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Black Witch S answers 10 questions about demons

Here are 10 questions Viewers have asked me about demons, over these last week or so.

The questions I address in this video are listed below.

1. 0:53 Overlord Magus Zed
Black Witch S, I am a Christian Identity Minister, but at the same time in my dual life I have been involved with The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn since 1986. Also the Rosicrucian Order to a lesser degree. I am envious of how you are so open and relaxed with working with Demons. I have struggled with this many times in my practice. I have seen my friends E.A. work with Azazel with some success though I think it was that relationship that caused his mental health deterioration for a time. I subscribe to your newsletter and read your site. I am very intrigued by the way you practice. I appreciate you and your efforts to bring enlightenment to society of your craft… I have considered a pact but I am a bit reluctant. Any encouraging words or suggestions??

2. 9:54  Jane
I got a question how do I know which one is my demons because I’ve been doing black magic a little bit and I know how you feel like making love other stuff and money spells and all that however I do also do my own oil and everything but I have been so I can actually look at someone and say something about this going to happen I can actually walk in to someone home and they have a date or something what is it I want to know which one is my name is how do I find out the name of my

3. 12:14  ayo potato
so i made one when i was younger with an entity that was with me my whole life growing up and it came back to me when i was tripping o. lsd one night as i could see into the astral plane and know what it looks like id like to call on it again but i dont know its name. Are ther any books that show what they all look like so i know him by name. if so olease help hes been there for me my whole life and ive lost contacg with him because i suggested i had moved on but now im realizing what i did was a mistake please help.

4. 14:49  gun nut
what does it mean when a demon has chosen me and not the other way around

5. 15:29  filmfae
Hi BWC. Question, what do you give in trade to the demon? I would think for a pact you need to barter with something, right? Please help, as I’ve been researching this and have yet to find the answer.

6. 18:52 Industrialsweetypie
You Are So Cool .. I too work with demons.. as I say Demons are useful Just give them some thing constructive go do and they are wow.. Thankyou too for your blessed info .. We are truly Blessed to have you Amongst us! Blessed Be

7. 19:42 Nilsander Henrique
Thank you so much for talking about this topic! I really needed to hear and understand all of this that you said. Just one question I had during the video. I know it’s really personal and it depends on each demon as well, but what things would be good to offer to the demons as a form of honoring? I mean, just generally.

9. 24:52 Candice Be4 weeks ago
I love Lilith… She has helped me so much in my life. Thank you again for such a great video and also , very informative as usual. Many blessings!

10. 26:05  The Trends Group
After you make a pact, going forward, how often do you call back on them or or do they come to you in dreams?

I also talk about demon possession at point 21:25.

Demon Asmodeus

Other Videos you may like:

How to make a pact with a demon –

Clauneck Sigil –


The Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned by Llewellyn Publications

The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by Checkmark Books

A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels and Other Subversive Spirits by Holt Paperbacks

777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley: Including Gematria & Sepher Sephiroth by Weiser Books

Grimorium Verum by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon: The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels and Demon Princes (Sourceworks of Ceremonial Magic)    by Llewellyn Publications

The 6th & 7th Book of Moses

776 1/2: Tables for Practical Ceremonial by College of Thelema

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7 thoughts on “Black Witch S answers 10 questions about demons

  1. Asmodeus1684 says:

    Darkwitch: I’ however as a Satanist beleive the life-force is connected too our aura and charkas (not our soul. A soul pact forever with Lucfier for an example would equal too that and that’ he’ll be there in the next phase of evolution. The charkas are apart of the aura not the soul (but are wired together here too feed the soul energy. But soul is seprate to ones life force. When we reincarnate we are re-connected to that force.

    Hope that helps; that’s my view.

    Hail Lucifer.

  2. Amber says:

    This is great info, im very new to learning abt the left hand path, and demons, etc, im a white witch in search of more. With that being said, not sure where to start as i have all the basics down, thanks Amber

  3. Darkwitch says:

    Making a Pact with Demon/Daemon. Make sure you research it, and make sure you wish to make the pact. There is another rule, use your intelligence. Make sure you require a get out clause after death. Because, this is important – your life force will not be released within next phase of life, you will be locked within the haze of dark veil. Becoming a ghost of yourself in this world, never to be released into spirit world. Think, before you react, and also make sure your life force is released, to enter next phase of existence. Either you take this has a important note, or you don’t. Don’t be stupid, and also naive, these spirits are very clever, they know you, they also know your strength and weaknesses, and
    furthermore, they understand you, before you understand yourself.
    They know the future, before its begun, and use it to trick you. Pick wisely. These spirits, and entities are ancient, and also misunderstood, they can cause many events in physical world, which break all general science of Man.

  4. Darkwitch says:

    Sure, no problem. I have lots of practical experience in Black Magick, and other forms to. I knew I was witch when I was 10 years old. My mother told me a story about house we lived in, I was 6 years old, and light above me was swinging around, 360 degrees. She never spoke anymore about the place.

  5. Darkwitch says:

    I have studied Daemonology and also Christian format. I have over 20 yrs experience of studying the subject. I have found many useful books on the Internet, and also from other sources.

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