Sabnock: The Forty-Third Ars Goetia Spirit

Sabnock is a Mighty Great Marquis of Hell, who is in charge of 50 legions of demons. He is the forty-third Spirit mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon.

Other names: Sabnack, Saburac, Savnok

Rank: Marquis

Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Scorpio

Dates: May 21st – May 31st, October 23rd-27th

Direction: South

Tarot:  8 of Swords ( 5 of Cups)

Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Scorpio

Plant: Allspice

Incense: Jasmine

Planet: Moon, Mars/Pluto

Metal: Silver

Element: Water, Fire (Under Corson)

Color:  Purple, Silver

Demonic Enn: Tasa Sabnock on ca lirach


He is portrayed as an armed soldier who rides on a pale colored horse and his head is like that of a lion. He has blue wings with frosted highlights.


  • When summoned, this demon can provide the witch with familiar spirits to guard and keep her company.
  • Sabnock can afflict his target with wound and sores which he also fills with maggots. He prevents wounds from healing.
  • He is a demon who protects by warding off every evil enemy attack.
  • As a demon of war, he builds high castles, towers, cities and equips them with weapons and ammunition.
  • In cases where there is an argument, this demon can make it escalate into serious fights.
  • He also protects the camps of his soldiers while fighting against every invader.
  • Finally, this demon can teach architecture to his disciples.

Some similar demons to Sabnock include; 

If you wish to read more about this demon you can check out the following texts:

  • Discoverie of Witchcraft
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon
  • The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum

How to Summon Demon Sabnock

Sabnock is a demon of the night. If for any reason you decide to summon him then you must carry out the ritual at a conducive place and under the appropriate conditions.

For a simple summoning ritual, you will need:

  • A tea candle,
  • A purple seal of Sabnock,
  • Your blood to apply on the seal,
  • Oils for the seal either jasmine, patchouli or pine.

After setting up the ritual site, you should endeavor to focus your mind on your aim. Then apply the ritual oil to the tea candle and light it up. To charge the seal of Sabnock, you can apply your blood to it then recite your spell three times.  Project the energy into the seal and continue to meditate.

Recite his demonic enn:  “Tasa Sabnock on ca lirach” and when he appears, declare your intentions to him. You can also discuss what you would offer to him in return.

When you are done, dismiss the spirit then keep the seal of Sabnock close to your bed.

Note that this is just a snippet of the ritual proceedings so to get a detailed information on summoning a demon, click here.

Going further…..

Sometimes, a witch might unknowingly allow people/relationships that drain her energy both physically and spiritually. This demon exposes such individuals to her and guides her on how to break off such relationships.

He also fights against invaders that might want to gain entry into the witch’s astral space. Finally, this demon helps the witch in building her mental strength especially her self-confidence. Do you have any request to present to Sabnock? If yes, then kindly contact us for assistance.



12 thoughts on “Sabnock: The Forty-Third Ars Goetia Spirit

  1. 666.chris.wren says:

    I think we do need more information about Marquis Sabnock (He has been teaching some necromancy) & how to treat the cemetery spirits of the dead; and that we should not always take the advice from another witch as each witch is here on earth to learn and taking advice and being a copycat defeats the whole concept of witchcraft and life in general is to make mistakes that is how we are meant to learn right?.

    He told me to treat any grave/headstone as you would treat someone on the street walking past you, proceed to take the duplicate energy of the person from the energy around the grave; place it in your pocket & just have respect as you don’t touch the head of the person and then leave some material offering as a way of saying I never meant to offend you? You would be offended if I touched your face and then left a cigarette on the ground for you…

    This method has worked for me this businessman has become a wonderful guest in our home. He is from the 1940/s and cemetery dirt/energy can be quite powerful for protection and used in return to sender. I know that someone has done me evil, and I know we shouldn’t curse other witches unless someone wants to waste their hard-earned money, when they can just learn witchcraft and curse an innocent person/witch. I am not even a homosexual and the hatred and cursing towards them should be directed at those who harmed me as a young boy; I do not have sexual relationships with human beings.

    Marquis Sabnock also showed me his sigil is also in the Sitri sigil.

