Love Herbs:

Yarrow Flower 2oz (achilea Millefolium)


Meadowsweet Cut 2oz (filipendula Ulmaria)


Mandrake Root Cut 1oz (podophyllum Peltatum)


Vervain Cut 2oz Verbena Hastata (blue Vervain)


Damiana Leaf 2oz Cut (turnera Diffusa)

Catnip Cut 2oz (nepeta Cataria)


Summoning spells bring someone to you. Most often used for lovers, a summoning charm may be effective for anyone with whom there is a strong soul connection or emotional bond.

In some cases summoning spells beckon a new lover or someone who is a friend, acquaintance, or who has perhaps expressed casual romantic interest but the spell-caster wants more.

Usually these spells target someone whose identity is known as opposed to the abstract new-love drawing spells found among Basic Love Spells.

Many of these spells, are to summon a spouse, partner, or ex-partner who has abandoned the witch.

Most of these spells were collated by: Judika Illes  Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells

Amethyst Bedroom Spell

Encourage a spouse or lover who has abandoned a relationship to return.

  1. Charge a substantial amethyst crystal with your desires.
  2. Attach this activated amethyst to the right side of the bedpost or headboard.
  3. Seduce him into sleeping with you in that bed; ultimately he should fall asleep on the left side of the bed.
  4. Encourage him to stay. Repeat from Step 3 as needed.

Back With the Sunrise Spell

For the return of an absent lover:

  1. Buy peppercorns and coriander seeds from a store that faces west.
  2. Burn them at sunset.
  3. Turn to the east and let a towel with which you have cleansed yourself after sex flutter in the wind.
  4. Pray and petition that when the sun returns, your beloved will return also. If necessary, repeat at sunrise.

Better Sex If You Come Home to Me Spell

This spell was inspired by men who took younger second wives. This is the old wives’ retaliation. It may also be used to lure a man back from another lover.

  1. Sleep with one date inside your vagina for seven nights. Use the same date; you may remove it during the day, reinserting at night.
  2. After this point, the target of your spell is invited for a meal.
  3. Chop up the date very finely and feed it to him in his food. If the spell goes as planned, it will not be a brief, businesslike meal.

The spell has two effects: first, to induce him to return to you, and second, to make sex unsatisfactory with anyone but you in the meantime. The second aspect allegedly kicks into action as soon as the date is inserted.

Cleopatra Oil Summoning

Bring an errant lover back with Cleopatra Oil. The oil may be worn as perfume; otherwise saturate a cotton ball with it to wear or carry when you anticipate running into your ex.

Commanding Doll Spell

  1. Make a rag doll to represent the target of this spell or use another kind of doll.
  2. Write your beloved’s name on a piece of paper.
  3. Attach it like a name-tag to a doll.
  4. Anoint the doll with Command and Compel Oil. Lay it on a piece of red silk or satin. Sprinkle it with Come to Me Powder.
  5. Chant:I command you, I compel you,I command you, I compel you.I’ve covered you with powderI command you, I compel you,I command you, I compel youHear my voice!I command you, I compel you:Return to me now!This very instant, this very minute, this very hour!
  6. Repeat for three consecutive nights.
  7. Following the third repetition of the entire ritual, wrap the doll in silk, and hide it in a dark closet or secret space.

Do As I Say Spell

This summoning spell demands personal contact with the target.

Create Do As I Say Powder by grinding and powdering cedar chips, myrrh, sweet flag/calamus, and peppermint leaves. Sprinkle the powder on the ground in your target’s path; allegedly this will magically induce your ex to return to you.

Lover Come Back Spell

This spell allegedly returns a departed lover within twenty-one days. It possesses a protective aspect as well as a summoning one. If the spell doesn’t work and he’s not back in the prescribed time, this may mean you’re better off without him. Start making new plans.

  1. Create an infusion by pouring boiling water over damiana and red rose petals.
  2. Bathe in it. When you’re done, reserve some used bathwater in a bottle.
  3. Add a little of your own urine and sprinkle some of this liquid in the front and back of your home for twenty-one days.

MagneticSummoning Spell

Sprinkle magnetic sand onto a magnetic horseshoe to encourage the return of a lost love.

Rosemary Summoning Spell

  1. Gather rosemary stalks before daybreak on Midsummer’s Day.
  2. Light a fire. Add three rosemary stalks.
  3. Chant three times:I burn rosemary.But I’m not burning rosemary.What do I burn?Your heart—the heart belonging to [Name], child of [Name] that’s what I burnThat he may neither be able to stop or stay awayUntil he comes to be with me and stay

Twenty-seven Day Spell

This spell comes with a time limit; if success isn’t shown by the end of 27 days, it’s time to consider a new romantic start.

