Key Tips:

  • Your magical protection needs to be maintained.
  • There is no “one and done” protection.  You have to refresh it periodically.
  • The number 5 is most associated with magical protection
  • Best colors to use in protection work are white, black, red, and blue.

Protection Spells are intended to prevent, protect, and repel danger.  Magical protection spells provide magical protection. They create an aura that enhances other protective methods. If you are concerned about actual physical danger, magic reinforces other methods but does not replace them. Magic doesn’t offer a license to defy laws of Nature or common sense.

Protection spells can help to repel:

  • Malicious spells, hexes, jinxes, magic “tricks,” or negative enchantment cast deliberately against one person by another
  • The Evil Eye
  • Assorted spiritual dangers deriving from a vast variety of spiritual sources. These may be caused deliberately or inadvertently (1)

Spellcasting to provide protection is essential. There are many various systems to provide protection, so over time, this page will grow and expand as I share more of my knowledge with you.

Let us share some advice before you think about protection work. Cleansing is required before you begin the protection. Let me explain why. Cleansing breaks negative patterns.  It removes blockages and inhibitions to improvement.  It also clears the connection between people of inappropriate and harmful energy.

A common problem solved in part by cleansing is the “evil eye”.  This is a psycho-spiritual situation of harmful energy accumulated or dumped upon someone due to other people’s jealousy, possessiveness, or ill will.  It is like a burden that builds in the soul and psyche one stone at a time until the person is drained of energy and may ultimately lose the blessing others were jealous of or exploiting.  Cleansing helps to clear the buildup.

Anti-bewitchment spells create a protective shield, an aura of invulnerability against malevolent magic. They prevent the casting of enchantment against you, however, they may not remove a hex already cast. Hex-antidotes or reversing spells are required instead.

Correspondences by Intention: Protection

Element Earth, Fire, Water
Direction North, South, West
Number 3, 4, 8, 9
Day Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Colours Black, Brown, Gold, Olive, White
Chakra Root
Planet Earth, Sun, Moon,
Zodiac Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio
Moon Phase Waxing Moon, Full Moon
Botanicals Salt, Orange, Rosemary, Garlic, Sage, Dragon’s Blood, Basil, Copal, Aloe, Mandrake, Cedar, High John, Horehound, Rue, Broom, Black Cohsh, Clove, Rowan, Bettony, Mullein, Frankincense, Myrrh, Ginger, Sandalwood
Crystals and Minerals Copper, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Iron, Aegirine, Tiger’s Eye, Black Sapphire, Garnet,
Goddesses Artemis/Diana, Cybele, Isis, Brigid, Frigg, Hera, Sekhmet, Aine, Devi, Athena, Hecate,
Gods Apollo, Lugh, Ganesh, Vishnu, Anubis, Faunus, Loki, Jupiter, Pazuzu, Bez,
Animals Bear, Lion, Wolf, Scorpion, Condor, Dragon, Peacock
Oceanic Crab



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