the practice or state of being married to one person at a time.
the practice or state of having a sexual relationship with only one partner.

Known as:

Has your partner been unfaithful? Perhaps you believe your partner is cheating? Perhaps your partner has a roving eye and you wish to stop this disrespectful behaviour!

Faithfulness is different from commitment. Faithfulness is an agreement of mutual monogamy. Commitment is staying together through thick and thin. Just because a person is committed to you does not mean they will be faithful to you!

There are two kinds of Fidelity Spells. Certain Fidelity Spells magically encourage faithfulness and fidelity: they stimulate the other party to want to be faithful toward you or at least not to seek out other opportunities. Other Fidelity Spells refuse to take chances but attempt to enforce sexual exclusivity, one way or another.

Alternatively, perhaps you have a challenge with monogamy, and you wish to do this spell upon yourself.

This type of spell is not easy. 

Serial philandering becomes part of somebody’s personality profile. This person is generally narcissistic and has no problem in lying to you and perhaps leading a “double life”. On a lighter note, maybe they’re not serial cheaters, but they’re just making you feel uncomfortable with the way they are interacting with the opposite sex. The goal is to use dark magic and manipulation to stop them from carrying out their own desires, and be focused on what you desire.

When this type of spell is cast on the target, it has a type of limerence effect, temporarily stopping the desire to want anyone else but you. Limerance is the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, aka YOU, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one’s feelings. In other words, your partner will want you over all others and will have no desire for anybody else during this time.


BEFORE you cast this spell:

    1. If you haven’t already had a tarot reading then you should to determine why or if he/she is cheating.
    2. Are you sure that they are cheating? Sometimes, we become paranoid in relationships and create issues that are not actually present.
    3. Have you had the monogamy conversation with each other? I bet you haven’t! It’s okay because most people have not literally discussed the definition of cheating with each other. People make assumptions as to what is cheating. You need to define what you consider cheating with your partner and ask the same question to them. For example, you ordered this spell to stop him from flirting with other women in his workplace. However, you have never told him this action upsets you because you don’t want to be viewed as controlling. He thinks he is not cheating, and you think he is! The spell will not create a conversation in his head that you need to have with him. You need to tell him everything that upsets you, and the type of behaviour that you believe is indicative of a monogamous relationship


Some men and women can be labeled sociopaths or even psychopaths! Sadly, magick spells rarely change the actions of these people and you may feel more satisfaction with cursing this person and finding a better lover!

BWC offers monogamy spells that are proprietary to our book of shadows. Check out the spell section if you want to see what we can do for you. Otherwise try some of the very easy to follow spells below, which are known to have good luck and success on keeping your partner monogamous.

Knot Spell

Nine Knot Spell #1

A woman’s nature can be attacked, too, depriving her of desire for anyone but the maker of the charm. Because it lacks any phallic imagery, this spell can be cast by either a woman or a man, although the target must be a woman.

1. Use her garter belt or cut the strap from her bra.

2. Tie nine knots in the strap, focusing with each one on your desire for enforced fidelity.

3. Keep it in a mojo bag or container

Nine Knot Spell #2

This type of spell is perfect for either a man or a woman, so don’t get caught up by the pronouns

  • You’ll need a red candle to represent you. Choose a red figure candle, a seven-day candle, a red
    devil, or a red phallus: the choice is yours. Carve and dress it so that it is identified with you.
  • Make nine knots in unwashed underwear, announcing aloud “You’re mine!” or “You have sex with only me” or whatever best expresses your desire each time you tie a knot.
  • Call her name aloud with each knot, too, for a total of nine times.
  • Arrange the knotted panty around the candle. If you have a seven-day candle in a glass sheath, you can tie the panty to it.
  • Spit on the candle and sprinkle a few of your pubic and underarm hairs over it. Announce: “[Name], daughter of [Name], You belong to me!”
  • Light the candle.
  • When the candle has completed burning, take the panty and tie it to a hammer or other metal tool, something heavy in weight and implicitly phallic.
  • Hide it.

Candle magic

There are various types of candles and methods to keep your mate faithful.

If you work with the saints, then you could petition Saint Martha to help with this mission. Saint Martha candle dressed with Saint Martha oil, write your name and your targets name nine times either on at the candle itself or on a petition paper. Use the prayer to Saint Martha and Psalms 113, 139, and 140.

Taking the work with Saint Martha a little further

Make an appeal to Saint Martha the Dominator. Saint Martha epitomizes the able, organized, capable housekeeper, and it is more effective to request her assistance if you are the wife in an established family than if you are merely a jealous girlfriend. If your husband’s infidelities are threatening the stability of your home, marriage, and family, appeal to Martha. She could tame a dragon; you only want her to tame your man.

Tuesday is the most favorable day for an appeal.

  • Set up an altar for Martha; most altars display a depiction of the saint and/or her dragon.
  • Carve a green or white candle with your name and identifying, information, simultaneously charging it with your desire. (There are also commercially prepared candles available that are dedicated to Saint Martha. Almost inevitably they depict her with a dragon or snake.)
  • Dress the candle with Saint Martha the Dominator Oil.
  • Place an item that belongs to your mate, something that somehow represents his infidelity to you, beside the candle and make your petition to Martha.

Other Candle Ideas

  1. Use a red love candle(or come to me, adam and eve), dressed with Spikenard oil. Write your name and the targets name, and then write one word to state what you desire across your names.
    • You could also use come to me oil
    • Write your names as suggested above.
  2. If you work with figure candles – Powder caraway seeds, cumin, and licorice root and add to grapeseed oil. Carve a figure candle to represent your partner; dress with this oil and burn.

Jar Magic

Place a photo of your target in a jar and cover with this up and rose petals. Daily, shake the jar and talk sweet to the target as you state what you want or you could also state the Saint Martha prayer

Another option is to take a piece of the targets clothing, as this is a direct link to the target, and place it inside of your own underwear for at least seven days. On the eighth day link the targets piece of clothing to something of yours with a red thread. It really doesn’t matter what type of thread. Place it inside a jar with some sugar, Spikenard, Damiana, and licorice root. Then seal it with wax. This spell strongly encourages fidelity but also has an aphrodisiac edge to it, so that he’ll be kept content while faithful.

Mojo Bag

This bag promotes faithfulness as well as romance.

  • Take a whole spikenard root or a piece of one, together with a little bit of hair taken from the target
  • Wrap it in fabric or carry it in a bag.
  • Reinforce periodically by dressing with essential oil of spikenard or a drop of oil infused from the root.

Commanding, Compelling Container

  • Obtain a lock of your lover’s hair.
  • Sprinkleit with Command or Compel Oil.
  • Place it in a small piece of white linen.
  • Wrap it toward you, knotting it securely shut with blue, red, or gold silk thread.
  • Carry it in your pocket or in a charm bag.

See my oil selection for additional ways you can use some of my oils in their bottles directly as a container spell

Commanding oil

Herb Magic

I Command You To Be True!

  • Licorice root and sweet flag, the building blocks of commanding magic, also possess romantic, aphrodisiac properties. Thus many of the commanding, compelling condition formulas that incorporate them (Essence of Bend Over, Do As I Say) are popularly used to exert one’s will in a relationship.
  • Sprinkle crumbled hibiscus in your lover’s pockets so that he or she will be true.
  • Consuming cumin and/or caraway supposedly encourages faithfulness and fidelity. Discreetly add the spices to your partner’s regular diet.