  1. Cut out a paper heart.
  2. Write your lover’s name on this paper nine times.
  3. Cross over each name with your own.
  4. Place the paper in a saucer or small dish and cover it with sugar.
  5. Stick a white birthday candle in the center of the sugar. Burn it. (Make a wish if you want but don’t blow out the candle.) Keep the dish with the sugar, paper, and any wax drippings.
  6. Add a fresh birthday candle the next day. Repeat for a total of nine times, nine candles altogether.
  7. If he’s not back by the end of the ninth try, burn the sugar and the paper.
  8. Start again the next day, repeating with all new materials. If after nine days and candles, he or she is not back, burn the materials again.
  9. If you like, try it one more time, for another nine days.

Three times is the charm: if he’s not back after this, he won’t be.

Your Absence is Killing Me Spell

This elaborate ritual, intended to force an errant husband’s return, pretty much tells the universe that you’re as good as dead if he doesn’t come home.

  1. The deserted spouse lies on the floor, stretched out like a corpse, with funerary candles at her head and feet. Stay in that position until the candles have burnt out. This spell is from Latin America and has a Roman Catholic orientation: it is suggested that the Christian Creed be repeated while waiting for the candles to burn down. Supplement with petitions. Substitute other prayers, petitions, and visualizations as appropriate.
  2. Pay attention to your words as the candles burn out. Whatever you’re saying when they are actually extinguished must be repeated three times, while pounding on the floor with both fists.
  3. Immediately call the spouse’s name and demand that spiritual authorities force his return:Soul of Tulimeca, you who are in Rome.I need you to send me [Name], child of [Name], repentant of all the grief he has caused meHumbled and full of love for me

This ordeal must be repeated for three successive nights.

Basic Summoning Spells

Original Arrow Spell Of Love

Step 1: Carve a heart in a red candle, and
“dress it” with love drawing oils.

Step 2: Burn the candle on your altar…make
sure the room is only lit by the candlelight.

Step 3: Place an eight of wands card upright
near the candle so that it is easily visible.

Step 4: Place a rose quartz beside the card
and candle.

Step 5: Once the candle burns down, place the
card underneath your pillow so that it can
provide romantic insight and inspiration while
you dream.

Step 6: During the day, wear the rose quartz
in a charm bag, pocket, or tucked into your
bra (if you are female) to attract and maintain
the love you desire.

Even if you are already “in love”, it is
important to keep the flame of love burning

That’s what this spell will do for you… and
if you are still in search of YOUR perfect love,
this will speed up the process.


Attraction spell

* small seashell

*orange candle

*cinnamon powder

*dried and crushed rose petals

*small mixing bowl, spoon

* vanilla incense

Light the candle, take the small seashell and pass it 3x through the flame.


‘By the power of three, so mote it be’ each time you go through the flame.

Take a handful of cinnamon and mix it with the pose petals in the bowl.

Sprinkle the shell with some of the mixture and imagine yourself attracting many different people.

Take the rest of the mixture and toss it in the wind to carry your request to the God and Goddess.

Carry the shell with you at all times.

Make Someone Dream of You

*pen and paper

*square of fabric, batting



Determine precisely what it is you want that someone to hear, or perhaps feel. Write down your wish on a piece of paper in a simple form.

Make a dream pillow using a small square of fabric and a little batting. Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary. Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end.

Put the dream pillow on your altar. Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create sacred space.

Center yourself, then hold your hands over the dream pillow and say the following:

‘Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,
I stand before your sacred shrine.
This person won’t listen or hear
My words tickle at deafened ear.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine,
Send a dream, awaken the mind.
Through his/her vision he/she lives
The nightmare/passion/lesson he/she so freely gives.
Holy Mother, Goddess Divine
Send them your enchanted design
Clear out the cobwebs, tear down walls
Carry my message through spirit calls.’


To Attract The Attention Of The One You Want

*Essential oil of Ylang Ylang
*Orange pillar candle
*Photo of intended (or slip of parchment with their name on it.)

Take a big orange candle that has been dressed with the Ylang Ylang oil and set it in a dish of glue on your altar. A picture of the person or slip of paper with their name on it should be set in the glue under the candle.

Cast a circle and perform the spell by reciting the following:

“By the four posts of my bed
I turn your head,
I turn your head.
By my loins and by my thighs
I draw your eyes,
I draw your eyes.
With Ylang Ylang and a bowl of glue
I make you think of me as I think of you.
I cause you to look at me,
I cause you to look at me
I make you enchanted by what you see.”


The Witch Bottle Love Spell

Items Needed

·         A glass Jar

·         Spring Water

·         Drop of your own blood

·         Strand of your own hair

·         Vanilla Extract

·         Rose Quartz Stone

·         Other items mentioned are optional

Witch Bottles are popular in magick, and, though most often employed for protection, they can be effective talismans for drawing love into your life.

In a clean glass jar, place some or all of the following while visualizing love being drawn to your dwelling: spring water, a drop of your own blood, a strand of your own hair, vanilla extract, and a rose quartz stone.

You may also use any from coriander, cinnamon, hyacinth, licorice, yerba mate, rue, myrtle, jasmine, lavender, lemon, jasmine, mastic, rose, peppermint, thyme, or plum.

Drawings or other love talismans representing your goal of romance can also be included.

On a Friday or during a Full Moon, bury the sealed bottle near an entryway to your home.

It will work for a year and a day.