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Cimeis: The Teacher

occult tarot

“He is described in the Lemegeton as a godly warrior riding a black horse, and possesses the abilities of locating lost or hidden treasures, teaching trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and making a man a warrior of his own likeness. He holds the rank of marquis and is served by 20 legions.”

Source: Wikipedia


Demon Cimeries : The Courageous Ruler in Africa

Oracle Messages from Cimeies – by Savannah

List of Demon Names


In my personal deck of cards, I have given Cimeries the Magician from the Major Arcana deck. If I want to path work with Cimeries, I focus on his office which is to teach various subjects. However, he is also capable of making the mage appear as a warrior of his own image. The demon is also capable or revealing lost or buried items at the request of the mage. There is much to benefit from learning grammar, logic, or rhetoric from Cimeries as he is a master of his craft who can make one socially successful. Furthermore, historical texts portray him as being a godlike helpful spirit instead of malevolent.

The Magician in the Major Arcana is associated with resourcefulness, inspiration, and manifestation. When the card is reversed then the major takeaway is the prospect of untapped talent. The Magician therefore forecasts that the mage may either draw great benefits from Cimeries’ teaching or risks letting their potential go unused.

Fire archetypes are usually resourceful in order to survive the vagaries of life. Magic is greatly associated with fire hence the apt symbolism. The Magician here represents the sheer scope of resourcefulness that fighter archetypes hold. Here, fighter archetypes have to make use of the potential to learn in order to have the skills necessary to overcome challenges. If they do not do so then they risk running into failures that would have otherwise been avoidable.

When the Magician appears in a reading, it may highlight a need to polish on an aspect of one’s life. This can vary from almost anything. For example, you may want to reduce your light bills in future to make more savings if the prices of commodities go up – learning the strategies to achieve these goals are therefore akin to the resourcefulness that magic gives the average human. When I see this card in a reading, I immediately begin to think of where I should make changes and if there is any information that I need to learn before.


The Demo

Cimeries is recorded as 66th demon among the 72 fallen angels in the Ars Goetia. He is ranked as a marquis of hell with 20 legions of underlings serving him – some texts state that he commands up to 30 legions of lesser demons. He is described as being a majestic soldier riding atop a black stallion. There are various depictions of the demon wearing a hooded chain of mail while riding the aforementioned black horse. There are various names by which the demon answers such as: Kimaris, Cimeies, or even Cimejes. Despite his majesty, he is a helpful godlike figure who will not look to do any harm to the mage as long as he is properly respected upon summoning.


Significant Symbol – Fire

Cimeris is a difficult demon to trace because of the different portrayals that he is given in historical texts. For example, some versions of the Ars Goetia report him as being the 26th demon among the 72 spirits of Solomon despite him being widely accepted as the 66th. The Munich Handbook of Necromancy however describes him as another being (Tuvris) with 30 legions of lesser demons serving him – Tuvris is also additionally capable of making the mage cross rivers and seas quickly. The symbol of fire is associated with war and magic and rightly sits by him given his appearances as a soldier.

Cimeries is commonly shown on a black horse wielding various weapons. Some depictions show him holding a bow and arrow but he is commonly portrayed with a specter or a lance. His majestic posture also shows the potency of this demon.

Fire is an archetype which is commonly used throughout magic and the occult. It usually indicates a tendency to become impetuous or reckless that may contrast with the gentle nature of this demon. However, its ties to magic and its resourcefulness augurs well with Cimeries’ ability to transform the mage into a warrior, reveal hidden treasures, or teach several subjects are consistent with the fire archetype.

Note – Cimeries is a contradictory demon with his appearance as a soldier differing greatly with his office of teaching or revealing buried treasure.


The Message

What am I missing here? What should I be looking out for?

I believe Cimeis comes to teach the mage the things that they need to learn in order to prevent any foes from taking advantage of their ignorance. If the conjuror wishes however, the demon can help them to reveal hidden or buried items. I do not foresee how his office of turning the conjuror into a soldier can be very useful except in times of war. His 20 to 30 legions of demons can also do his bidding and can therefore help the conjuror as well.

If the challenge or opportunity is within my presence, Cimeis can help to learn this need. In this way, the demon contributes to the conjuror’s resourcefulness. When path working with this demon, I can simply ask him to help me learn the things that I am currently missing. Cimeis should respond in a week or two giving cues that can help me identify the challenge or hidden opportunity. If I do not get a response from the demon, I will assume the opportunity has passed or will come to pass soon.

Cimeis is a valiant soldier who holds the office of teaching grammar, logic, and rhetoric. He can teach the conjuror very many subjects that are able to help them become socially successful. If you ever feel that your knowledge of some experience is lacking, you should consider consulting Cimeis.


Tarot readings and symbolism are relative and open to interpretation. Let us know what you think of Cimeis in the comment section below!


Image:  photo is the property of BWC

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