BWC Pact Making Advice

This is a private page. You have been given this link with trust. Do not share.

We have several types of pact making kits, ranging in price from $40 upto $400. This doesn’t mean the advice is better or worse depending on the price you paid for the kit. The pricing is based on factors such as:

  • Sometimes an individual may have the tools such as the athame or a burning bowl and they don’t need to order a kit with all of the tools.
  • Some people don’t want all of the tools because they don’t have the space for the tools or they don’t want to keep this type of tool kit in their home.
  • The smaller price kit is perfect for those people who wish to travel with their kit, taking it to a private location outside of the home or when they are literally travelling.

Therefore, the advice I give you here should be modified according to the tools that you have. If you have brought a more affordable kit and are wondering if you need to buy the athame, bowl etc – then find one from your home, cleanse it, and then use it exclusively for ritual purposes from this point onwards.

Pact making a is highly desirable rite for most of us. I suggest you read this entire post first. If you have questions, or if I have left something out, write a comment in the comments section below. I will see your comment faster than what I read emails!

The traditional grimoire style kit and pact ritual is offered on the BWC website via the Links provided. This requires much preparation, as how it was done years before.




In this day and age of instant gratification, I have prepared for you and easier way to communicate with the daemonic. This doesn’t mean that the daemonic will always connect with you immediately, and nor does it mean that you will have the ability to feel the connection immediately. You may wish to try a few practice rituals, but never ever lose faith.

Most of us are limited by time, so we cannot obtain the exact tools, so we cannot perform the ritual anyways as stated in the old books. For us who work daily in the dark arts, we push the boundaries on demonic communication to achieve our personal goals and success. The dark arts is always – trial and error. We are always experimenting, and I suggest you think the same.


  • The best time for making a pact is on the full moon. Otherwise, do it on the day of your demon. eg For Lucifer, his day is Monday
  • Personally I prefer to perform pack rituals on Saturday evenings, but this is just the best timing for me. I began years ago by performing rituals according to the old grimoires exactly (YES – it took many months in preparations), and then have modified the rituals as I have learnt how to be more effective. This


The Temple – You & the Area

Set up the space  where you will do the formal pact ceremony. Make sure you set up the area and all your tools before you begin anything at all.

While we like to work in the dark it’s not always practical, so you will need some candles for backlighting, so you can see what you are writing, and what you are doing. If that is not practical for you, then you’ll just have to leave the lights on and see if it works this time for you.

Tip – If your pets freak out at all, put them outside too.

I suggest that you have a ritual cleanse and put on fresh clothes.

Then it’s important to get into state, and what I mean by that is to ensure that you’re not distracted by any person or any type of electronic medium, as it’s hard to focus as it is this day and age.

Pact Decisions & Suggestions

I also suggest that you prepare a draft of what you’re wanting to ask for and to offer in advance.

Let’s get down to what you should write in your pact. Some people get really elaborate with what they want and what they are willing to offer. To be realistic, unless you’re planning on reading a book to the demon, I suggest you keep it super simple. Remember that you’ll be reading this out in a dark space with a demon present, so keep it tight and sharp.

The main points to cover is the Demons name, your name, what you’re offering X, in exchange for what specifically.

Also you will need to decide if you are willing to burn your pact.  It’s regular practice in Black Magic to burn, or release, the document at the end of the ritual. Some of us don’t like doing that because we put so much effort into creating this pretty document. I’m going to leave that up to you.

Personally I do like having a copy of the document on hand. But when I’m doing this work for the clients, I do burn the document at the end of the ritual to release it to the spiritual world. This is also because the pact is not mine, and therefore it is in the spiritual world between the demon and the client to fulfill the pact.

Knowing the above may change the style of your ritual or how much effort you put into making your pact “pretty”. For me personally, it really depends on the mood I’m in when I’m doing the ritual. If I’m kicking back listening to some fabulous tunes, and the environment is getting me in the mood, I might make a super fancy pact! Other times I might just write it in pen, seal it with my blood, and then set that baby on fire!


As I said at the beginning of this page, the tools that you have purchased will vary on which kit you purchased from our website. If you have skipped down to the section then go back and read the first few paragraphs where I explain the tools in more detail.

The suggested tools are:

  • Ink – add a few drop of ur own blood
  • Feather (Or a writing tool of your choice)
  • parchment (Paper)
  • demon sigil/s or statue
  • incense
  • candles
  • Dagger
  • Chalice
  • bloodstone or another talisman (eg necklace) you can keep on you AFTER the ritual – This is a suggestion from the old grimoire ritual
  • BOS/journal
  • Offering bowl
  • Burning bowl
  • Blood letting tool
  • Pendulum – for asking the demon questions – before, during or after! My tip is to only use this pendulum when contacting the demon you have the pact with. Use another pendulum for other purposes.

Altar: Suggested but do as you please!

Put two altar candles either side of the altar. These are your back lighting.

In the center you will either put a statue of the deity, or their sigil. If you don’t have any that you can have a candle that represents the purpose. This candle will be black or you can use purple. You can use smaller candles around these for individual rituals or requests when necessary.

