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Dark n Dead Haunted House

Dark N Dead Halloween ’18 Competition Winning entry from MMM


I moved into a house that was divided in two. When my daughter was thirteen she dived on me at 3:00 am, crying saying she was never going to sleep in her bed again because the kitchen chairs and table next to her room would move at night. From thirteen to eighteen she slept with me and finally moved out after getting married.

I tried to cleanse the house but after reaching the front door the transformer blew. So sitting outside waiting for the lights to return, I realized I was locked out the house. That was strange because I never locked the door. Something blew the transformer and locked me out of my home

As my mother started staying with me she started to notice strange things happening.  My daughter would tell my mother, “grandma don’t sleep on the sofa because a man tries to choke you as you sleep. The sofa is haunted.” I told my mother not to pay her any attention because it was all in her mind. The next day my mother told me that, she had to fight with a man all night. The ghost.  My daughter said, “see I told you it was haunted.”

I had bought a bigger bed for my mother because she said as she was sleeping African women were dancing around her bed. She told them to leave her alone as she knew who they were. As she tried to kick them in her dream to go away at the same time in my room I heard a thump. As I ran to the room I found her on the floor. In the morning she told me about the dream and as she kicked them to go away she fell to the floor.

As I looked at her foot that she kicked them with in the morning light it was black and blue to her calf. She was hurt so bad that when  she used the bathroom,  she was passing blood. After taking  medication she got from the store, it soon stopped.

As Halloween approached I was quite sick. I was feeling really bad and when I get like that I would go sleep in my mother’s bed which is my daughter’s old room. I took so much medication that night that all I wanted to do was sleep. At around 12:00 PM I saw a yellow mist enter the room and stopped by my mother’s bed next to her as she slept on the outside. It looked down at her as saw me sleeping next to her.  Evidently it was mad I was there so it let out a big scream and as it did,  she screamed too in her sleep. I was too tired to care. I pat her arm and told her to go back to sleep.

In the morning I told her what happened but she could not remember anything. I told my mother I was staying up to wait on the yellow mist that night  and see what it was. What do you know,  I fell fast asleep not waking up until the next morning. The strange thing  is I have bad insomnia and just happened to fall asleep early that night

A few months later I decided to move after seventeen years of living there. As the landlord came to get the keys to her now vacant house I told her that her that her place was haunted. Oh and I left the haunted sofa there to be thrown away.

Even though Halloween brings out things unknown and known to us. No one leaves or comes in  the house after 12:00 PM especially on that day. The activities going on was bad enough but on Halloween it was worse.

Happy Halloween everyone.  Sleep well.


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