Halloween ’18 entry from J.C.
Thought I’d share my experiences with ya for the Halloween contest :). Mine mainly deals with Lilith, she’s been with me since I was a kid. Starts way back when I was in grade 7.
Back then I had not much knowledge about demons or the occult in general. First name to ever come to mind out of the blue was Lilith. Had to look her up to make sure I wasn’t crazy or imagining things. She’s always given me signs when she’s with me.
Things like coming to me in my dreams. Making things fly off my shelves leaving palm prints on me. Which I do have a recent pic of. The very first one she ever left freaked everyone out around me. Wish I had a camera back then to take a pic of it.

I always use to ask her to bring my love to me, and she did. Lilith had her come to stay with me on Halloween of 2006 as well. Turns out she is a high priestess in Witchcraft as well, has the blue crescent moon tattooed on her forehead. I also have a feeling she made my life much better than it use to be as well.
I had a very controlling mother, and it got to the point were I couldn’t live with her any more. Lilith must have done something to her, being life is way better than what it use to be. Every time around Halloween, I always try and give praise to Lilith for everything she has done for me when she didn’t have to.
Especially since there are ton’s of others who call to her as well. Still not sure why she chose me. I’ve always been meaning to find out. But she never lets me down to this day and I’m sure happy she had gotten my praise I had you guys do for me.
Happy Halloween (Samhain)