    You can see the sigil of Marquis Sabnock and as such can be called upon to help men be inflamed with lust toward men. Marquis Sabnock can protect you from love spells and other kinds of witchcraft as a curse is a curse and a hex is a hex. If you suspect that someone has cast a lust spell on you, don’t summon the one asked to help with the spell (If you are a witch), it is my pleasure to recommend you invite Marquis Sabnock to move in with you/live with you and you will know it. You will be protected by him, and you should use the energy of the curse towards your life dream!

    I was cursed by a Sweden witch who works with him as I asked what happens if you curse a witch without knowing they also work with him (it was a good question) as witches we should know better shouldn’t we? and I will be using the energy of that to go on a plane over to Sweden next year & just to get out of Australia and explore the kingdom of Sabnock!

    Honour to Marquis Sabnock!

  2. 666.chris.wren says:

    Honour to the Great and Mighty Sabnock Marid, I promised you I would never call for help of any other demon under your authority; I shall give public praise for all you have done for me at all times by being loyal as I am loyal. You will always have me spending time at the altar red candle with jasmine oil on them as an offering and once or so every 2 drops of blood on seal/sigil or in black coffee. You are like the image of God/Lord to me with a lion’s head the 5 wounds of the cross to me.

    Lev: 24:20 breach for breach, evil eye for evil eye, tooth for tooth, he hath that breached thy no witchcraft commandant shall be done to him again as justice for doing an unjust as stated by the Lord your God! I would not be alive without your strong protection and magickal defense that you’ve provided to me.

    Thank you for allowing me to teach those who breached your commandant a lesson from the Lord thy God thee disobeyed as means of condoning witchcraft when it comes to return to sender ritual.

    I love you Lord/Yes Sabnock I do!

  3. 666.chris.wren says:

    Embrace the sexual energy when you have such a so-called attack as it not an attack at all (how would you be able to have children or be sexual with another human/person if feeling sexual energy were never pleasurable to act sexually to do your thing??? The reason why to avoid masturbation is because those intruders will be (1) sent back to where they were sent/cast from (2) I leave that due to Marquis Sabnock!

    They do not feed on the emotions of humans and don’t cause havoc or destruction in a person’s life unless it were returned to sender as witches should know not to curse other witches learn the lesson & cancel out. If a jinni is your attendant demon/defender, they will favour you more than the witches who need to summon them first. Because you are born a witch and those who summon a demon have learned witchcraft (that does not make them a witch; they need to summon first to call themselves a witch then magickal power is passed onto them (rather than just being an initiation by natural occurrence).

    They are all about bettering your life, being more confident, helping one to also find hidden talent/s about themselves as we would say. Humans are cruel because they think that controlling demons is okay, which it is not when most are only being controlled by the demon as they do not tolerate being controlled. This is not the same as the pentacle (they know to obey the 5 elements of nature (Earth, Air, Water, Metal, Spirit) as it is important as you need banish (LPRP). Those who are not friendly (human hating) do not deserve any offering to Marquis Sabnock! Even the thought or intention of that is sufficient.

  4. 666.chris.wren says:

    Embrace that sexual energy as I mentioned; your attacker will have to go back to their original addictions (which are mediated through dopamine & (d-fosb) which is a genetic factor which is the reason we never forget an addiction/or should I say (learned behavior) Jesus cannot cure learned behavior/or anything that is why we have an immune system as the first defense against any entity or a magickal attack. Those who of us who have a shield this is a metal barrier around that first defense known as the bio-field that is formed due to the atoms inside and outside the body the shield protects our bio-field from being scratched/and so that no attachment can happen to any entity.

    This is the reason the influence or attack/intention/feeling can be directed back to the sender, and they should call back the attack which they sent once they do, they will become vibrant again. They will feel the strong force of the curse at their footstep at the front door of where they live however, they will be cursed without knowing they’ve been cursed one of the reasons Marquis Sabnock is the protector of witches and very powerful, they will become less and less vibrant and won’t have a strong thought form to protect them from becoming ill.

    *illness can include them having less pleasure in life (anything that really does involve vengeance) for those defending paedosexuailty.

