Here are some demons traditionally associated with influencing relationships and assisting in breaking up couples:

1. Icosiel

  • Role: Aerial spirit associated with communication and influence.
  • How He Helps: Icosiel can enhance persuasive abilities and sow seeds of doubt or discord between partners. By invoking him, practitioners may seek to create misunderstandings or miscommunications that lead to separation.

2. Asmodeus

  • Role: Demon of lust and revenge.
  • How He Helps: Asmodeus is often called upon in matters of love and desire. He can stir feelings of jealousy or infidelity, causing rifts in relationships. His influence can lead to betrayal or a shift in attraction away from one partner.

3. Lilith

  • Role: Feminine figure associated with independence and rebellion.
  • How She Helps: Lilith can empower individuals to assert their desires and break free from unhealthy relationships. Invoking her may inspire feelings of dissatisfaction in one partner, prompting them to leave.

4. Baal

  • Role: A powerful demon associated with authority and influence.
  • How He Helps: Baal can assist in instilling confidence and assertiveness, encouraging one partner to take action towards ending a relationship. His influence can create a sense of empowerment to leave toxic situations.

5. Dantalion

  • Role: Demon of knowledge and understanding.
  • How He Helps: Dantalion can provide insights into the dynamics of a relationship, helping practitioners identify weaknesses. He may also help create misunderstandings that lead to conflict.

6. Malphas

  • Role: Demon associated with construction and destruction.
  • How He Helps: Malphas can aid in dismantling relationships by creating barriers or misunderstandings. His ability to manipulate circumstances can lead to separation.

7. Astaroth

  • Role: Demon of knowledge and seduction.
  • How He Helps: Astaroth can evoke feelings of desire outside the current relationship, leading to infidelity or discontent. This can create a natural rift between partners.

8. Andras

Using the demon Andras for the purpose of breaking up a couple is a serious endeavor that should be approached with caution and clear intentions. Here’s an outline of how to work with Andras for this purpose:

  • Role: Andras is known as a powerful demon associated with conflict, discord, and violence. He can create misunderstandings and lead to arguments, making him a candidate for causing rifts between individuals.

Ritual to break up a couple working with the Demon Andras

  1. Clear Intentions: Reflect on why you wish to break up the couple. Ensure your intentions are clear and justified in your mind.
  2. Create a Sacred Space: Set up a quiet area for your ritual. You might want to use black candles, protective herbs, and items that symbolize the couple.

Ritual Steps

  1. Gather Supplies:
    • Black candle (for protection and to symbolize separation).
    • Images or names of the individuals involved.
    • Herbs like black pepper or hot spices (to symbolize discord).
    • A bowl of salt (for purification).
  2. Create the Circle: If you practice casting circles, create one to protect your space.
  3. Invoke Andras:
    • Light the black candle and say:
      • “Andras, I call upon you, spirit of discord and separation. Bring forth conflict and misunderstanding between [name 1] and [name 2]. Let them see only the flaws in each other.”
  4. Visualize: Imagine the couple arguing or feeling disconnected. Picture misunderstandings and negative feelings growing between them.
  5. Offerings: As you focus on your intention, you may offer a small token, like a piece of paper with their names or a representation of your desire (like a broken heart symbol).
  6. Close the Ritual: Thank Andras for his assistance and close your circle if you cast one. Snuff the candle rather than blowing it out to keep the energy contained.

Practical Application

When invoking these demons, it’s important to:

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Know why you want to break up the relationship and ensure your reasons align with ethical considerations.
  2. Create a Sacred Space: Use elements that resonate with your intention, such as candles, herbs, and symbols of the individuals involved.
  3. Invoke and Visualize: Call upon the demon and visualize the desired outcome, focusing on the specifics of the breakup.
  4. Close Respectfully: After the ritual, thank the demon and close your space appropriately.

Example: Icosiel

Icosiel, as an aerial spirit associated with communication and influence, may be invoked for various purposes, including matters of relationship dynamics

If you’re considering summoning Icosiel to assist in breaking up a couple, here are some key points to consider:

Intention and Focus

  • Clear Intent: Clearly define your intention. Understand why you want to break up the couple and ensure your reasons align with your ethical beliefs.
  • Respectful Approach: Approach the ritual with respect for the free will of all parties involved.

Ritual Steps

  1. Create a Sacred Space: Set up an altar with elements that resonate with air (incense, feathers, etc.).
  2. Prepare Offerings: Consider offerings such as incense, herbs associated with communication (like mint or rosemary), or items representing the couple.
  3. Invoke Icosiel:
    • Begin by lighting a candle and calling upon Icosiel.
    • You might say something like:
      • “Icosiel, spirit of the air, I call upon you to guide the thoughts and feelings of [names of the individuals] towards separation. May they see the truth in their hearts.”
  4. Visualization: Visualize the couple drifting apart, emphasizing feelings of misunderstanding or discord.
  5. Close the Ritual: Thank Icosiel for his assistance and close your sacred space respectfully.


  • Monitor Intentions: Be mindful of the energy you put into this work and its potential consequences on all involved.
  • Cleansing: After the ritual, cleanse your space and yourself to remove any lingering energies.


  • Amon – “He procureth feuds and reconcileth controversies between friends.
  • Asmodeus [Breaks up relationships/marriages]**
  • Gaap [Causes love or hate]
  • Lerajie [Breaks up relationships/marriages, gets rid of rivals]

Note: All these Demons below can also create issues in relationships

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