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Forgiveness Spells

On this page…..

  • Self Forgiveness
  • Family Forgiveness & Healing
  • Compassion & Healing Tips

Family Healingpeace

Think of BLUE products!

Wash and cleanse floors and the air

Floor wash & smudge

Burn a candle dressed with oil. Place this candle in the kitchen – where everyone comes at some point during the day. Put a family photo together in a frame and burn this next to the candle. This will also help the individuals in the home understand the importance of family and unity, and gives everybody a subconscious goal of where they need to be – happy and in harmony with each other!

Peaceful Home Oil


Tips for use:

  • I suggest that you use a combination of any of these herbs in a Mojo bag. Perhaps you can placed one of these bags in each of the rooms of the family members.
  • You could also burn any of these herbs as incense in the home
  • Add to a candle burning in a family area

Aloe – Hang in the home to attract luck and protection for those who live there. Grow in the home to provide protection from household accidents.

Cilantro – brings peace to the home and helps to attune one with their soul.

Coltsfoot – Sacred to Brighid. Use in spells for peace and tranquility.

Coriander – Love, health, immortality, and protection.

  • Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang in the home to bring peace & protection.
  • Add to love charms and spells to bring romance or use in ritual work to ease the pain of a broken love affair.
  • Promotes peace among those who are unable to get along.

Gardenia – Scatter around a room to bring peaceful vibrations.

Heather – Hang or use in home decorations to promote peace

Lavender – Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony.

Myrtle – Use in sachets to ensure a peaceful and loving atmosphere.

Pennyroyal -Magickal uses include peace and tranquility.

  • Use to rid the home of negative thoughts against you.
  • Carry when dealing with negative vibrations of any kind.
  • Place on a candle before or during uncomfortable meetings.


We suggest that you start with self forgiveness. Start with stones that send an energy to facilitate self love. Charge these stones, and place them around the areas you sleep and work.

  • Pink Calcite Untumbled Stones – Pink Calcite is known to be a stone of well being and peace, it is also known to be very calming and help with healing vibrations. As well as enhance compassion towards others, and being related to the heart chakra, un-tumbled stones each have their own unique, colors patterns beauty and faults.
  •  Flourite Green Octahedral – Believed to be useful in helping dissolve mental blocks, and narrow minded-ness. Octahedron represents Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra, love and compassion. Believed to allow a sacred safe space, helps to find acceptance and forgiveness. compassion and healing, finding spiritual nature of self true nature. Fluorite heigtens mental abilities, clarity and stability, and shield from psychic manifulations.
  • Rose Quartz . Emotional Balance, Enhance Love, Self- Acceptance, Forgiveness

If you enjoy candle work, think about the type of forgiveness you are working on before choosing a candle color, and choose a complimentary oil to dress the candle. Suggested colors would be:

  • Pink: Emotional Love, Fidelity, Friendships
  • Purple: Power, Exorcism, Healing
  • Blue: Healing, Sleep, Peace
  • White: Protection, Peace, Purification, Chastity, Happiness, Halting Gossip, Spirituality

Energy (unakite) Crystal Energy – Unakite, energy. Unakite is the stone of vision, offering calm but powerful energy in contentious conditions. It is a sustaining stone for living in the present. It is a sustaining stone for living in the present moment with emotional balance and compassion.

Dessert Sunset Jasper, is believed to bring good fortune and stabilize one’s own personal energy with help in grounding oneself. It is also believed to be a crystal of gentleness, relaxation and contentment. It is said to help with compassion and nurturing, helping to enhance tranquility, comfort and healing.


 Durga oil 
Inspired by the fierce and radiant Hindu goddess Durga, Aura Accord’s Durga oil is a wonderful blend that can be used to invoke the Goddess or help inspire compassion, courage, independence, and calm.

Water bath kit
Invoke the element of water through your ritual bath with the Water mini bath kit, and discover love and healing even as you develop intuition and compassion.

Promoting Compassion

Sometimes, forgiveness doesn’t feel right – to give or receive! Still we are deeper people if we are at least compassionate about the other persons experience too. You don’t have to forget and your not ready to forgive, but you want to show empathy towards the other persons situation.

Petition the Goddess!

Kwan Yin – Chinese Goddess of Compassion – Sitting in the lotus position, the most popular Goddess, the Goddes of Compassion, Kwan Yin, (also spelled Kwan Yin, Kuanyin; in pinyin, Guanyin), also know as Padma-pâni, or “Born of the Lotus”, One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World.

She is believed to help overcome you problems and difficulties through life. She is the deity most seen in altars.

Talisman Help

Seal of Barbuelis
From the 6th & 7th books of Moses this Seal calls on archangel Barbuelis for enlightenment, inspiration, compassion and good luck.

