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Coming out of the Black Magic Broom Closet

Author: Maggie Moon

Are you debating whether or not you should come out of the Black magic broom closet and share your dark secret with those around you? Much like a spell, once it has been , coming out of the broom closet is an action that cannot fully be undone. It will likely be a life altering decision that may not go as planned . Oftentimes the reaction that you receive from those around you will not be what you are hoping for. Particularly if you practice the Dark Arts. Often even our spiritual friends that identify as witches who may seem to be pretty open minded can reveal their true closed minded selves. Those of us that practice the Dark Arts are a rare breed.

This path certainly is not for the weak minded or the faint of heart. Most people will never get past their initial fears that stem from lies and misinformation that have been thrusted upon them their entire lives concerning Black Magick. This path is for those that are brave enough to fair forth into the unknown, pull up their sleeves and dive seep into self discovery and mastery.

Coming out can be much akin to the messages brought forth within the Tower Card. People will see you differently and project their fears and uneducated opinions upon you. Depending on your personality you may be more tolerant in this regard than I was. The experience made me view some people in a different light all together, and I was glad to remove them from my life. Even though the experience was hurtful at the onset it assisted me to see the truth in myself and in the relationships that I was involved in. As a black magician I seek truth. The real truth right down to nitty gritty blackened aspects of my psyche.

Although coming forth in my own personal truths created a lot of conflict and burning a way of relationships that were not truly built upon mutual trust and respect. In retrospect I am now thankful. However, In some ways it has contributed to undue difficulties in areas of my social interactions that need not be privy to my personal spiritual preferences and practices. I strongly suggest that the pros and cons of disclosing personal practices be given due consideration. Perhaps approach this on a need to know bases, and choose these wisely.

In my video I discuss my insights based on personal experiences on this matter.

It is my sincere hope that by sharing my experiences I will inspire those that are in the situation to be properly prepared before undergoing this task.

Dark & Wild Blessings

Maggie Moon

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