  5. 666.chris.wren says:

    Christopher Wren
    2 days ago
    He’s the most dangerous demon and the most powerful of all the 72 when it comes to protection of all types. I am unsure if anyone else has this experience if they haven’t maybe it’s because they aren’t as hexed as they once thought. Any hex/curse which is returned too me that was done by the demon himself are returned to the one who returned it and then they need too remove it on me.

    N.B: This can’t be changed as Demon Sabnock the demon the author is indeed married too is for protection and one don’t need too live in fear including the author of the post as he is indeed his protector.

    That’s how it works with the demon I am married too.

    My enemies are afraid of this demon and so they should be.

    Make a pact with Demon Sabnock today you’ll never regret it.

  6. Asmodeus1684 says:

    Just gave my guardian Sabnock another offering of blood on his sigil… It was a bit earlier than expected (we originally agreed on once per month and it was my decision as he has been so so so loyal & protective.” He/she doesn’t require blood all of the time but as an offering to him he appreciates it and I can’t mention how immensely this daemon has been an not only an asset but a major breakthrough in my life as-well… I don’t need to be afraid of past enemies now and or future ones as they know what will happen if they dare harm me with magickal intent/or persistent psychic attack put simply *every evil enemy attack*

    *He didn’t demand me too give him blood as an offering early; but because of how satisfied I am he deserves a reward; and what better recognition can one give beside blood (too show him that recognition of my appreciation).

    Should have saw his bright purple presence above his/her sigil was amazing; and now I am seeing red as typing this and which mean/s he/she was present for the offering.”

    Hail Sabnock.

    I love this demon I kissed his/her sigil earlier…

    ‘We’ also have protection from attacks (even though he makes them ill immediately so they’ll cancel them out or redirect them to another client in cases of witches who provide services etcetera; do not think for a min you’re not protected from them as you are. ‘ but I (Sabnock won’t prevent them doing an attack as they’re not aware of me one will see Sabnock has a mischievous side as-well. She loves making one’s enemies suffer… in cases of a service that person/(s) 😉👌👍❤️💜😈 However never to the patron she is like a saint to those who serve him/her literally…

    I love you Sabnock…

  7. Asmodeus1684 says:

    Once it’s undone the curse/hex is no longer there which removes the legion of Sabnock who are the ones who adhere it to them. There’s no reason for them to do this when the energies of the curse/hex are undone.’.

    He does purification beforehand (this is known as curse/hex reversal onto an attacker then protection from attacks.

    Naturally during the purification stage (one is protected from all incoming attacks. Some may notice an illness if they’re planning too curse/hex an individual he is patron of if they go ahead it’s automatically reversed onto them.

    But the first step one may find when forming a regular relationship with him is if that individual is currently cursed/hexed he will inform that person and it’s always up to them if they want to use that same curse/hex from an attacker onto one of their enemies or to reverse it onto the one who sent it.

    An individual can also ask him too send a curse/hex he has removed from them to be sent to another enemy we call this OPTION 2. . .

    WARNING: Choose option 1 most of the time too reverse it onto the attacker because with OPTION 2 one has the small risk of that enemy having no actual reason for that type of curse/hex.

    Remember Sabnock is all about psychic welfare and strategy similar too Malphas: so they must have at least done something too those who choose option 2 that warrants them being the target for it in-lieu of the original attacker. .

    Now I personally would choose option 2 if the attacker also had Sabnock as a patron (remember I’ve stated Sabnock legion are friendly too us if we accidentally curse/hex someone he is also patron too (it’s like a slap on the wrist choose another recipient for the curse/hex if not one can imagine the energies and ask Sabnock too use it on an important object whether it be a crystal or a stone.

    If you choose option 3 very rare one may need this option it’s simple either throw the item in the sea/or bury it in the earth (over time the energies of mother earth will eliminate the hex/curse.

    Advise for individuals who are not in the left hand path and considerably those Sabnock is not patron too. . .

    If you’re an attacker who has hexed/cursed an individual Sabnock is protecting and they especially have a strong if not outstanding respectful relationship between them been if a curse/hex had been reversed to thou (OPTION 1) can not choose option 3.

