5 thoughts on “Daemonic Rituals for those under 18 or around your kids”
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Are You Under Spiritual Attack? Use the SEARCH bar for solutions Dismiss
Skip to contentSavannah - Born & raised in fabulous Sydney, Australia. Currently enjoying the magickal city of New Orleans. My beliefs are more Theistic Luciferianism, and based on dark pagan, left hand path, black magic, and occult traditions. My skills are in witchcraft; Chaos Magic; Sorcery; Hoodoo; and of course, working with the "demons".
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Can I make pacts with Demons and be on LHP and still have normal marriage and kids and family without my family get involved?
I need help I want a coworker of mine to suffer in pain and get fired can you help honestly?
Hi Savannah, vornem here.
I always love your words of wisdom!
I grew up in a family that has been very spiritually attacked since God knows when, waay before I was born (23 years ago). Doors shutting tight, snores and claps coming from the wardrobe, my cat that I was gifted from my dad when I was born was thrown through the bathroom window, family members loosing control and attacking with a knife from nowhere, my aunt being possessed so many times… and even I’m not playing with any kind of magic besides research because of curiosity, I was always very attacked since very young (nightmares every single night, scratches from nowhere, steps on the house (different houses, always linked to the family not the place) the whole night for years, depression, suicidal thoughts, constant bullying, extreme bad luck, anger from nowhere, and so on… Some of this things I’ve almost totally overcome, like suicidal thoughts and depression, thankfully to cleansing and energy charge meditation. Still working on that but it has already helped me so much since I learned about it… And all this started because of my grandfather that was a bad man who took my young mom and aunt to a magic session to gain money in exchange for their souls, if that’s a way to put it…
So I really appreciate your words, for the youngest and inexperienced, because they don’t know what they could be messing with. And all the removal work that it could take… It could even cost their lives or at least sanity.
Don’t mess with what you’re not prepared. Don’t thinks that’s a game. I’m not saying that working with demons is bad, far from it, but it could be if you can’t hold your shit together.
I’ll email you soon to ask you about your friend that does the Kabbalah work, cleaning the past that you’ve mentioned in an older video, although I feel much stronger today, I still have some work to do.
And how beautiful you look in here (you always do, but damn Savannah
With love,
Natasha V.
Hi Natasha,
Thanks for sharing your situation with us. You certainly have described a “demonic” attack of individuals as well as the house. Have you or any member of the family, done something over the years that is reduced or contained the attacks?
Well many of my family members are Buddhist, and the mantra that they use in itself is very powerful if combined with clear intention. So, many times when certain paranormal activities started they always gathered and started the mantra (the daimoku) with a focused intention and it would ceased. I myself am not a Buddhist, but
since I’ve acknowledge the power I can have over my own path and have as many outcomes as I like, the so called magick, I started learning about it and pursuing to free myself from these negative attachments and live on my own terms. I can definitely see a difference, even if it is only the beginning