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BWC Updates: September 18, 2021

Greetings All,

How have you been? Hopefully, you’ve had more great days this month, than days where you just shake your head and think “WTF is going on in this world right now!”

Last night I was watching the Tom Hanks movie Castaway. I couldn’t help but draw an interesting parallel on how Tom was on that island for four years and over time his behaviour became more antisocial, distrusting, and bizarre. One would be excused for saying Tom resorted to primal behaviour in order to survive. Still, his sense of hopelessness and despair is lifted by his magical friendship with “Wilson”. If you haven’t watched this movie before, there is a real tearjerking moment when Wilson becomes lost at sea. At this point in the movie, I couldn’t help but cry. Why did I cry? It’s only a ball. Am I crying because Tom lost his soccerball at sea?


We have been on this Covid journey for over 18 months, and I think people are a little “edgy” to say the least. Admittedly I lean on my spiritual relationships to help me stay connected to my fellow human. I meditate and request assistance from the “spirit” to help me tolerate my fellow human. I ask the Goddess Astaroth & God Lucifer for wisdom and guidance. Some would say the answers from my spirits are just an extension of my own thoughts? Maybe spirit is an external projection of my own internal critical process? Whether it is my own thoughts or whether my God’s truly share their external guidance is inconsequential to the final result. Spirit helps me access the problem-solving part of my personality. I am able to navigate troubled waters because of my strong spiritual companions.

When one enjoys connecting with the spiritual world as much as I do, sometimes one prefers the spiritual connection over the human connection. This is not healthy I know, and I wouldn’t be the first mental health professional to end up in the funny farm! I will say that I am pretty close on purchasing a remote property, away from neighbours and others. If I do, it will probably be another Coven member who takes over from my position.  Hopefully, the Covid drama will be over within the next six months, otherwise, I think I will be running around half-naked on a remote farm, making friends with inanimate objects like Wilson.

Add a Hurricane!

This month was interesting for me, having to evacuate for a few weeks due to Hurricane Ida hitting Louisiana, and knocking out the power for a few weeks (and then sadly damaging so many other towns on her way through the USA). Gratefully I have the ability to take a “forced working vacation” – so, I took my Witchyself down to Pensacola (a beachy community in the Southern USA), and enjoyed a good cleanse in the ocean. I would like to thank my clients who patiently rescheduled our consultation time. Much appreciated.

Some quick updates:

  • Spell Casting Video Series – I’ll be back on track in October with the filming of the spellcasting series. I have lots of fun shooting these videos, so I plan to continue the series.
  • Ask Savannah Videos – I’ll be shooting one of these tonight but it probably won’t come out until next week. I have a lot (a mini paper pile) of your questions I would like to answer.

A common question I am asked is why I don’t answer emails.

Responding to emails takes a great deal of time. Even if it is a quick question, a quick question needs a considered response and this can take from 10 minutes up to half an hour for me to type out. Honestly, I need to focus my time on my current clients, my students, the coven members, and myself. I am 100% devoted to the craft and work at least 10 to 12 hours a day, and so it is very rare that I have time to go into the emails and answer random emails. That does not mean I am not interested in what you have to say.

If there is an important question, it will normally be referred over to Blonde Gypsy to answer, especially if it is a divination-style question. Otherwise, if it is super important or urgent, you can email the Coven and ask Lady Hannah to talk with me about your request. Outside of purchasing a consultation or becoming a monthly subscriber, that is the fastest way to get my attention.

Lastly, tonight I’ll be talking on a podcast called This Old Witch. There’s no set format or talking points, so I’m sure I’ll be rambling on about everything witchcraft, occultism, and whatever floats our boat!

Blessed Beast & Stay Sane!



Ever wonder what happens when a country Witch crosses paths with a city Witch? We did too. This Old Witch brings together two known Witches from two different environments to share their perspectives on Witchcraft, spirituality, and Magick. Along with special magickal guests from around the world each episode not only entertains but educates as well. Proving that no matter how different our surroundings and backgrounds are…. we can always find a common ground.

This Old Witch is a bi-weekly organic podcast radio show that follows no script or planned focus highlighting some of the most well-known elders, authors, and respected individuals found within the Witchcraft and Magickal Community. Join E. Massey (the country Witch), and Alexander Cabot (the city Witch) as they come together via the magic of technology for one of the most celebrated and respected podcasts in the Witchcraft world.

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