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Create your own Altar for Works of D.U.M.E


If I had to think about it for longer than 5 seconds, I guess it sounds a little macabre to set up an entire altar based on the works of hexing and cursing, and works surrounding DUME. The acronym for DUME stands for Death Unto My Enemy, and it is intended to cause “an upset” to the target’s life. So I can see why one could judge my altar and my reason for wanting people to face peril, as an  “evil” act.

What the judging folks don’t understand is the reasons why one would want to burn a DUME candle. It is easy to throw  judgement on another person when your not walking in their shoes. No-one knows your pain, and no-one truly understands the hurt another human has caused you. The majority of people who request or burn their own dume candles have already tried every option to resolve their issues. They are stuck, and living in the mess another has caused.

“What could be SO BAD that warrants this work?”

Let me share a few examples of clients who asked for a DUME candle burning so you can understand this type of magick work a little better.

CASE 1: The Family Destroying Bitch

A little background, this married woman works with my ex-fiancé (withheld), she pursued him for months (as a friend so she said) and, while I was in the hospital fighting off a bone infection and getting part of my foot amputated, she began sending him sexual text messages (I saw the texts).

This was the same month we were to get married. My fiancé of 3 years ended up moving out 3 days before our wedding to be with her. During the next 12 months my ex and I went back and forth, off and on, and this woman spread gossip about me, used her connections (she works at the fire department and works closely with the PD as well) with the local police department to have me harassed and ultimately arrested on trumped up charges, I lost my job because of the arrest, lost my reputation and good name because of the gossip and arrest, became pregnant by my ex during this timeframe and ultimately lost the baby at 27 weeks due to the stress and complications brought on by the situation. My ex ultimately went back to her so I had to deal with the loss of our child alone.

I want this woman to suffer. I want her to lose everything, (withheld) her job, her reputation, her loved ones, and her (withheld) children (she has recently separated from her husband after the affair was exposed and is going through a divorce, I want her to lose custody, not to hurt the children).

I’m not necessarily asking for her death although I wouldn’t be opposed to it. But first I want her to suffer as she made me suffer over the last year and I want her to lose everything that I lost because of her.

CASE 2: The Career Destroying Work Colleague

I want that fucking ass to pay for ruining my career! I want this bastard to have nothing but bad luck and get in trouble while on duty! He deserves to loose his job!!! And when he does that he is unable to rcieve any help to get his job back. I want him to fail and for all the chaos to happen at work so everyone can see when he gets fired! And for others to realize he’s the reason why I am in this situation now. This useless piece of skin has hurt many at work and tarnished many employees at my work placement. I want him gone and everything taken aways from him!

CASE 3: The Manipulating Man

I need help. My ex fiance. He has made my life hell and will not go away. He’s put me in horrible situations that have gotten me beaten up and had separated me and my daughter for 3 years.

He poorly taken care of my daughter and had her living unstable. He manipulates everything and ive lost thousands of dollars because of his irresponsibility and lack of consideration.

My daughter is back with me and is happy and improving so much but i fear that he will cause more problems and try to attack me when its time to file for custody.

I want HIM out of me and my daughters life for good. I have thought hard about this and the truth is he will forever be a darkness in my life and hes shown to be a negitive example for my daughter.

In all these cases, people are looking for help, as the system as failed them. They turn to find a magickal solution as a last resort. From my perspective, the magickal solution is the civilized solution. It’s better than domestic violence, or taking physical revenge. Plus it is mentally helpful to know you can effect the happiness of the person who did you harm, without getting your hand dirty.You get to have the last laugh!

DUME Work 101

The magical category DUME spells fall under, is Hoodoo or Voodoo candle work, otherwise known as candle magic. Essentially, the idea is to call upon a spiritual entity to help you cause the issue with the target. The candle is dressed with oils and/or herbs, in this case, of a malevolent nature.

A petition paper is often written as well with the persons name and the intention written 9 times in a criss cross fashion. The petition paper will sit under the candle whilst the candle is burning. Some witches put sit the petition paper and the candle in a saucer of toxic herbs too. I like to use graveyard dirt when I’m working the candle this way.

The spellcasting consists of stating what you want done to that person in a clear and honest manner, however the spell often says (as a karma insurance plan) “If my spell is justified” or “If my case is justified” etc. It is always best if you write the spell yourself, and personalize it according to your case. Using another persons petition just doesn’t work with hexing and cursing spells.

