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Blind Sorcery, Sighted Objective

Author: Claves Custos

Although I perform multiple types of magick for specific goals, I have found a formula that seems to work for me. Thus, I offer it to BWC – if it helps another, then all to the good. And all to the glory of the Deities, Daemons and Spirits I have called.

Due to lack of space, a working altar must be built up, then taken down after any rites or rituals. My configuration includes at least one candle charged with the intended purpose. Alongside this candle of intent, I include one or more candles and/or a sacrifice offering to the Daemons or Deities I call upon.

I begin with a banishing of negative energies or entities that seek to hold me back, do me harm or otherwise hinder my plans. I typically cleanse with a modified version of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram – ensuring to specifically state that I do not banish or cast away the very beings I wish to invite. Merely to banish those things that seek harm or hinder to me. I will note here that I do not believe in “binding” or other forms of coercion as is described in the Keys of Solomon. Rather, I modify those things into a simple invitation and offering.

It doesn’t make sense to ask for help and then threaten the entities you ask, now does it?

If I have some available, I will cleanse the space with a pet-friendly/asthma-friendly water. Currently, I have one made with rose, lemon and sage.

Once this is done, if the ritual is fully formal, I will don my robe and bring out my grimoire. A fully formal ritual includes the Rite of Jupiter woven into the entire affair.

If the ritual is more informal, I will speak simple words of welcome and praise.

I will include photographs as best as I am able due to my not-terribly-functioning left eye.

The following photographs show a simple, informal setup – typically used for a continuation of a work or continued candle burning – followed by a more elaborate configuration, intended for more formal affairs which may or may not include enchantment of items.

The final photograph shows my Enchantment altar and its configuration.

I now call upon the Beings I wish to invite into my space, in this order: Gods and Goddesses, Daemons and/or Angels (however they wish to be addressed), then Heroes. Some might use the term “Saints”. I’m not Catholic, so I use this term to describe contemporary or historical people and people/demigods of ancient myth who have made a significant impact in my life.

–The Gods/Goddesses
Baldr and Hodr (Blind magician, blind god!
Pele (to Whom I have made a promise)
The Morrigan
Oya and Yemaya

–The Daemons/Demigods and Planetary Powers
The Sun
The Moon

–The Heroes
HM Pharaoh Hatshepsut
HIM Catherine the Great
HM Queen Elizabeth I
HM Dido, Queen of Carthage
Hypatia, the female philosopher and mathematician
My father
My grandmother
Ingo Schwichtenberg (to whom I have forged a promise)
Dr. Stephen Hawking (a figure of great wisdom)

*I shall note here that I consider Daemons on the same level as I do Deities. I simply separate them here for clarity.

I light any and all candles that might be included in the rite as I do this and set up a sacrifice if I have one to offer.

For at least a song’s length of time, I meditate upon what I am asking for and the words of praise/glory I wish to offer back. Daemonic Enns are either recited or played on my playlist at this time. I occasionally offer music alongside any tangible sacrifice or item that requires burning, in which case I will sing if I know the selected song. If the piece is instrumental or if I don’t know the lyrics, I will offer a kata, a round of Cloud Hands or set of t’ai chi.

I now speak to the Deities, Daemons and Heroes of my plans and what I am doing to see those plans into fruition – in this case, the wealth needed to achieve larger goals. I speak to Them of my Strategic Sorcery sheet and any mundane avenues I have of amassing wealth. This includes my Etsy shoppe and a GoFundMe campaign. I speak of what this wealth will be used for; the purpose of that wealth. I will also reinforce that this wealth is not being gained or asked for simply for me to sit upon it like some dragon upon its gold. That wealth is going to be actively used and put forth toward larger endeavours.

The main wealth candle/s should now be burning steadily. Beneath it, I have placed a sigil of Bune. In more formal affairs, I will surround this main candle with the sigils of Lucifer, Astaroth, Belial, Beelzebub, Paimon, Phoenix and Eligor.

At this time, petitions, written praise and appropriate sacrifices are burned in my fire-safe singing bowl.

I will meditate once again as the sacrifices and candle/s burn for as long as I am able to burn them. If I must snuff them, I will now explain why I snuff the candles – in my case, it’s a time constraint issue – and verbally speak my promise to relight the candles when I am next able.

At this point, I will now begin the breakdown of my altar and verbally thank the Deities, Daemons and Heroes for coming to work with me. Final praises are also included.

I do not tend to “dismiss” Deities, Daemons or Heroes. I will invite them to remain as long as they wish and assure that they are welcome any time to return if they wish to depart.

–Informal Altar–
–Formal Altar–
–Enchantment Altar–

Claves Septem
Blessed beast,










“Never play Marco Polo with a blind man. You will lose.”


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