy, Then you will have to be able to summon the energy of hate within you as you launch the poll into the ground.

You will need:

  • a pole 2 feet long at least
  • runes (research the rune for your need)
  • photo of target

BWC Method:

  1. Obtain A Wooden Pole Approximately 2 Feet Long
  2. Carve The Appropriate Rune(s)into the pole, while chanting/vibrating and focusing upon the destruction of the hated one. Example of cursing runes:
    • Thorr (thorn) – is used in the destruction of enemies and in curses.
    • Ing – Can deprive a man of his masculinity or anyone, male or female of their life force.
    • Naudh – it brings suffering and hardship
  3. Attach an photo of your target on the end of the pole…upside down.
  4. During the hours of mars, in a waning moon period, plant the pole into the ground so the head is facing the direction of the hated one’s place of living or where he/she is at most often. The pole should be in a place where it will not be disturbed.
  5. Visualize grey destructive energy being drawn from under the ground up along the pole and connect it with the aura of the hated one. You have to will this.
  6. Then, affirm what the energy is to do in the present tense such as:
    • “The destructive grey energy is destroying (name of hated one)”
    • “This energy is replenished continuously from the earth and does its job at all times.”



  1.  A spectacular way of cursing your enemy with a Niding Pole


Books on Northern Magic and Runes:

Runic Lore & Legend By Nigel Pennick

Pagan Magic Of The Northern Tradition By Nigel Pennick

Odin, Ecstasy, Runes, & Norse Magic By Diana Paxson

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