This is my personal spell for reuniting lost lovers. Making these dolls is not about perfection but intent.
I will be holding classes on how to do this ritual thoughout the year. Check the COURSES section to find out when. These classes will be LIVE and Online.
Part 1 – Preparation
- What is their desired outcome?
- Personal Details
- Name
- intended’s legal name
- Date of birth
- Picture
- Personal artifacts
- astrological research – what do the stars have to say about this couple.
- Name
Part 2 – Calling a spirit
This is different for every person, as you will form your own relationship with a spirit.
- Focus Exercise –
- Light candles
- Ask for spiritual protection
- Ask for my spirit guides to do this spell for me
- Write the names of the people on small paper that will be inserted into the poppet/voodoo doll
- Think about what they want (what you want if the spell is for you)
If you don’t have a spirit to call to you can use this chant below:
Gjoub (Joob) Is a spirit people can call upon for love, or just help in general. Gjoub is a Ndonga (aka Oshiwambo, Otjiwambo, or Owambo a form of Bantu god.
Ceremonial ritual to invoke the helping spirit Gjoub.
- Before starting you need to get a bowl of water.
- Put 3 floating tea-lights (small round and flat candles).
- Light them and let them move around by themselves.
- Light an cinnamon incense stick.
- Hold it in your left hand and draw a circle in the air right in front of you.
- Do the movement clockwise.
- Do 5 Circles.
When you do the first circle you say: “Calling Gjoub”
When you do the second circle you say: “Aid my cast”
When you do the third circle you say: “Need your powers”
When you do the fourth circle you say: “I seek results”
When you do the fifth, and last circle you say: “Thank you great Gjoub”
If you had opened your mind and soul he will come and aid you! He means no harm so don’t be afraid of summoning him.
Part 3 – Doll Materials
Review past videos & content on this site on materials.
- 1 Teaspoon each rosemary, cloves, cinnamon, rose petals, basil, and ginger
- Queen Bitch Oil (See Recipes)
- Mix the herbs together well, and divide between the body cavities of each poppet, using cotton to secure in place if necessary. Add six drops of Queen Bitch Oil to the body cavities of the target poppet. (Do NOT add this to the doll representing you!)
- Along with the love herbs, add to your lover’s poppet some of your blood, cum, urine (a powerful option), some of your pubic hair and some of your underarm hair (don’t shave your armpits for a few days if this spell is to work well!)
Head Cavity
Plain cotton: To cause sinus trouble, lightheadedness, faulty decision-making.
Sugared or honey-soaked cotton: To inspire your enemy to think sweet thoughts of you.
Thorns or grass burrs: To induce headache.
Mugwort: To cause one to be oblivious to your actions.
Jimson weed, belladonna, or monkshood: To cause madness, induce paranoia, and bring on erratic and delusional behavior.
Valerian: To bring on apathy and inertia.
Feathers: To induce long bouts of sneezing and coughing.
Rocks: To relieve clarity of mind and induce stupidity.
Mustard, red jasper and slippery elm: To stop gossip and speaking out of turn.
Chest Cavity
(Note: Depending upon the doll, it may be necessary to stuff the stomach cavity with cotton in order to secure items in this area.)
Plain cotton: To cause chest congestion.
Water-soaked cotton: To bring on pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems.
Ammonia-soaked cotton: To induce shortness of breath.
Foxglove: To cause heart palpitations.
Black onyx: To cause break-up in a relationship. Add a paper heart ripped in half if heartbreak is desired.
Stomach Cavity
Tangled threads: To figuratively tie the belly in knots.
Mint: Placed low in the belly to cause impotence. (Great for cases of sexual harassment.)
Coins: To cause the target to become sickened by his or her greed.
Symbols representative of the target’s misdeeds: To cause an upset stomach each and every time the target tries to behave inappropriately.
[/learn_more]Part 5 – Doll Personalization
Is that really the person? – to strengthen your focus, clearly visualizing the person—or summoning up the “feel” of his or her personal energy—while working on the doll.
- Once you’ve got a name, use a permanent marker to write it clearly and neatly down the length of one of the doll’s legs. Then write the nickname—if any—down the other leg. This way there won’t be any mistake as to your object of intent.
- Obtain a photograph of the person in question. Secure a length of ribbon or twine to the upper corners and hang it around the doll’s neck.
- Use an email or a letter from the offending party as an identifier. Just print it out, trim away your name, and fold the paper as many times as possible. Then use duct or electrical tape to secure it to the doll’s body.
- If you know that the person in question has a birthmark or permanent body art, add those to the doll, using your markers. Not to worry if you don’t have any artistic talent. That’s not what this is about. Instead, it’s about fixing the image of the person in your mind’s eye, and you don’t have to be an artist to do that. Simply draw something—anything, even if it’s only a stick picture—on the areas of the body you know are tattooed. Do the same with any other identifying marks. (Moles, scars, and freckles come to mind here.)
