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Coming Out Of The Broom Closet

Have you come out of the broom closet? If so, how was that journey for you? If not, what is holding you back right now?

What’s becoming abundantly clear, is that following the left-hand path isn’t a teenage fad nor some desperate plea to the devil for hope! Being loud and being proud as a witch, Luciferian, Satanist, or any other type of individual who steps away from the mainstream requires a strategy and consideration. Most of us can agree, the exit out of the closet is not easy.

Personally, I always say that you have to respect the situation you are in. What does this mean? It means that if you are living at home under your Christian, Muslim, Jewish parent’s roof, then you are to respect their rules until you have found the way to support your own life. If you are a battered women living in a Christian single women’s shelter, then go with the flow until you have a different option. The goal is to live your best life, and if that means you need to “fake it until you make it”….then this is what you exactly need to do!

What was my journey out of the closet? I grew up in an era where I didn’t have the terminology and definitions we do in 2020. I knew I was different, however, I did not spend time ruminating on why I was different from the rest of the pack. That seems like such a boring waste of brain space. Why does it matter what everyone else thinks? I am an Aquarian, so let’s just say its in my DNA to be different.

In hindsight, I was definitely always a Pagan, and connecting to the energy in my environment. What does this mean? I’ll give you an example, of when I would swim in the ocean as a child, and I would feel the pulse of mother nature playing with me. “Come out deeper…how much fear can you tolerate….How much energy can you handle… strong do you think you are?……” Yes, I felt her challenge, and she trained me well. You feel the energy of the waves and mother nature taking control when she needed to just to let you know who was boss. If you are a surfer you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Back in those days (3 to 19), I was more receptive to paranormal experiences – e.g Ghosts and Poltergeists, more than “demonic entities”. Today the ghosts and poltergeists still exist, but I only work with these energies to help clients. Handling the poltergeist or a wayward ghost is something I quite enjoy. Today, I am in complete control of the elements, and of summoning spirits, the other types of spiritual entities are less of a concern for me.

I will take you back to 20 years ago when we still did not have all the definitions we do today of what coming out of the closet means for a modern witch. When I realized how far left my journey had taken me, and how controversial my label, I always considered my loved ones. How would my label affect their lives and what they were trying to achieve?

First and foremost I am a mother. I had to consider that my children were of a different religious persuasion than myself and that this religion corresponded to their sense of safety, and self-belief. This meant more to me than my own need to be seen as a witch. It doesn’t matter that I sit in the spotlight. I know who I am and I know what I believe in. Do I need to tell everyone else and try and gain their admiration or acceptance?

Secondly, I am a businesswoman. A Clinical psychologist with a DBA in business. Would the sharing of my spiritual practices enhance my career? I think not! The goal of the left-hand path practitioner is to walk within the shadows and take advantage of the light.

Thirdly, my best friend in life was my grandmother who passed away a few years back. I did a post about this event on social media. If you have ever been close with someone who is over 40 to 60 years older than you, you know that the differences in communication style and the way they share emotions are vastly different from how we communicate now. If I was to say to her, “Hey grandma, I’m a witch and my God is Lucifer….”, she would look at me for less than a second, and then suggest we have a cup of tea. Does it impact our relationship if she doesn’t acknowledge my journey into witchcraft and the left-hand path? My answer to that question is NO. We both loved our bond. We all have secrets. Enjoy the moment.

My journey and success in the left-hand path has been quite dynamic under the guidance of Lucifer and the other gods and goddesses who have been with me over the past, let’s say 30-40+ years. With my hand on my heart I can honestly say some of my experiences are quite unbelievable. I have made millions and lost millions on this journey, and I can tell you at each point, where this money came from and why this money left.

As for my loved ones, they couldn’t help but observe my dramatic journey. “Who is helping you?” “Do you have a business partner?” While I may have come off “3 day-benders”, multi-day rituals, or flying in from different continents after spiritual experiences, I would never try and scare any loved one with my secrets, mindset, or beliefs.

Back then and right now, arcane experiences and knowledge need to be kept arcane! It’s NOT for family concerns or public entertainment.

These days I’m completely out of the closet. I do not have to be concerned about the opinions of the public, my family members, my friends, or anybody else. In fact, the junior BWC members (my bloodline), are finding their “wings” and will be ready to take flight in the coming years. I will protect their emergence, and protect their journey for as long as I can, and provide a comfort level to them so they can build their energy organically.

What does it feel like to come out of the closet in 2020?

Listen to Zeraphina Angelus as she shares her views on Coming out of the Broom Closet.  I can personally attest to her sincerity as a left-hand path practitioner, a mother, a corporate businesswoman, and much more that I won’t share in public.

In this video I talk openly and emotionally about what it’s really like to step out publicly as an Occultist. How it feels to face judgement and misunderstanding from those not on this path, and my hopes for the future to raise true understanding of and dispel false rumours about the occult.

I certainly believe it is important to support our own kind, and those who have chosen to follow the magical path.


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