    If you’re a option 2 and the individual had decided too ask him to send the curse/hex to thou instead of choosing option 1 you may remove such curse/hex either by seeing a professional I recommend Blackwitchcoven and her team for curse/hex removal and ****** . .

    However if one has not got the funds to do so one may wish to do learn the technical aspects of witchcraft & remove it themselves. .

    Blessed be,


  8. Asmodeus1684 says:

    Sabnock has been informing for some time either him/or Malphas as both are my natural guardians but I work exclusively with Sabnock due to my other guardian/s nature but comes to me on his accord.

    This is a old friend whom was a friend to my foster sister (she has cursed/hexed me more than once.

    She is about too be one unhappy individual indeed: she’s more of your gypsy type of witch and has no affiliation with the demonic unless you call a qujia board communing with the demonic (all thou get on the qujia board is evil/or spirits that will lie/harm very unlikely any of the goetic demons communicate thru it.

    I can’t wait to watch the fireworks fly and see this individual who I thought was an downright compassionate person who would curse/hex an individual for no good reasonable grounds to do so. . She can swim in her own blood as far I am concerned . . It really bugs me when people who are naturally smart & gifted and talented too have people like this who take it away from them because they’re not like that. .

    It makes me super angry and they can reap the curse/hex themselves there’s ONLY 1 OPTION for them; that’s too undo the curse/hex they did on me which removes the attack from my guardian solider Sabnock i.e., it gives the legion of Sabnock no reason too attack them with the hex/curse removed from me to be reversed onto them and that’s the reason they are around them to prevent them from reprisal in other words to send it back.

    **** em. 😉

  9. Asmodeus1684 says:

    Sabnock would really like to me get a pendant of his sigil & I do too; but before I purchase somewhere else my familiar granted from him wanted me to check with this coven first.

    Thank you,

    Christopher Wren.

    Hail Sabnock.

  10. Asmodeus1684 says:

    If you ever decide too make a pact with Sabnock (fellow witches with Savannah as I would recommend if one is not comfortable in doing so themselves🌛. . .

    After ones pact: It’s advisable too not offer blood as an offering at first glance: offer other things & once you’ve got to know one another offer blood too show him you are highly appreciate him protecting thou: I am doing another offering of blood next week but he either prefers one drop of blood on his sigil and a drop blood in black coffee.

    I am offering him a drop of blood in black coffee next week: too show him it will be there when the month comes for that one: so it’ll be the blood on sigil first next month; & then the drop of blood in black coffee the month after – then each month I will offer one of the blood offerings & one with sigil & one with black coffee and rotate between the two.

    You can still offer other things beforehand: he likes that & he will be very serious when it comes to protecting thou as he knows if he doesn’t do it. . . then he won’t have the big payment each month so to speak.

    * He actually informed me of this himself & he just spoke too me loyalty goes a long way in both parties being honest with another.*

  11. Asmodeus1684 says:

    I’ highly recommend this demon to those whom may be currently under an attack/or if one feels they’ve been cursed/hexed:. I’ done the ritual as described in an astral sense I never completed it within the material plane (so naturally dismissing him wasn’t required however I trust this practitioner & although I have not used her services my familiar/s communicate with Savannah/s & if my familiars are fine with hers I am too.

    Sabnock will put around your astral body an energetic fence that’ not only zaps the curse but forces it back onto the astral plane to the alleged target. If both witches for an example: Have Sabnock as a patron & one witch curses another without knowing that person also has Sabnock its not always cancelled out but we need to put the energy in an object that is not important or something that can be repaired. So it can’t harm either witch however one may wish to use that’ energy on an enemy in the future.

    ***With this demon its very important too respect him as he can be dangerous especially if a death spell was cast on you from thou enemy; they receive it 100 times so its now even fatally a catalyst for them.

    He is very powerful and he won’t reverse it on them if Sabnock is not a patron: If Satan/Lucifer are a patron he’ll send Sabnock to the witch & they’ll make a pact.

    Satan introduced me to Sabnock & was sent to me from Satan and I then made a pact.

    Hail Sabnock.

    Blessings to you my sister. 🖤

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