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Candle Work: Why you need to set a series of candles, and not just one!

BWC setting of lights for love

Just to clarify, I am talking about candle work with the popular 7-Day glass “jar” candles. These candles are easy to find or order, in the USA and many parts of South America. They can be expensive to ship overseas because of their weight, around 2 pounds each candle. These candles are popular for spell work, deity worship and offerings. They are also a popular choice for setting of lights, and I will discuss the use for this purpose in the article below.

The reason why we should burn multiple candles is because tough situations require work – this is why I personally changed the name of “setting of lights” to candle work – because this type of magic requires consistent WORK.  For example, your relationship is “not great” right now, so you decide to burn a candle to overcome the challenge. On completion, your candle looks like this, with alot of black smoke remaining on the glass.

What does this mean?

If the top portion of a candle is blackened from soot, but otherwise clean as it burns down, this is given as a sign that your spell got off to a bad start (i.e. it initially faced some negativity or opposition) but that it worked past those negative energy and may work for you. It is the darkness of the soot , and if the soot caries on down the glass which determines the success and tell you what you need to do next.

Personally, if I see black on a candle, I burn (or suggest to burn) another candle, to work on the challenge and towards my goal.

Series of candles are only burned in odd numbers  – 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, or 13. Why? It’s a Hoodoo thing.

When we burn a series, we start to work on the challenge.

Here, the client purchased 3 candles to improve the love life between her and her cheating husband. The client also purchase a series of 3 x Dume/separation candles, which all 3  finished with clear/slightly smoky glass – a great result.

The first candle indicates the challenges with the request in the petition, or that the husband’s spirit was fighting the request. The top of the glass is quite dark. By the second candle, we were able to overcame the resistance, as seen with the near perfect clear glass. The third candle shows the spiritual presence with white smoke, and a continued good message of success for the petition. The wax circles are what are called “time bands” and this indicates the client will need to wait and overcome challenges before the petition can be realized. But it will be realized!

Image BWC: wax rings on jar candle indicate the time it will take before you get what you desire

The petition, for this series of candles, was written with the targets name written 11 times, and the clients name written 7 times OVER the top of the targets name. The goal of the petition is written over both names, and this is something I personally do when performing work for clients (not myself). The petition was dressed with various love oils, and sat under the lit candle during the burn time.

I consider this series of love candles successful for this client, and I would recommend to either continue the candle work, so to keep overcoming challenges, or she could also perform a sweeting spell to keep his love growing. If the client was into Black Magic, I would also add blood to food and drinks during this time to secure the bond.

See Love Potion

So, I hope this lesson has inspired you to burn multiple candles when you perform 7day jar candle type spells. I will share more of these lessons in the weeks to come.

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Blessed Beast!



Learn more about candle magic 


BWC Candle Burning Services

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