The incense bowl and the burning bowl are in front of the center object. The dagger is on the right and the chaice, incense, and all writing tools are on the left.

Temple: Set up the following as you desire

I set my altar, so I am facing towards the EAST (Lucifer)

  • Candles – light the backing candles
  • Incense – offer the incense to entice the demon and perfume the area
  • (Music ) – if it help you !
  • Talisman or blood stone should be consecrated (as should everything else), then placed on the altar. You may wish to hold or wear this


Call to the demon via the Enn  to begin your ritual by invoking the demonic force you’re seeking out

Dagger – Use the dagger to cut a space in the ether for the demon to connect with – draw the demons sigil in the air.

Statement of intention – make a simple yet clear statement to the sigil of your purpose for this rite.

Begin writing the pact – After you write this out on parchment paper using the Ink, you would , then you’re going to read your pact out aloud to the demon – to submit letter for your intent.

If you are NEW to this type of rite, don’t freak out if you can’t see or hear anything as yet. DO NOT STOP. Complete the entire ritual. You can always redo the same pact each month on the FULL MOON.

Make any offerings you have at that time – wine, plants, gifts, on the offering plate and chalice. I place them in front of the sigil/staute.

You can also use the pendulum to obtain answers from the demon about the offerings, timing of rituals, etc. Take notes in your BOS – and trust your intuition is giving you the answers.

TIP – If you take down notes about the ritual at a later date/time, you will embellish the note.

After you do this, you sign your name in the presence of the demon and in this instance you add a few drops of your own blood.

Then the parchment is burned in the offering bowl turning the physical matter into energy,  and thereby symbolically and Alchemically, transforming the request.

As you do this blood offering, you can say something like:

“For the great demon XYZ, I, my name, offer my blood and exchange of magical knowledge, and protection of my physical body on the physical and spiritual plain.”

At the end of the ritual all you need to do is say goodbye to the demon in anyway you feel comfortable. Personally I always say,

“…..stay if you will but leave if you must. if you must go, I thank you for attending this rite and go in peace”

Then go and do something normal to release the energy.

Blessed Beast  – Just know you are now on the RIGHT plan!


10 thoughts on “Private: BWS Pact Making

  1. James Oldham says:

    hi there , my name is James Oldham , I am new to the ritual but I always sense spirits around me but never could see or hear them but until the day I seen 3 black figures in my dad’s house , but here is my question I just bought the Budget Demon Pact #4 and is everything that is listed in the Budget Demon Pact #4 is all I need to perform a pact with Lucifer ? I am just wondering plus ok I have another question I live with my dad and my two brothers and my brother’s girlfriend we also have pets in the house , what would you recommend me to do Rent a Motel or Hotel or Airb&b or just find a quite place away from distractions . just wondering .

    • BWS says:

      James – The key is to find a space where you will not be disturbed. Personally, I wouldn’t do a ritual if there were small children in the house, but as this is not your case, the question is can you do the ritual in privacy? Also, a demonic pact is the formal ritual, but the pact ritual is really just the doorway into a relationship with the spirit. The real question is, will you do what it takes to honour your relationship ongoing.

    • Max says:

      Yes generally we will burn the petition paper after the ritual. This is very important to the closure of the ritual, releasing the intention over to the spiritual world. The only time we don’t do that is if we are repeating the Ritual or practising a new Ritual where we come back and do the same Ritual the next night. You could do a practice ritual for up to a week before you actually performed the main event so to speak.

    • Max says:

      Very good question and savannah has written extensively about that on the website so I would find that page. For some people Satan and Lucifer are interchangeable, but here we believe everyone should form their own opinion on what Satan and Lucifer mean to them. Savannah currently sees Lucifer as a multi faced God – Satan being one of those faces so to speak.

    • Max says:

      Yes we do offer the pact services. However, you CAN do it yourself too. Just email in and we will get back to you. Savannah has a waiting list of a few weeks generally to answer emails as she is generally teaching or in Ritual herself for her clients.

  2. William says:

    What are some good examples of things to offer the demon in return? I am not at a stage in my development yet where I am sure of how to communicate directly with the demons (I can only sense presence, or what I think to be the presence lol) and ask them for their personal preference. Could it be something as simple as with Lord Lucifer, offer him that in return for his help in all of my endeavors, I will be open and honest with any ears who would be willing to listen about how amazing he is, how he has helped me, how the Christian religion is false and is not the truth that people have been tricked into thinking it is? I thank you very much in advance for any help/info you may provide. I wish all the best for you and yours 🙂

    • Max says:

      Hi. Apologies for the late response. We weren’t receiving messages that these comments were left on this page. You probably have already conducted the ritual by now. Generally what the Demons will respond to us is that they are asking for your dedication and time. This is very similar to what people give to their gods on a weekly basis, when you think of the Muslims pay homage on a Friday, the Christians on a Sunday, etc etc. We always pay our respects to Lucifer on a Monday. There are some links in the document above that send you to different areas of the website which explains some of this in more detail. It’s only when you are quite dedicated to the dark arts that you might get some really unusual requests such as the slaughter of the animal, or various types of sex dedication. This generally isn’t requested of any newcomer.

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