Carraeu is a demon about whom much has not been documented. This demon is mentioned within the Grimorie of Cosmic Entities. It is posited that he is directly opposed by Vincent Ferrer and Saint Vincent. Prior to his fall from grace, Carraeu was a prince within the angelic Order of Powers. This demon’s office is to tempt mankind with hardness of heart and sadness. He is able to siphon all positive emotion from anyone and can be summoned to break the resolve of targets in a malevolent manner.
In hell, Carraeu belongs to the Second Hierarchy of demons and resides in the Circle of Hatred. He has mid-tier level of power abilities as consistent with his relatively lesser ranking in comparison to the Goetic demons for example. Despite being a lesser demon, Carraeu is potent enough to affect people standing within close proximity to his aura by seeping their positive energy he only affects people of little faith however. This is only possible when he has possessed a human body however.
This demon can give a person control over their emotions in addition to taking away any positive emotions which targets may have. He can also bestow emotional fortitude and strength if the conjuror so wishes. This demon is however mean and cold – it is worth noting that he is summoned against his will. Perhaps this is consistent with his association with heartlessness. For this reason, the likelihood of malevolence is high and it is not advisable for beginners to attempt evoking this demon.
As an angel, he served as a messenger and the heavens would not have willed to lose his services. This demon is said to have grown frustrated with heaven’s disdain for marriages between mortals and immortal beings. He had fallen for a human queen whose land was being ravaged by demon-worshiping hordes. Heaven’s refusal to allow him offer his love object angelic help led to his rebellion whereby he moved to hell and learnt at the feet of the demon Murmur. The first mentions of this demon were in the publication of the Grimorie of Cosmic Entities.
There are no mentions of this demon within Middle Eastern mythology or Graeco-Roman accounts thus fueling the mystery behind his origins. Like most of the other Goetic demons, Carraeu is presumed to have once been a popular ancient pagan god. If true, this demon’s initial identity was lost after his name was Latinized and he was rendered a resident of hell with the advent of Judeo-Christian based religions. The most popular accounts of this demon are his alleged participation in the possession of Sister Seraphica of Loudun where he guarded a drop of water that bewitched her.
Rank: 2nd Hierarchy of demons
Color: Black
Element: Fire
There are various accounts regarding the demon’s appearance although each description is vague. The demon is said to be clawed and possess canine features despite being bipedal. He has ribbons hanging all about him although these can fit into each other and seemingly disappear into a white skin-tight outfit. He has an otherwise lean and masculine structure.

The “Demonic Enns” of Carraeu
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Carraeu
Veni, veni, o comitis Carraeu
The sigil of Carraeu
Similar demons to Carraeu
- Carnivale
- Rosier
- Belias
- Oeillet
Attributes of Carraeu
- This demon is associated with the lack of empathy. It is thus his office to tempt men with heartlessness, sadness, or disillusion by depriving them of positive emotions.
- This demon has a deep aversion for humans hence his mean and cold predisposition. He is only summoned against his will and this poses a threat for beginners.
- The demon leaves the ribbons which swing about his body freely as an aggressive gesture of sorts seeing as they can seal onto his person seamlessly.
When to summon Carraeu
This demon can be summoned to attack targets by siphoning their positive emotions and energy, He is said to be able to break the resolve of even the most committed individual. Carraeu can also be summoned in order to impart emotional strength and control over one’s emotions if the conjuror so wishes.
Items Required:
- The sigil of the demon
- A scrying mirror
- Incense
- Black candle
Ritual Time: This demon has no specified time for summoning considering that he is invoked against his own will. It is also noteworthy that not much is known regarding this demon.
- This demon is summoned against his own volition thereby increasing the chances of malevolence or undesired outcomes. For these reasons, it is only advisable that experienced conjurors attempt to invoke him.
- This demon is very potent and can siphon positive emotions from targets once he has possessed a human body. It is therefore important to take great care in dealings with Carraeu regardless of one’s experience in working with demons.
- It is necessary to protect oneself from otherworldly energies by mentally visualizing a protection circle, opening, and entering it.
- The summoning circle should be prepared as depicted above and the conjuror should prepare by meditating.
- The demon’s enns are hummed respectfully while offering incense.
Offerings such as incense are left in the outer circle of the sigil. - The following prayer is said so as to invoke Carraeu through offering a prayer to Satan:
“Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do,the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, theone True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire Carraeu to manifest before me that he / she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his / her office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father.“
- The demon manifests in the scrying mirror as an aggressive energy whereupon the conjuror can state their wishes before respectfully dismissing the demon.
- The candle(s) are then snuffed instead of being blown out as that would annoy the demon further.