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Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Ghosts, Ancestors and Curses, Oh My!

So how was last week for you?

Magically, spiritually.

Did you have a closer connection with spirit? Were you visited by your ancestors? Ghosts? Did you get wisdom or warnings from your guides? Well I did. Ho-Ly!

We had a New Moon (in Scorpio), Samhain, Halloween, Día de Muertos, I did a journey back through my matriarchal line and we’re moving into Mercury retrograde so you may have found it easier to talk to Spirit/s that people hahaha… So yeah! Wow! It was on like donkey-kong darlings!

My intention this cycle was to open myself more fully to my ancestral guides. Great great grandparents, aunts/uncles up to 7 generations back. I wanted to explore what curses have been passed down to me for generations, carried through the life force of their blood, now my blood, so I can work on healing those wounds for myself and future generations of my line – this differs from past life work slightly though some of the removal spells/work are very similar. With the veil between the living and the dead the thinnest at this time of year, it was the perfect time to dig in and get my hands dirty.

Working this negative and sometimes toxic energy out has been illuminating and liberating. I have a much deeper understanding of what some of my line have been through and am able to reconcile and heal those lineage issues. I feel lighter, swifter, clearer. Like unclogging a drain yeah? The pipe’s still the same size but it all moves faster, unhindered by shit that wasn’t mine in the first place.

How did you celebrate all that energy last week? If you conducted seances or were in contact with spirits/guides/ancestors let me know in the comments below. I’m especially interested in whether you had a specific intention to, or in, contacting the other side.

Goddess bless,




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