Many of my clients have never performed a ritual or offering to the demonic. If this is also you, I will share with you a simple way you can start your routine of the demonic ritual offerings.

If you have never connected with any spiritual force, you may not have opened your 6th senses as yet, therefore not sensed the presence of the demon. Frustrated newcomers will often give up on their offerings, and believe the pact is no longer in place. However, the demon/s can and will test your dedication from time to time. A truly dedicated individual will give offerings and praise regardless of perceived spiritual presence.


The ritual can be done in 5 minutes. You may decide to spend a longer period of time in meditation. There is no right or wrong amount of time.

Research what your demon desires most

To give an example of how to give praise, we will use the Demon Dantalion as an example.

Suggested tools:

  • Offering/burning bowl
  • Incense
  • Green Candle
    • Optional: Dress the candle (and sigil) with a blood offering. A few drops is all that is needed.
  • Your blood
  • Altar
  • Altar cover (if needed)
  • Pendulum (optional)
  • Book of Shadows BOS(to take notes, and write rituals etc)
    • It is advisable to write Dantalion’s Enn in your BOS
    • Take notes of the demons messages and preferences
  • Sigil of Dantalion (you may wish to have it framed)



Set up your altar and environment before you begin to mentally prepare yourself. Once you mentally prepare for the offering ritual each month, you should immediately begin the ritual without further distraction.

Note – Your altar can be temporary or permanent. Some people cannot leave a permanent altar in place and that is fine. Whatever you use as an altar, just ensure you only use this object for the purpose of an altar from now on.

  • Light the candle, that has Dantalion’s sigil carved into the wax. If you are using a glass-encased candle, draw the sigil onto the glass (in blood is best, but black marker is good).
  • If you would like to add the Sigil of Dantalion on the altar table, place it in the center of the table. Otherwise, place the candle in the center of the altar.
  • Use a fire proof bowl, that has never been used before, and that you will use from now on specifically for your offerings to Dantalion. Place the offering bowl in front of the sigil or candle
  • Light an Incense that you find desirable, e.g sandalwood
  • Sit or stand facing your altar
  • Begin chanting Dantalion’s ENN. You may wish to continue saying the enn until you feel in a trance-like state. Perhaps you want to use say it 108 times. Minimum would be 3 times.
  • State a devotion to Dantalion, such as:
    • “Dantalion, hear me. Blessed in your name, I pray please keep me safe. Henceforth, I vow my everlasting devotion and love. So Be It.”
  • You can write or just state the following. If you write this on paper, you will also burn the paper after the offering.
    • “I, (your name), in deepest respect, do hereby offer you Dantalion, this offering of weekly praise in exchange for (say what your pact desires are again). I re-affirm this pact with you Dantalion, as my most heartfelt desire.”
    • OPTIONAL: You may also wish to sign the paper with your blood. You would also write Dantalion’s sigil under your own name. If you are adding that option, continue from the above and say:
    • “By signing and dating this pact, I do dedicate myself to the pursuit of being the object of (your targets desire) (add your additional goals of you like). Below I affix my seal:


Signature (in blood)

Dantalion’s Seal/sigil

  • Focus on having your desires fulfilled. See yourself living the life you desire, and try be as visual as possible.
  • You can now meditate if you like, or everything is done, the candle/s are then blown out to signify the end of the offering.

Remember, you must set up actions towards the achievement of your pact goals. Dantalion, and any demon, will only help those who are active towards success, and not expect success without doing the work.

Using the Pendulum to communicate with Dantalion

If you haven’t used a pendulum before, I suggest you make or buy one ASAP. They are easy to use. Once the demon and you begin to “tune in” to each other, you will be able to ask questions for Dantalion to answer.

Make sure you write down the questions and answers in your BOS, for future reference.

3 thoughts on “Setting Up an Altar for Demonic Praise

  1. Pingback: Praise the Gods – Black Witch Coven

  2. p0larbee says:

    Do I have to make a pact in order to give offerings? And what do I do with the offerings? is it okay to give offerings if you have never been in contact with a certain demon?

  3. Xim says:

    Is alter cover like a piece of fabric or smth on the table and underneath the altar tools?
    Can I use a piece of black goat leather on the table and put my altar tools on it?
    I use a candle holder which been used before is that wrong?
    I drew the sigil on the paper and few numbers around on in it like 666, 13, 4 and 87 and smeared my blood on it as respectful offering and on the other side of the paper I wrote down my needs and what I wanted the Entity to know, should I ever burn the paper with sigil on it? What if I dont want any trace of it so nobody can ever find it?
    I meditated with that paper is it helpful?
    I did light two candles blue on the holder and the red on the paper and it melted on the sigil, is that wrong? The candle had sigil and my blood.
    In the meditation or the 10 days of time offering and all that I didnt feel anything special just a few click noises from the furniture but once I saw an image of someone. Since I was doing all of it for Lord Lucifer, at some point when I closed my eyes to meditate I saw an image of a palace or church with a huge window and a man standing in front of it staring outside kind of thoughtful. he had white robe short dark brown hair and aged as around 60 with bit of wrinkles on neck and kind of tanned skin. Never saw his face his back was on me and cause I found that image realistic I opened my eyes and called for Lucifer mercy and protection.
    What if I cant find dragon blood or sandal wood?
    I bled for Lord Lucifer and I asked him to let me know him the best and show me what he wanna show me in my mind but never got anything I understand. Any suggestions?

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