- Don’t stop there though. It’s also a good time to add any symbols that represent your curse. Want to instill confusion? Draw a series of question marks on the forehead. Want the subject to feel absolutely awful about screwing you over? Just draw a broken heart on the chest area. How about curtailing that sexual harassment at the workplace? A large red X drawn across the genital area definitely goes a long way toward drying up those urges.
- THE PERSONALITY FACTOR – Does your doll have the character of the individual or you? If the answer is no, then give some thought to what’s missing. Maybe it’s a fragrance, a signature hair accoutrement, or a certain piece of jewelry. (If you’re looking for body jewelry, jump rings from the arts and crafts store make wonderful substitutes.) It could be a specific kind of shoe (these can easily be drawn onto the feet and colored in), an object they carry around constantly (legal pads, books, a handbag), or a pen that seems to have found a permanent home over the right ear. There’s also the possibility that the missing factor is something even more subtle. It could be an attitude, or that deep, dark wrinkle in the middle of the forehead.
Part 6 – Doll Activation
- Smudge the dolls (Activation Incense) – Use this incense in rituals to activate a poppet. It’s also a good choice for rituals that initiate any sort of hex.
- Ginger
- Nutmeg
- Black Pepper
- Ask for my spirit permission to do the spell
- Ask my spirit for them to make the spell work
- Make an offering with my blood or cum/my sacrifice (sex for spirit)
- Activate with my BLOOD on their heads, telling dolls to do as I say.
- Smudge the dolls (Activation Incense) – Use this incense in rituals to activate a poppet. It’s also a good choice for rituals that initiate any sort of hex.
- Now name the figures as you hold them focusing on the intent of the spell – him/her returning to you.
‘Your name is —– you are now his/her/my—- true essence’
Optional – if you feel uncomfortable with calling a spirit & blood work, use this below:
- 1 white candle
- Activation Incense – above
- Table salt
- Water
- Poppet
Set up the altar as is normal for you, then light the candle and incense. Pass the poppet through the incense smoke, saying:
I bless you with Air,
Winds blown cold and winds blown fair.
Pass the poppet through the candle flame, saying:
I bless you with the kiss of Fire
That burns in all with hot desire.
Sprinkle the poppet with water, saying:
I bless you with the Waters of Life,
Both gentle trickles and raging strife.
Sprinkle the poppet with salt, saying:
With Earth, I bless you now at last,
Forest, field, and mountain pass.
Then place the poppet in front of the candle, hold your hands over it, and charge it by saying something like:
Poppet, with this consecration,
You become (name of your target)’s representation.
Every thought I send your way
Will in his/her life begin to play.
Every action befalling you
Will befall (name of your target) just as true.
As if s/he were actually in your place,
By my will, though, not a trace
Of harm shall come to anyone
Except for (name of target). By Moon and Sun,
By Wind and Flame, by Land and Sea,
As I will, so shall it be!
Leave the poppet in front of the candle until the wick extinguishes itself, then proceed with your prepared spell.
Firstly you will need to form a bond between the person and the doll. This is good for the beginner.
Use this simple naming ritual:
‘Little one, I made you and now I give you life
I name you (persons name)
Her / his body is your body
Her / his breath is your breath
Her / his passion is your passion
Her / his blood is your blood
Though separate you were
Now you are one.’
Part 7 – The Spell “To Obtain the Love of a Specific Person”
(Even if they’re already taken!)
- Poppet fashioned in your likeness
- Poppet fashioned in the target’s likeness
- 1 red candle
- 1 pink candle
- Scarlet ribbon
Run a flame up the side of one candle, press it against the other candle to hold them together, and light both wicks. Then secure the poppets together face-to-face with the scarlet ribbons by wrapping them in crisscross fashion.
As you wrap, chant:
Herbs of love and hot desire
Set (name of target)’s heart and loins afire.
Fire of love and sex and passion,
Light (name of target)’s heart—jolt him/her into action.
Tied hand to hand and heart to heart,
We shall be and never part.
And all his/her love s/he’ll bring to me,
As I will, so mote it be.
Secure the ribbon wrapping by tying a bow.
Place in front of the candles until they burn out. You may wish to spend some time mediating on your intent.
Wrap the dolls in the red velvet OR white cloth and place beneath your bed.
Part 8 – Storage & Ritual
After performing your magic, wrap the poppet in a white cloth and store in a safe place.
You should keep the poppet safe until the magic has manifested itself – or 30 days.
- Now ‘put them to bed’ in small box and keep safe.
- Each day at the same time exactly, dress a red candle with rose or jasmine oil, and burn it for 15 minutes holding the poppets, focusing on your ex-lover and willing him to return thinking of all the loving times you have spent together and picturing in your mind you both together.