The DUME candle would be worked over several days, each day you would light the candle and cast the spell . Once you finish with the spell/candle burning for that day, the candle is snuffed out.

Many spell casters Will also use other spells in conjunction with the DUME candle burning. As you can see in my picture, I’ve also done a simple bottle spell, which can be made by putting the enemy’s name in Vinegar or War Water, closing up the jar, and standing your candle on top of the jar.

My DUME Work

As I’m working demonologist, it makes sense to call upon a daemon entity for the task causing the DUME. This is still Candle Style Magick but not of a Voodoo or Hoodoo style.

This ritual is best done while the offender is sleeping. I begin by casting my witches circle, calling in four specific Demons. Once the demons are in attendance, I state my intention for their presence.

[box type=”info”] NOTE: I only work on one person at a time, for one candle at a time. You won’t have enough energy to do more than one person at one time. And if you do, you’ll find yourself exhausted for a few days. To me, this just isn’t worth it.[/box]

I do use various styles the black candles for the DUME work, however right now I like using the black glass 7-Day Candle. I dressed the top of the candle with my own DUME OIL. You can make your own oil as well if you like, as it’s not too hard. Just finding the ingredients for this product can be a challenge.

Prepare the spell. Included in the prayer should be the name of the offending one, the severity of the punishment you wish to see inflicted, and how they offended you and your feelings about being victimized.

[box type=”info”] TIP: It also helps to have either a small personal possession of the offender’s or a photo of them, but is not necessary.[/box]

Visualize the offender clearly, and inflict all of the mutilation, injury, and pain you can imagine upon them. Imagine the demon torching them. You can repeatedly recite their name over and over again in your mind or aloud. Release all of your hatred and anger in any way you wish. Some people hate someone so hard they cry- this is fine, this is a cathartic and a very intensely emotional release. You must continue on and on until you are literally exhausted.

Now, close the ritual by giving thanks to any Demons you may have called forth that the offender will be rightfully punished. Ensure that you close your witches circle and ground your energy. Otherwise you will feel tired and drained, as a result of not releasing the energy created by the spell, or the demons maybe still connected to your energy!

My DUME Altar


Way you set up your altar is your own personal preference. It will also depend on the space in your home when you have room to set up an altar, or perhaps you need to have a portable altar, so you can hide it from family if need be. As I travel so much, I often don’t have all my tools with me. So I have to get creative and work with what I have.

My current altar is on my boat in Hawaii, in a Marina in Waikiki. This is quite powerful as I can draw on the energy from the element of water to help energise my rituals. It is important to note, that I have already consecrated my space fully. This means I have set the magical intention for this entire boat.

The tools I use are also consecrated before spellcasting begins. If you look after your tools, you only will need to concentrate the tools once.

On this altar I had the following items

  • My black satin altar cloth – this comes with me everywhere
  • A skull – if you only have a skull candle this will do as well, however this is really just the visual effects.
  • A white taper candle
  • A cauldron – in which I burn a charcoal disc, and resin eg Myrrh, frankincense, etc
  • My foil sigil of Astaroth, fully consecrated – and to which a drop of my blood is always given as an offering
  • The seal of Astraroth
  • An athame
  • Black Glass Encased Dume Candles – however you could use any other black candle and dress it accordingly

The altar is set up permanently while I’m working in this place.While it will be use mainly for these types of candle spells, I may also add to it different types of other hexes or curses I could be working on. And in case you’re wondering, I would never put a Love spell on this altar! This altar has one purpose only!

The DUME Candle and spells, will be done every night until the candle is complete. This can take up to 7 days. Sometime slower, and sometimes longer. Understanding candle burning styles is essential for candle work, as it will tell you much about the spells success.

I hope this has inspired you to do your own DUME work, or to help you understand what this work is all about.

Blessed Beast!






1 thoughts on “Create your own Altar for Works of D.U.M.E

  1. damianas granddaughter says:

    I have placed several spells/curses/hex’s on 2 ladies that will not stop sending my husband gifts of love and sexual texts and cards. 1 is married 1 is in a relationship. I started the feces spell last week on both of them adding on the tp a bit of the sweet apple butter they lovingly sent my husband and some hot foot oil i made. I made a batch of dume oil going off of my gut feeling – i even placed a mummyed carcus of of mouse in the jar. started my dume candle last night against the main cunt. I have a corner of an envelope she sent my husbands love letter in which i notated her initials and my curse 9 times. I have placed them in limes – I also did the coriander love spell on my husband this morning. please do not post this

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