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Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Jupiter Money Magic


Jupiter + Money Rite = $$$

I can’t believe I haven’t actually blogged this yet. Anyone who’s written in to Black Witch Coven regarding money spells has got some version of this story. So here is my testimony…

Earlier in the year I got hit with a HUGE pile of unexpected medical bills. To make it worse, they were mine so there was nowhere to run and hide. I don’t normally get down about money, but I was tired from my operations, feeling sorry for myself and just didn’t have any zest for sorting out.

Anyways, so I get a somewhat urgent message from Black Witch S one day and the conversation went something like this..

BWS: You must do this money spell on Thursday night

ME: It is Thursday night (I’m 15 hours ahead)

BWS: So, you have to do it now then

ME: But I don’t know this one, I haven’t prepared

BWS: You don’t need to, just do it

ME: I don’t even know what I need

BWS: You’re a witch, you’ll find it in the kitchen, the garden or your magicks cabinet

ME: But…

BWS: No excuses! Just do it, or I’ll make you fall in love with a republican (she was joking of course, I think, she knows that would be my worst nightmare)

ME: <GASP> OK! Sheesh! Slavedriver!

BWS: Yes I am, and you love me for it (I do actually, I know I can be a bit lot languid when left to my own devices)

So, I scrambled around, well by scrambled I mean I opened up my cabinet, found what I needed, set up my altar, cast my eye over the rite and thought OK, lets do this!

money spell


I had a great connection to source that night and could tell my petition was well received. But you just never know how or when it will manifest, so I realized I had to be ready to ‘improvise adapt overcome’. Whatever was coming my way, I had to be ready to receive it.

Within 2 weeks I had a bunch of new clients and had arranged to pay off my medical bills over the course of a few months interest/penalty free! I was ahead of the game and banking the difference. And now, 5 months down the track, I’m upgrading my car.

As I’ve told many of you when you’ve written in asking for money/wealth spells, there was no massive lottery win or anything like that, but I’m solvent again and have enough for everything I need and much of what I want. WINNING!!

So thank you Jupiter, thank you BWS, thank you Goddesses who watch over me and deliver me what I am ready to recognise and receive.

Blonde Gypsy out xx



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