There are many different types are of curses, and hexes which can affect a target in a negative way. The result of any baneful magic to the target will vary from individual to individual.

Many people do not realize they have been hexed or cursed. They may attribute their poor health, their lack of abundance, their generational failures throughout their family history to be due to poverty, lack of opportunity, and variety of other reasons.

Generational curses are also extremely common and quite frankly, they are probably the most evil of curses. Perhaps your great great great grandmother hated your father because he married a woman of the wrong colour, and so she cursed seven generations of their bloodline to failure and misery.

Generational curses

Last year, we had a case where a woman’s mother demonically hexed her daughter to carry the demon throughout her life. Obviously the mother was mentally challenged, however the effect of this curse was so detrimental to the daughters health, that even in her older age, the Demon would take over her body, spontaneously, placing her into convulsions. The Demon did not want to kill, but just insure the body of this woman was always available as an energy host. The Demon had been with this woman for so long she did not want to release it, as she believed this effect was a part of who she was. Sad.

A curse does not need to affect you as dramatically as the situation above. It will be a challenge for most people know they are under the effect of a curse of hex.

Remove Hex

Remove Bad Luck, Curses and Negative Energy

Past Life Curse Removal


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