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Breakup or Separation Magick

“There’s more than one way to skin a cat”

There’s more than one way to skin a cat means there are many ways to do something, there are many ways to achieve a goal. The same can be said with any magical goal. In this newsletter, we look at separation spells. Break up magic can be done within any tradition, from Candle Magick, to Satanic magic, and even with “White magick”!


Yes. Even with white magic, you can request that each of the parties find partners more suitable, and move on to relationships better suited for a lifetime companionship! It is a very fine line, but it can be done! Break-Up Spells include:

Breaking up your own marriage or relationship

Terminate an existing relationship eg. You may not desire your child’s current girlfriend, so you need her to go!

Break up your love interest…..from your competition!

In “Black Magick” we are more likely to push for a disastrous break up for the couple, and not be concerned about what happens to the target/s. Candle Magick for break up spells can be also very effective and is perfectly suitable for somebody with no magical experience. If you’re uncomfortable calling to any specific deity, then just start the candle and petition for your desires to come true.

Even working with Hoodoo style spells, you might be surprised to know that we called to Saint Expedite, to separate and destroy that which does not serve us. The point is, when performing break up magic, you are not limited by your tradition or magical skill set.

Over the years we have demonstrated many different styles of breakup work. We will give you some links to get your creative juices flowing!

Check out the BWC Grimoire > Break Up Spells for additional separation style spells for you to try at home, and also, some spells to break your own relationship cords.

Check out the BMW Store for more spells and ideas 

My final tip on break up magic is that you may need to perform any type of spell more than once. The idea of performing just one spell and achieving success is unusual when it comes to separation magic.

Satanic or Luciferian Break Up Style Ritual

Hoodoo Style Divorce Candle Spell

Are you in a relationship that isn’t working? You might still have feelings for your partner but wish for a break up maybe because the other person wants it too. Or because you know it is for the best for both of you long term. This is a Hoodoo Style candle spell for the person who would like a divorce while the other party is resistant. You Will Need:

Gay? Hetro?

  • Heterosexual couple – use male /Female candle
  • Gay – Use 2 male candles
  • Lesbian you will use two female candles

Also, when I say “GOD” that means whatever higher source of entity is YOUR higher power – not just the Christian God.

When the Moon is waning on a Tuesday or Saturday, begin your ritual by marking the candles with the targets names. Dress both candles with your oil and have them face to face on top of a metal tray.

Light the candles and say: “With God’s blessings, may this couple separate as quickly as possible. May their relationship be destroyed, and their respect for each other grow to distain. May they both move on to another path and no longer cross mine. Amen”

When the candle has burned down 1/7th of the way snuff it out.  Move the candles a little further apart.

Next, take our your bible and read the first Chapter of the Songs of Solomon. If you’re performing black magick, rip out a piece of this page (of all) and burn it as an offering. If you are not using the bible, say your petition to your God.

The following night and each night thereafter for a total of 7 nights, relight your candle repeating your prayer moving your candles further apart each night.

On the 7th and final night, do not snuff out the candle but let it burn out on its own, then collect any remains and throw in the trash.

Say “It Is Done. So Be It”  

Conjure Style Break Up Spell

(From Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston)

Take nine needles; break each needle in three pieces.

Write each person’s name three times on paper.

Write one name backwards and one forwards and lay the broken needles on the paper.

Take five black candles, four red, and three green. Tie a string across the door from it, suspend a large candle upside down. It will hang low on the door.

Bum one each day for one hour.

If you burn your first in the daytime, keep on in the day; if at night, continue at night.

A tin plate with paper and needles in it must be placed to catch the wax in. When the ninth day is finished, go out into the street and get some white or black dog dung.

A dog only drops his dung in the street when he is running and barking, and whoever you curse will run and bark likewise.

Put it in a bag with the paper and carry it to running water, and one of the parties will leave town.  


Witchcraft Style Break Up Spell

Set Me Free Break Up Spell

Below is an example of a break Up spell that would begin to set you free from every force binding you to that relationship. You may wish to perform this spell on a Saturday or even a Tuesday. I suggest you perform this spell each week for a complete moon cycle (4 times).

You will need:

• A small square of paper

• A fountain pen filled with black ink (a black ballpoint will do, but a fountain pen is best)

• A white taper candle

 A fireproof dish


  • Write the name of the person you don’t want to be involved with on the paper.
  • Once the ink is dry, light the candle and hold paper in its flame until it starts to burn.
  • Hold the paper in front of you, trying to see the fumes curling round the person and wafting him or her away from you.
  • When you can no longer hold the paper, drop it into the fireproof dish, still seeing the smoke carry him or her away.
  • Take the dish outside to as high a place as possible and with the ashes clasped in your right hand, say some suitable words, such as:

Wind of North, Wind of East,Wind of South, Wind of West, Take these feelings to where they best be appreciated. Please let ***** see,That his/her love is not for me. And let it be done, that it harm no one.

  • The words spoken, unclasp your hand and watch the ashes blow away with the breeze, wishing your old love well as they go.


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