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Divination with Furfur: Will my relationship struggle?

In my personal deck of cards, I have given Furfur the 2 of Cups because of its ties to the theme of love. This is one of the demon’s major offices as he is known to create love between a man and a woman. However, I will stay true to the Occult Tarot deck I will give him the 10 of Cups. As always, the objective for this thread is to choose one card per day to provide inspiration and daily guidance. I also hope that one of the demons we adore at the coven will also reach out to me as a result of this work.

The suit of cups has to do with the element of water – this is a feminine element. The suit of cups is associated with emotional things. Individuals who are influenced by the element of water struggle to restrain or control their emotions in the course of day to day activities. They usually abandon logic in favor of their primal instincts usually leading to them having unfavorable outcomes. In the 10 of Cups there is need for them to curb their emotions if desirable outcomes are to be realized.

Cup Archetypes are some very emotional people. They usually struggle with extreme emotions such as anger, hope, love, hatred, desperation, et cetera. These people think with their hearts instead of their heads – by reacting emotionally they usually make poor decisions and choices thereby leading them to suffer a lot. Their gut instincts are obviously less dependable in logical reasoning when compared to facts. Therefore, their flawed thinking patterns mean that their irrational choices cause them to be taken advantage of or even harmed in the long run.

The 10 of Cups is a tarot card that belongs to the Minor Arcana. I call this card the “Marriage Card” because of the implication that it has for intimacy. When this card appears upright in a reading, it is usually interpreted as blissful relationships, divine love, harmony, or alignment. If it is reversed however it means strained relationships, disconnection, or misaligned values. It is obvious that the majority of its interpretations have to do with emotional issues or how a person relates with other people.

The 10 of Cups shows a loving couple who stand arm in arm with their children playing in close proximity. The exuberance displayed by all of the people in the card implies that there is true love between the couple and the larger family. They are looking towards the direction of their home in the far off distance – the home symbolizes the stability that has been realized in the relationship. In the sky, there is a rainbow that is filled with 10 cups. The setting of the card is a lush grassland that perhaps signifies fertility and abundance.

The DemonFurfur

“…Furfur (other spelling: Furtur, Ferthur) is a powerful Great Earl of Hell, being the ruler of twenty-six legions of demons. He is a liar unless compelled to enter a magic triangle where he gives true answers to every question, speaking with a rough voice. Furfur causes love between a man and a woman, creates storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts, and teaches on secret and divine things. He is depicted as a hart or winged hart, and also as an angel. To some authors he changes from hart into angel when compelled to enter the magic triangle.”

Source: Wikipedia

Furfur is a fallen angel and one of the 72 that were summoned and ensnared by King Solomon in the days of antiquity. He is listed as the 34th of the 72 spirits in the Ars Goetia. Furfur is a Great Earl of Hell with control over 26 legions of lesser demons that do his bidding. When the demon is called forth, he must be bound to a magic triangle or else everything that he speaks will be false – this is perhaps indicative of the demon having a malevolent outlook towards human mortals and the fact that inexperienced conjurors should steer clear of him.

Furfur has a monstrous appearance when he first manifests to the conjuror. He is often portrayed either as a hart or a winged hart – there is no way of knowing whether he is capable of taking flight without his wings. Some accounts report that he has a fiery tale when he first appears. When he is bound to the magic triangle however, Furfur assumes the shape of a beautiful angel whose voice is described as hoarse. It is in this comely form that he is able to tell the truth and not deceive the conjuror.

Not much is known regarding this demon prior to King Solomon summoning him and trapping him in the brass vessel. There are scant mentions of him in the credible grimoires that he is mentioned within. His origins are thus untraceable. It is only through appearing in the Ars Goetia that we are able to infer him as having Abrahamic origins. His placement as a demon owned by King Solomon (a patriarch of the Jewish heritage suffices his placement here) means that he has Jewish or Hebrew ties.

Note – this is a deceitful demon that must be handled with care. You must bind him to a magic triangle if he is to be of any use to you.

The Message

Should I anticipate a new beginning? Will my relationship struggle?

I believe that you can leverage Furfur’s abilities to great effect. For instance, his office of forging relationships between a man and a woman can help people struggling with love. Alternatively, his ability of telling divine secrets places the conjuror in a privileged position because the demon obviously espouses superlative knowledge. It is unclear how his ability to influence the weather can be used except for malevolent purposes – he can be called forth in times of war to make things difficult for the enemy for instance.

If my reading was upright, I begin to look forward to bountiful relationships or starting over anew with someone else. Here, I would look forward to and be receptive of other people making contact with me. I may also look forward to a revelation of some hidden knowledge that can benefit my areas of interest. If it was reversed however, I will take care to treat my loved ones properly to ward off undesirable outcomes. I may also closely examine my relationships with other people for the same purpose.



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