Dark N Dead Ancestor Spirits

Halloween ’18 entry C.A.

2 Month Ago When My Mom Die Last June 9,2015 Then My Borders Dicided to do her laundry using her hand,That time she is Busy doing it alone.Then After Almost Hour She Think there is another Borders Comeback Home Because She See the Shadow in the door of Bathroom,but she also wondered Why its big like a Fat because we dont have a big borders here,then when She Look in her back there is no People around her even She try to look in her Room there is no people,then now she started to get Scared because She know my mom is die 2 month Ago and my mom is like to clean in our Laundry Place and Bathroom too..
Then now after One day she cannot keep it Secret to me and Suffer,then She start to tell me the Story and tell me that Dhe have suddenly open her third eye Sometimes even She dont want it..and She also tell me that She Smell like a Perfume of Flower but the truth we dont have flower around,so that why i tell her that shadow is my Mom Because Her spirit Is still here around our House,i told her to dont get scared because we know my Mom is very nice to all even in our Neighbor and also “why she get scared?”you can get scared if you have Fault to her when time she is Alive,i told her that as long as you did not make a mistake to her,You dont need to get scared,She maybe miss her house and miss her Family that why she still in around.Maybe the Reason why she Show in bathroom is She want to give me a Warning to always clean the laundry place and bathroom Hehehe.. She know im Lazy Dauther hehehe…I told her that you can get scared to alive than dead.because alive can harm you..

To enter the Halloween ’18 The Dark and the Dead competition CLICK HERE for details…

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