Forgiveness Spell

A powerful forgiveness spell which causes them to forgive and forget. It is best sprinkled on the head of the person (candle) with whom you require forgiveness.

The magical properties of the herbs in the powder release a certain vibration, and they have the power to entice forgiveness. The powers of these ingredients will be sent to the target through the candle, and help to influence them and make them forgive you.

In this Forgiveness Spell, two candles coming together on this line represent the person coming towards you, and warming towards you, until you are in close contact again, as the candles slowly make contact throughout the seven days.

TIP: Make sure you charge the magickal herbs with your specific intention/person in mind.

You will need:

  • 2 x figure candles  – One representing you and one the other person
  • Forgiveness Powder


  1. Carve your name into one of the candles. Carve the name of the person who you want to forgive you into the other candle.
  2. Place these two candles about 30cm apart. Sprinkle a line of the Forgiveness Powder from one candle to the other.
  3. Light the candles.
  4. Look into the flame of the candle of the person who you want to forgive you, imagine that you are looking into the eyes of this person.
  5. Ask for forgiveness. There are no set magic words for this. It needs to be personal and natural, as though you are talking to this person. You could say something like “[Name of Person], I am so sorry, forgive me.”
  6. Feel your emotions of regret flow from you and into the candle flame.
  7. Imagine in your mind that this person replied to you “I forgive you.”
  8. The next day, bring the candles a little bit closer to each other, following the line of the powder which you sprinkles.
  9. Repeat daily until the two candles are touching. Seven days is optimal for most situations.

Other Tips:

  • Make your own Forgiveness Powder – An old traditional formula often used to promote forgiveness in a situation or a person. Use equal amounts of
    • Salt – to banishes negativity
    • Sugar – to sweeten the target
    • Sage – purification of the situation
    • Rosemary – affection, calming, warm feelings towards each other

Spells By Miss Melinda

                                      To err is human, to forgive is divine

There are sometimes when we step on other people’s toes knowingly or unknowingly. In such a situation, asking for forgiveness becomes paramount. Forgiveness does not change the past, but the future. There are some persons who find it difficult to forgive so we can actually influence them with the use of spells.

The following are some forgiveness spells that anyone can cast.

Spell 1

This spell is more effective during a waxing moon and when Pisces reigns. Wednesday is cool. Just decorate your altar with a violet or purple colored cloth to strengthen the spell.

Items Needed:

  • A piece of writing paper
  • A pen
  • One violet taper candle
  • A small ash twig
  • A silver or platinum object
  • An apache teardrop crystal
  • A bowl of daffodils
  • A piece of angelica
  • One white altar candle
  • A fireproof dish


  • Light the white candle then focus on the flame.
  • Call upon your deities to assist you in forgiving those who have offended you. You can also ask them to grant the one you have offended the heart to forgive you.
  • On the paper, write down what you wish to be forgiven for.
  • Light the violet candle and burn the paper in the flames. While it burns, place it into the fireproof dish and while standing in front of the altar say:

To the power I believe I now pray,

That hurts to me are now forgiven.

‘Sorry’ is the word I’ll say.

Peace be restored and peace be risen.

And let it be done, that it harm no one.

As the flames burn, consider that you have been forgiven and if someone has offended you, then you should also let go of the grudges.

Spell 2

To Obtain A Friend’s Forgiveness

Items Needed:

  • 1 white candle
  • Linden tree incense
  • Fern powder
  • 1 white sheet
  • 1 red felt pen



Light the candle and incense.

Then take the blank sheet and write the name of the person who must forgive you with the red pencil.

Drag two pinches of fern on powder to the sheet, repeating the name twice, then repeat this incantation three times:

“Give me your forgiveness, (Say the name of the person), you are a sincere friend, Grant me your forgiveness, It is my dearest wish”

You can then extinguish the candle and incense.


Spell 3

Cast this spell if you want someone who has offended you to recognize his error and apologize. This ritual is performed in a crescent moon, full moon or new moon.

Items Needed:

  • 1 onion.
  • 1 parchment paper.
  • Olive oil.
  • A piece of cotton thread that serves as a wick.
  • A metal or glass container, to put the onion inside.


On the parchment, write down the full name and date of birth of the person you want to apologize then write down a sentence stating what you want. Call on your favorite deities to assist you in your spell.

Remove the heart of the onion then fold the parchment and put it there.

Put the cotton thread in the little hole that makes the scroll rolled, leaving a piece of it on the outside like a wick as if it were a candle.

Put the onion in the container, preferably metal and pour the oil, let it absorb and fill the container, and when all this is done, light the wick.

Visualize that the person’s heart is touched to ask for your forgiveness. At this point, end the ritual.


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