- Holding the bound poppets high up over the candle so the poppets get warm a little but do not get too hot.
Now say:
‘I melt your heart as I melt this wax
(Name) even as this wax flows,
So your love glows stronger for me
I melt your heart as I melt this wax
Even as this wax flows,
So your love flows back stronger to me
I melt your heart as I melt this wax
Even as this wax flows,
So you are reminded of all your love for me
I melt your heart as I melt this wax
And by fire of love and it’s molten flow
Return (name) and your love for me show.
I call (name) back to (your name) so mote it be!’Say last line 3×3 times
You should keep the poppet safe until the magic has manifested itself – or 30 days.
- Now ‘put them to bed’ under your bed
- Get 2 RED candles
- Inscribe on the candle your name, then on top of your name, in the opposite direction (like a cross) write her/his name. Do this with a black marker or inscribe with a pin etc
- Each day at the same time exactly, light the red candle and burn it for 5 to 15 minutes holding the poppets, focusing on (your loved one’s name) and willing her/him to be thinking of you, and loving you.
- Holding the bound poppets high up over the candle so the poppets get warm a little but do not get too hot.
- SAY: “My future wife/husband….come to me” e.g. “My future wife Jennifer, come to me” adding whatever feels right to say.
- Most people will repeat this over and over again till you really connect with the words and emotions.
Part 9 – Disposal
There are several ways you can do this, and for your convenience, I’ve outlined the most common methods below. Since all work equally well, just choose the one with which you’re most comfortable, and know that your worries are over.
As you may have guessed, this method involves burying the poppet and is a very simple process. It’s only a matter of digging a hole, tossing in the doll, adding a little graveyard dirt and covering it up. Because the doll isn’t biodegradable though, most folks don’t want to go there.
There is, however, a more environmentally-conscious solution. Just place the doll in a small box (a cigarette carton works well), sprinkle it well with graveyard dirt, and seal the container by covering it completely with duct tape. You can then either put it in your freezer, or take it to the dumpster with your trash.
While the original method was as easy as tossing the poppet into a body of running water—or maybe, even the sewer—there’s a more environmentally-conscious way of doing this too. Just place the doll in an empty quart milk carton, cover with Swamp Water (see recipe in Chapter 5), and seal well with duct tape. Then toss it in your freezer and forget about it.
Don’t want the poppet living in your freezer? Well, there’s an alternative to this too, provided you have the time and space to utilize it. Since Swamp Water literally eats away at the poppet, you can also place the doll in a bucket filled with the substance (be sure to fill the body cavities with the liquid to prevent floating), cover the top, and leave it outside until the whole mess dissolves. Know, though, that you may have to add more Swamp Water before the process is completed.
This is, by far, the easiest and least time-consuming method of all. Just build a fire in your cauldron—either with wood or charcoal briquettes—and toss the doll on the pyre. Tend the fire until the poppet is past the melting point and is nothing but ash, then bury the ashes when cool.
As a preventative measure though, you’ll want to clean your cauldron thoroughly after using it in this fashion. Scrub it well with steel wool and rubbing alcohol, then wash as usual with soap and hot water. You also may want to oil it before putting it away.
This method of disposal is definitely easy, but as it requires a trip to an isolated area, it may take some advanced planning. Once you get to the place of your choice, all you have to do is leave the doll there, exposed to the Elements, and walk away. It’s important, however, that you don’t look back.
7 thoughts on “Voodoo Doll Ritual to bring back your lover”
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Hi savannah mam , i need a advice or help , i saw services here , my gf has just left meee , i want her back , can you please make this happen for 100 percent? i’ll do anything , i’ll try to give anything yu ask , i want my love back :)) , she is naive people may use her ,so please help me by any means to have her back……
Greetings, unfortunately I cannot guarantee magick will work 100%. If I offered that level of guarantee, believe me my services would be 20 times more expensive. Our website lists everything that we perform and then if there’s something that is a little unique just ask us and we will see what we can do. All our prices are related to the time it takes us to focus on your service and is not related to a level of guarantee. I know you want your love back….. and whatever you order, we will give our best efforts towards making this happen for you
hey , see i’ll explain yu sitaution , in an year i’ll go to my very own first university at that time i was able to take loan for 2500usd to 3500usd in india coz i’ll be 20 by then , then i’ll come for sure but meanwhile is there anything i can pull off or do because doing efforts and talking to her just hurting me more , seeing her with someone else …… i can’t explain yu the pain i m going through as she is my first love and wanted to make her my lastt and take care of her for the rest of my life :((
Does this really work?
Could you do this for me?
Actually the goal of our site is to provide you tips, resources, and links to help you do it for yourself. I am sure you can appreciate that we all could do with more time in the day – including us
– Lady Hannah
Does this work actually work I used to practice Wicca but haven’t in awhile should I sit inside a pentagram while I do this and what should it be made out of