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Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Pantry Essentials – Magickal Properties of Carrier Oils

Carrier or base oils have magickal properties too. They’re the foundation of the oil blends you make for anointing and to use in spells, rites and rituals. They soften some of the harsher oils that may irritate the skin and can subtly add an extra layer of power. Please don’t fret about having all of them, one or two would suffice as long as one of those is Olive Oil. Remember, as always, to consecrate your ingredient/s on your altar to awaken their sacredness before using.

These are the oils that I use most often and they’re found in supermarkets, health food stores or ordered online very easily:


Almond Oil (sweet) – Prunus Dulcis

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Ideal carrier for: Wisdom and Prosperity blends


Apricot Kernel OilPrunus Armeniaca

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Ideal carrier for: Love, Emotions and Hormonal Balance blends


Avocado OilPersea Americana

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Ideal carrier for: Love, Aphrodisiac and Fertility blends


Coconut Oil (liquid/fractionated) – Cocos Nucifera

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Ideal carrier for: Transformation, Purification and Protection blends


Grapeseed OilVinis Vinifera

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Ideal carrier for: Abundance, Fertility, Mental Powers blends


Jojoba Oil (Liquid Wax) – Simmondsia Chinensis

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Ideal carrier for: Healing and Love blends


Olive Oil (extra virgin cold pressed) – Olea Europaea

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Ideal carrier for: All-purpose blend. If you only have 1 carrier oil in your collection, make it this one.


Rose Hip OilRosa mosqueta

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Ideal carrier for: Love, Soulmate Summoning, Healing and Beauty blends


9 thoughts on “Diary of a Gypsy Witch – Pantry Essentials – Magickal Properties of Carrier Oils

  1. magicmillenial says:

    Hey, great article! It’s detailed enough to give great information without being overly wordy. I was wondering, what’s your favorite oil to use in general?

    • BlondeGypsy says:

      Thank you!
      If you mean essential oils, that’s a tough question as I don’t use 1 oil in general.
      But these are the oils I order the most of; Sandalwood, Patchouli, Jasmine, Vetiver, Mugwort and Bergamot.
      If you mean carrier oils, I always have EVOO, Coconut Oil and Grapeseed Oil in my pantry. I use others too but those are the ones I never let myself run out of.
      It would really depend on what kind of spells/rituals/rites you’re doing, what the intentions are.
      Does that answer your question?

  2. Yisrael says:

    Hi blonde gypsy I love the article on essential oil pantry have you thought of maki g a video on how prepare the essential oil blend be nice to have the videos for those member and student of course .
    I love the witchcraft way.

    Thank you

  3. Louiecorr60M says:

    blondegypsy blessed be I have Read your article and aggre with you I’m Louie Corrigan in another and nothing to do with what a read you are a beautiful sexy lovely lady

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