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Debunking Pendulums – How does the pendulum answer our questions?

How does the pendulum answer our questions?

Many people believe the pendulum answers our questions, by accessing our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.  However, the subconscious mind is still YOU. Your subconscious mind limits your access to your own experiences and emotions, so you are not “flooded” with an excessive amount of information. So you can cope with day to day life. However, the subconscious can still be accessed, through our physical body – our muscles. So the answers you receive from pendulum readings are your own. Or are they?

On a metaphysical level, spirit can interact with us. The method of communication will depend on the spiritual development of the human receiver. Some people can physically hear spirits, others can see spirits.

In many, tribal cultures, invoking spirit is not only common, but an essential part of the communities religious rites and rituals. For example,in some Shamanic cultures, the shaman is required to have a guardian spirit. He cannot be a shaman without one. The guardian spirit empowers the shaman with its magical powers and serves as the shaman’s “animal power” or his alter ego.(1) In other sharman cultures, the sharman typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.

The point of mentioning this here, is that in order to receive a spiritual message, one must focus on the spiritual relationship before, during, and after divination (2).

My concern comes from the popularity of pendulums for divination use, and our expectation of receiving instant answers which we can then base our decisions. Or worse, give Life changing advice to other people who don’t have a skill set in divination. Let’s assume everybody provides divination services with integrity, the advice given, could still just be the advice of the provider and not the spiritual world.

Even in my own course, Working with Demons, I suggest students can use a pendulum to confirm various questions and demon preferences with the spirits. Students make important decisions based on these answers.

So how can we make sure the answers given by the pendulum are from the spirit and not from ourselves? How could we test that our own subconscious mind is not the source of our pendulums inspiration?

Test Your Suggestibility

Actually, this isn’t hard to test. In fact, in hypnotherapy, we will test a clients suggestibility using one of a few methods, but my personal favorite test, is by using pendulum.  This suggestibility test, called The Chevreul’s Pendulum Test, is used to demonstrate the remarkably strong effects of auto-suggestion, in which the human body reacts physically and chemically to imagined situations. This reaction is often referred to as the placebo effect.

[box] If you suggest to yourself or imagine that a muscle or groups of muscles are relaxing, they actually respond to some small degree. Through repetition the response becomes greater and more generalize. [/box]

I don’t expect you to believe this. I intend to let you perform a little experiment and prove it to yourself.

The Chevreul’s Pendulum Test

You can also use the traditional method for this experiment.The Chevreul’s Pendulum Test

  • Sit comfortably in front of the sheet with a circle on it, and relax
  • Hold the chain of the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger
  •  The pendulum should be placed about one half inch above where the ex crosses in the middle of the circle.
  • Without consciously moving the pendulum ask the pendulum to move from left to right from 2 to 4, and as your eyes are going back and forth from 2 to 4 notice how the pendulum begins moving back and forth along the line also.
    • And as you concentrate on the pendulum moving back and forth from 3 to 4 you can even make it swing wider and wider.
  • Now, with the power of your mind ask the pendulum to change direction and go up and down from 1 to 3 that’s right from 1 to 3 up-and-down.
  • Now concentrate on the pendulum changing direction again and ask it to travel in a circular motion clockwise, from 1 to 4 to 3 an 2 continuing in a circle growing larger and larger as it continues to go clockwise.
  • Now concentrate on the pendulum reversing direction and traveling counter clockwise, 1 , 2, 3, and 4 and as you concentrate on the pendulum making the circle larger you’ll notice that it actually begins to swing in a bigger and bigger circle.

This is the power of your subconscious mind, moving the pendulum. But can we agree that it isn’t spirit or divine communication? i hope you answered yes!

In this video I will give you another experiment to try, and provide a solution.

To ensure your pendulum questions are answered by the unseen, you need to begin your pendulum sessions by calling to the spirit, or to your source of providing divine and answers. That could be a ritual that you do to connect you with the other dimension, or to invoke a spirit to provide the answers. As you get better connecting with the other side, this will not be a long process.

So, if you have been living your life based on the decisions from a pendulum, and you do not have a spiritual connection with the other side as yet, it is safe to say that you have been providing yourself with advice. In one way this can be reassuring if your life has improved based on this advice. Otherwise, I hope this is inspiring you to create deeper spiritual connections.





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Video: Blonde Gypsy talks about pendulum use

Video: Why it is important to use a pendulum for demon and spirit communication




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