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Dark N Dead Dancing Smoke

Halloween ’18 entry by BM

My story goes like this. My focus was not to enter this contest- I had nothing to offer… well with photographic relevance…..
I needed some work to be done. So, in the very moments following the full moons completion and into its waning- I compiled a task list on a small piece of paper. I offered my moons blood and hair, rolled the request into a mini scroll- bound the scroll with a black ribbon and sealed it with the wax of a black candle. I placed a tea light atop a pile of small twigs and brush I had harvested for building an effigy to burn in Samhain ritual this weekend- I placed these into my small, working alter cauldron. I lit the candle afire and with a few words, dropped my scroll onto the fire in my cauldron. (I’m a literal witch and do not ordinarily feel the need to call any quarters. Majority of the time, I just have to magic on the go and have no time to full-on ritual. I was needed to pick up my child from school, so I was on borrowed time.) My intentions are always very strong, so I meditate or more justly- direct my energy into the flame. Holding my hands around the flame as close I can- almost a  conducting of sorts. Hand magic??? Anyway, In the intention letter that I rolled- I always ask that my “certain” guide show me that they have heard me- in any way, that I will indeed know. And this happened. I wasn’t exactly looking at smoke- it didn’t not even cross my mind a bit to look. I was concentrating on the flame. When I saw the flame dance I decided to snap some quick photos in a burst so I could attach a photo later in my grimoire. (I keep record of all my workings or what I call weaves. Their efficacy, time, moon cycle etc) So, took the burst of photos. None had the correct flame I wanted. I was getting frustrated as I had to leave very soon!! But in one, only one- I had smoke. And I knew. My message had been collected. And now it’s now on it’s way.  I do not know if it’s worthy for anyone else’s magical eye, but it rang like like hell for mine. Because after all- As I Willed It, It Shall Be.
Blessed farewell Witches. Thank you for allowing  me to share.

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