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Dark n Dead Dream Visitors

Halloween ’18 entry by W.E.

This is a dream story about communing with an ancestor after she had passed; I was about 20 years old at the time.

To lay the ground work first, my grandmother passed over after a fall from a hospital bed. She was in the final days of a very large brain tumor. I remember it was in the Summertime.

In October of that year, very close to Samhain, I had a lucid dream in which the two of us met for a very special conversation.

In the dream, I was standing in the middle of a dry, arid environment, all alone. Suddenly, in the distance, I became aware of a long car approaching me; it was a 70’s style convertible Cadillac painted yellow, like a canary.

As the car approached, sending up plumes of dust behind it, I could see there were two people in the front seat. My uncle, who had passed away from cancer, was driving. He still had the hole in his throat where he had had his voice box removed from the cancer, only now it was gaping wide open. The passenger was my grandmother, looking exactly as I remembered her before she had become ill with the brain tumor.

The vehicle stopped and they both got out. This was not troublesome to me, and I was amazed and excited to see them. My uncle closed his door, never making eye contact with me, and moved to the rear of the car with his back turned. My grandmother had walked up to stand beside me without my awareness. I was surprised when I turned and faced her.

My grandmother (her given birth name was Fannie Bell Fombie) motioned me to come and lean against the front of the car with her. We stood in silence for a few moments before we began talking. The language we spoke was unfamiliar and anything I heard ever heard before, but we chatted fluently with one another, telepathically – there was no movement of our lips. I know we were speaking directly from our souls.

It started out as life advice. For example, marry someone with whom you can really talk with because, in the end, outter beauty would be gone, sex would be gone, etc. She also prophesied that there would be a man who would come into my life who would an artist, a musician, and work with wood intensely.

After the mundane stuff was out of the way, she began telling me “truths” of an occult nature. With every word she spoke, I felt agreement and familiarity rise up within me. It also frightened me in a way, as in maybe I shouldn’t know these things. Some of what I recall was a discussion regarding why the Tall Man had appeared in my life in the 6th grade. I had never discussed him with anyone by that point. No one knew about Him but me; my secret. From the time I first saw him, I named him the Tall Man, and I should note that he is still with me today, mostly during the waking hours just before the dawn. But He is another story altogether.

When we were finished talking, my grandmother turned her gaze to the sky. I followed her gaze and saw a small bird fluttering in the sky and coming right for us. At a great speed, he crashed into the car, dead of a broken neck, and laying at my grandmothers feet.

She didn’t speak for the remainder of the dream. She merely reached down and picked the little dead bird up and cupped him in her palms and closed her hands around it. We stood there in silence for a very long time.

She finally turned to face me fully, her hands still closed around the tiny bird, and looked me square in the eyes. She rose her hands before me and slowly opened them. The little bird was glowing with what I can only describe as candlelight… and it was alive! It chirped a few times, shook the dirt off, flapped its wings, and with a final chirp, it flew away. My grandmother, her palms still open, placed one hand on the crown of my head and the other over my heart. We stood there like that for what felt like an enternity.

Finally she turned away, walking back to the passenger side of the car. My uncle, in unison, turned and walked to the driver side, again without looking at me. My grandmother settled in her seat. She smiled at me while my uncle started the car. He did not turn the car around. Instead he put the car in reverse and backed away from me quickly; the dust clouds covered the front of the car. I only watched them a few seconds before they disappeard and I was all alone in that desert once again. I had a sense of confidence and strength. The dream was over.

It has taken years of my life to fully understand the dream. A short time after, I began to study the occult in earnest. I learned in my waking time most of the things she had spoken into my soul during my dream; the “truths” were real.

I do alot of healing and justice work, non-religiously (no saints, no bible) mainly through hoodoo. I also work closely with Furcas with powerful results.

On a final note, just two years ago, the kind of man she had described 34 years prior followed me to my house. I was freaked out at first, but laughed when he handed me a sticker for his band and told me when and where they were playing next. I had never seen him before, but two months later I ran into him at a bar. We haven’t been apart since. He also creates wooden art boxes and is a master carpenter.

I know my grandmother found a way out of the otherworld to come and talk with me, prophesy and share her secrets with me. In life, I never knew she was a witch. In death, she showed me her power. It is because of her that I have called myself Witch for the last 34 years; the Tall Man has remained at my side.

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